We need to do something about bg queue times in TBC

Now that I think about this a bit more it’s really saddening to see that there is actually not even 1k allies playing BGs at this very moment… There were (hour ago) 3 AVs up (120 people), 6 EOTS games (90 people), 1 AB (15 people), 4 WSG games (40 people). We are talking about less than 300 alliance PvPing while there is probably thousands of horde. :frowning:

I am curious what the queue times were like in classic (since I stopped in phase 1) since alliance have better racials/classes afaik than horde in classic, were the queue times reversed?

I mean, it takes a long time to level so I do not believe for a second that “racials” are the reason people would have gone horde :stuck_out_tongue: Anyway, hopefully they do something but time will tell.

Another solution would be - remove crossrealm bgs. I reckon my queue times would decrease if that was done :stuck_out_tongue: well assuming XR exists in BGs/arena which I thought they said it did

In vanilla its still very debatable which faction is better in what, in tbc its very clear

Meeting a full premade in EOTS after 45+ min in queue, just to have them deliberately drag out the match, by not capping more than 1 base, to maximise their honor gain is bad game design, and does not give them any incentive to actually play the BG. All we can do is either leave as a deserter, or stay as hostages for 40 min until they are done capping flags with one base. Ive been queueing EOTS as a horde today for 4 hours and have earned about 200 honor, and most of that is from doing WPVP while queuing, which as a healer means i have to kill low levels. How is this a good situation for anyone?

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Is that actually true? The main part of PvP is BGs in vanilla and in that BG tournament they did, almost every team was alliance weren’t they?

Well because the 2 main NA and EU pvp guilds rolled ally (they claim because they knew ques are coming) APES and vampire clan

Hm I see, I assumed it was because paladins > shamans and dwarf priests are bis but that could also be a reason since they’re all pserver players.

Well either way, I hope they do something even if it means faction changing I couldn’t care. I only intend to do arena anyway so just need some BG gear for starting.

Sounds exactly like AV on classic wow horde used their turtling advantage and tried to deny that it even existed when you post about it all they said was to go to the hill of “shame” Sucks to have premades fight random but both factions are guilty of it I saw loads in classic on both sides

“But what about…”

I honestly dont care, and i dont even wanna comment on how “I”, according to you, as a TBC horde apparently ignored some obvius AV issues from Classic.

There is a problem now, and you having issues 1-2 years ago does not have anything to do about it.


imagine being a human warlock instead of UD just on looks alone.
Racials dont draw people as much as people think, that is a top 0.1% of the playerbase thing but lets keep thinking that.
New players (which i bet tbc drawn) wont know anything about racials and get punished for it.

10/10 logic, your day to day job must be in a rocket science laboratory

His post is crying about the same thing Allience faced for two years and just now it’s a problem the hypocrisy is real there has been a problem for a long time not just now don’t you remember P2 the faction imbalance hasn’t just happened now.

You have nice logic easy to say when you have them racials and you know what goes on in every player who creates a characters head? heck even guides tell you what the best race for each class in PvP and PvE so players do make informed decisions.

I don’t see many horde asking for racials to be removed or striving for a equal playing field in terms of server balance


People have asked for racials to be removed or turned into a talent in retail for years? They literally wont do it - and horde do not always have the best racials, its entirely class/comp specific. You can take Rogue as an example - where the best racial for most of BFA was Night Elf because NE assa rogue > any other rogue by a country mile. Even when sub is popular, it is generally human when you can get away with damage trinkets vs orc when you cant. All of that is from a PvP perspective of course; if anyone is choosing racials for PvE I assume they’re some try hard guild as I imagine TBC PvE is trivial nowadays.

Either way, why ask for something that we know they wont give? But I think almost everyone hates racials. People at the top will constantly change but most just put up with it.
My racial btw has been almost useless for years; it was okay when double lock was a thing but otherwise, Orc has been better than UD for ages. Even BE was better til it was nerfed.

I guess when human changes, everyone will swap to alliance then since that is easily bis for a while too.

Yes because you have 0 argument and you speak about someting you don’t know.

Huh? I read your post clearly. Again, you’re absurdly out of touch or trolling.

Anybody suggesting that removing racials would fix faction balance in PvP is absolutely delusional. Why would people reroll after years of effort put into their characters, communities, guilds ect just because they no longer have 5% more chance of resisting a Cheap Shot? Give me a break.

Being against solutions such as Merc mode is simply selfish and will damage the game when PvP simply dies, if it isn’t already dead.

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For one it’s 15% not 5% in tbc you don’t even know your own racial.

Racials are a big reason that’s why horde are asking for Merc mode fix and not horde to Allience transfers you know the racials are stronger any horde asking for Merc mode does not actually care about faction balance they just want ez mode faction and all the benefits and wants Allience to have all the drawbacks

I don’t know my own racial because I don’t care about it! The reason we want merc mode is because we play with our friends and don’t want to leave them all… I rolled horde because it was the ONLY way to play Shaman.

It really depends from battle group to battle group. I played on three battle group, however cannot remember what is the name of first one as I played there only in first season (until the very end of it).

  • First battle group is one where Kor’gal server was and queues were close to even. I migrated away from that server as competition was not as fierce as I’d like, so did many other top players (horde to Stormscale - no 1 server for horde in EU PvP wise, alliance to Ravencrest - back then hub of ally players on Cyclone battle group).
  • Second battle group was pretty much number one battle group in EU, Cyclone. Horde had longer queues while allies had pretty much instant ones. However, queues for Horde were never above 15 minute mark, more like 10 minutes tops. At least in s2-s4.
  • Third battle group was Bloodlust if I remember correctly. Queues were more balanced here than on Cyclone however still horde had longer queues than alliance.

I can bet if there was no lvl58 boost that we would have much, much lower queues on horde side now. Way too many alliance players “took advantage” of lvl58 boost in order to reroll horde thinking they’ll have super easy time in BGs/Arena.

I already provided arguments, you are just not willing to see them. It’s literally matter of flipping a switch. Fact that you do not want to realize that we are not playing on TBC client is your problem, not mine.