We need to do something about bg queue times in TBC

You didn’t read any posts and you continue to troll with stupidity. You are really pathetic. You will repeat the same absurdity until you find a job ? Now I understand your best activity during queue : Trolling in the forum. Yes bro continue to post everywhere that blizzard will propose free SERVICE. Maybe the game will become free to play also ? Maybe you are not a monkey ?
Next post from you : “FREE FACTION MODIFICATION POSSIBLE because everything is possible.”
You are not mentaly able to propose anything else, only something which is not commercialy proposed in tbc and which is for payment in retail. It s not all good because you are just a pollution in this discussion.

I played during WOTLK too and in PvP there where far more Allience in PvP and Arena and in pve there where more horde it’s all down to racials in the end all the top teams had everyman for himself all hardcore pvpers switched to Allience

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Well let’s just believe to dwarf priest, who choosed dwarf only because of OP race combination.

Looks like many of us choose horde because they have better lore, more authentistic, much prettier races, and many more others reasons. But the fact is, people like tartangel are real, the people who are true followers of min-max ideology.

So, to fix situation, we need to explain masses that we play TBC now, where horde not anymore OP faction. Also, they need to know, that before wotlk they MUST to roll into alliance.

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Says the orc did someone manage to actually stun you, you mad now?

People choose horde for PvP because the racials are better you don’t need to say anything WOTLK will be filled with human Allience pvpers I know it’s coming so does everyone else.

People min-max how can you not see it with 2 years of classic and world buffs and warrior meta? How many warriors do you see now compared to classic ? Funny that eh I guess they don’t like the class after all give me a break.

Horde are the op faction in tbc the racials perform better in PvP and in PvE at least classic wow had paladins only on Allience which made it attractive for PvE now that’s gone.

Orc,undead are the two strongest racials PvP in game just look at the avatars of the people complaining asking for Merc mode they are all orc and undead even yourself.

Soon it will be more effective to just farm ally in hellfire than wait fo BG. Wich make more ally to quit prolly.
Just ask Blizz to make Alliance in to npc to run BG instead!

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Rerolling Alliance will reduce the imbalance.

You forgot gnome dwarf and human mate. At some degree NE.
Oh wait, no one want to play gnome because of how it looks.

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got to think about the bright side tho. I’m currently working during the day so if i sign up in the morning before work, the pop will be ready just in time when ive finished for the day

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I wonder why they don’t simply play Alliance then, considering it exactly fit what you say they would prefer.

If BGs is your only reason to play then reroll or quit. Mercenary mode is one of worst additions to wow and should never be implemented in TBC.

Plenty gnome warriors in PvP even though it’s alot weaker than orc it’s the min/max for Allience warrior in PvP if you were to ask if they wanted to trade for orc racials your 100% right they would swap in a heartbeat

But yeah your completely correct the BG queues in Allience are huge we have too much gnomes,dwarfs, and humans all those overpowered racials we have jeeze…


You don’t realize that we are playing on latest retail client infrastructure btw, do you?

I realize your message is garbage.
FACTION MODIFICATION developed for retail is not applicable for TBC classic, you know that ? Please tell me if you have the capacity to understand that !?
Additional work is necessary to have the same service for TBC.

I don’t care about the “infrastrucutre”.
We are talking about a service which is NOT created for TBC.

Dont bother, that guy is just cursing and bringing nothing else. Obvious troll

Yes and you are not trolling in every post of the discussion about queue time …
You are flagged not me.
You are the mad one not me.
Breaking news : A new topic is created on the queue issue. Go post your same stupid message “It’s your fault you have choose better racial”.

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How am i trolling sir? Tell me please.
Also ofc i am saying its player created problem, because it is. Vast majority of horde most likely didnt roll horde for racials but there were enough fotm players that rolled horde that we have que now, fotm players are to blame. Also i am trying my best to propose some solution which wouldnt hurt ally population that is already really bad

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So, you believe, if there will be no racials we would have 50/50 balance? Oh boy

Things you post stupid or just trolling, esp post above. Choose one.

It most likely wouldnt be perfect 50/50 but i am sure you wouldnt have 1hr ques

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Ok, I won’t even bother to try and explain you on how many levels you are wrong. :smiley: