We need to do something about bg queue times in TBC

Exactly how can you start an argument about PvP server imbalance when you use pve server statistics that’s right you don’t use them because it shows 60/40 when PvP servers concerned with more horde pve raid logs it’s a bad day when more horde queue PvP and do more pve but your right I guess the servers are balanced (sarcasm)

Yes alliance was fotm in classic vanilla for pve not for PvP due to salvation buff more people rolled horde for PvP because you guessed it racials don’t get me wrong paladins are good in PvP too for organised play but nothing compared to 45% stun resist for orc warrior and undead racial now we don’t have the paladin there is no reason to roll Alliance at all.

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Like rly??? There are more horde players then NPCs in world… they start crying about queue and blizz are gonna hear them out? This must be some kind of joke… ok then as alliance i wanna teleport to dungeons becouse horde everywhere… and auto disconnecting aura when horde get neer to me hmm 20yds should be enough if i dont get it im gonna qvy on fórum every day with new topic… make love not hordecraft…

What a BS. Not to mention that Ali could get 1 item per day then? Overgear? Hello?

What u mean BS? No1 stops you from forming premade or from playing good and give instructions to others how to win bg. In between you can just go and farm alliance in Area 52 or any other spot. During those 2 days I lost only 3 bgs. Theres always a way to get honor or items with resi by not even playing bgs. Maybe go and actually start playing instead of crying on forum? Hello?

Honor gain by doing not only bgs is better anyway. Alliance lose most of bgs so their honor gain isnt that big one way or another. You want more gear? Go and farm it.

We are not playing the same game clearly. Overgeared Ali losing most of the BGs? :smile: Srsly? Farming Area 52 fixes something?

How about terrible Mark count? Hello?

Keeping this thread alive = prio 1.
Blizz is basically ignoring us.

Blizz is listening, but will get flamed if they do prrety much any choice presented

True, but I think it’ll go like this:

Blizz says theres no changes = alot of people quit = bad for business
Blizz says theres changes = alliance doesnt quit, why would you? And more people stay.

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This was also an issue on retail and Blizzard somewhat fixed it by adding a mercenary mode. Its allowing you to queue as alliance if you are horde and vice versa.

I think this would work in Classic too.

Just a little bump

Sorry devs play alliance. Time to give up :popcorn:

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Yeah i know ^^ recently unsubbed, feelsbadman

This already exists it calls dungeon bulletin board im pretty sure u are 1 of those that sits there waiting that a party falls into ur lap…

And they will keep doing that until 9.1 releases and the situation relaxes itself a bit as all the carebears leave (who are mostly fotm chasing hordies, natch)

Then, sometime later, they’ll likely add a paid faction change, so people who stuck around and are really bothered by their hour long queues (they’ll slowly creep back up after dropping off, I predict) can pay blizzard to fix the problem.

I’m calling this now :wink:

Merc mode or horde v horde would basically mean you’d be stupid not to play horde. Horde would have open world dominance, the numbers to find groups easily, a functioning economy in the auction house, more guilds, better racials (at least perceived) and short queues.

No reason to go alliance then unless you want to torture yourself.

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Are your serious? People just want to play the mode they like and can’t. Yet you call it selfishness. Jesus!

Merc mode would kill alliance

There is only 1 good solution for this issue, and that’s one way horde->alliance faction transfers

Whoever wants fast queue times should be able to switch to ally and that’s it

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That’s not a solution at all, lol.

Neither is mercenary mode. It would effectively remove any reason to play alliance.

If you want to see what it means to have only 1 faction, play retail. Alliance is played by role players and pepegas. I had to faction transfer due to how bad it is.

Blizzard needs to find a solution to preserve alliance in Classic, not to kill it. Hence why only faction transfers from horde to alliance can fix this meaningfully.

Transfers to alliance. Grinds out pvp gear in. Transfers back to superior racial side.

Still curious if EMFH is even the best wotlk racial. With half the population being rogues - I wonder if people wouldn’t equip a trinket that gives 15% stun resistance (or was it changed to duration reduction already by then?)

Obvously you would have to make it one way transfer. If they allowed alliance -> horde transfers, no one would have left on ally.