We need to do something about bg queue times in TBC

Don’t think they would ever do that though, so inherently biased. Also it’d still piss people off. Why should Johnny Horde have it so much easier getting to level 70, getting all his PvE gear etc - and then just be able to pay a little money to get on demand access to the one benefit Alliance has?

I don’t know, seems to me that’s the only realistic solution that can keep alliance relevant

Obviously the transfer would be locked to horde -> alliance only.


You are wrong tho, there is quite a bit of horde that rolled for racials and so called “pvp superiority” (complete bullcrpa), they are alliance lvl58 boost rerollers and retail players.

Would absolutely be fine / cool with that.

Hi friend,

I was sarcastic.

as many as it takes

Good to know then. :slight_smile:

I just dont get why we have the 2.4.3 Honorchanges in place which make no sense at all.

Indeed, it makes no sense whatsoever but so many die hard fans will defend even this. What’s even worse is that many parts of the game are half-baked and are from different patch versions (look at engineering vs leatherworking for example).

Progressive patches is exactly what we needed but apparently that is too much work, hence we got to experience “TBC as we see it fit” version.

Can u even change Faction?

As of right now, no you can’t.

Progressive patches is exactly what we needed but apparently that is too much work, hence we got to experience “TBC as we see it fit” version.

Agree, classic had the same issues with overpowered buffed catchup items. Now we’re in TBC and the classes alone are in their most overpowered states. But welp, didn’t expect more after all the fiasco that happened during classic & their slow reaction to addressing issues.

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Hi im just typign down at the buttom

Ok, so, alliance had it unfair, SoB V SoV, ally get SoB, racials are the same as they were in tbc, but allowing some changes to benifit alliance was deemed acceptable,
Personally i have played horde all of classic from MC > Naxx, and you saw then that the top guilds were predomantly alliance why? Paladins, ok thats fine it was as intended.
I innitally wanted to play alliance but the IRL friends mainly wanted to be horde as we were in real classic so we went horde.
Pvp is one thing i really enjoy got R13 in classic but now, 1h que for today 8/8 premades, why? Horde is not viable to premade with 1h + que alliance is, you have a distict disadvantage, i dont think you should remove premades or lower number accepted into premades it was part of the game, but when 1 side is basically not able (in order to do 10 WSG pre would take about 12 hours as horde) as alliance it will take about 1h 1h20 min with correct comp (6 min ish win games) to do the 10 games the answer i do not think is merc mode or faction transfer, the “imbalance” number of horde v alliance is not due to the fault of the player but due to the design of the game if as so many people say it is horde racials (even though perception in arena, or a dwarf priest racials desperate prayer chastise and stone form v undead wotf) but for pve orc racial is the most op by a long shot for dmg. Anyway, the intention of the game was clearly not to have 1 side “over powered” so by saying “its your fault you are horde” is not a valid argument, because it was the case in classic 60 because of pala yet not a valid argument then.
Simple solution to the BG que time is just X faction BG, First 10/15/40 players of the same faction v next 10/15/40 players of the same faction, with a RNG on who stars on what side for the red v blue tag.
Because clearly wow was not made with the intention of having 1 faction over populated, and when wotlk classic comes out i will say the exact same as i do now, when every man for himself, (the best racial ever given to any class for pvp comes out) if all pvpers are alliance then and ally have a 1h20 min que and horde is instant and can premade, the same solution i would say would be fair then.
The main advantage of this system is alliance say they always loose pug v pug against horde, well if alliance are fighting alliance, and horde fighting horde, then you remove the racial bias from 1 side, you remove the que time, you remove the fact 1 side can make pre the other cant. “Killing a faction” by removing que time is highly unlikely, we play the faction we play (for the most part for our friend to be with our friends) ofc a few are minmax to get optimul but that is life and will happen in wotlk when humans get the best pvp racial.

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maybe blizz needs to introduce crossrealm bg ??

Yes I believe it would work too.

But for some reason, Alliance is scared people will suddenly start rolling Horde and begin new progress because of it. I don’t believe it would happen, not in a noticeable way, but…

For the ones who say deal with the queue times, i would rather play alliance than horde atm.
If you are alliance and instant join games u have nothing to worry about.
I bed if you are horde and need to wait 1 hour just for 1 game, u will quit pvp or the entire game.

nice same faction battle ground blue post


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