We should all leave warriors in the dumbster

Everytime this class is good its good for an absurd reason.
Theres no reason for this spec to have Sharpen along with the crazy toolkit it has, along with disarm , undispellable mass fear, the 70% slow to an already 6 seconds of immunity (Bladestorm) is just another spit in the face too.
Good that you boys got 100% parry, fair enough
but frick off with that bladestorm immunity while having the most insane mobility the game has ever seen.
Actually disgusted by this class.
Should be called NO ARMS warrior, because you literally just need a jagged face to roll around your keyboard.
Free gladiator class.
Its funny how it can equip a legendary too giving it yet another charge along with the bonus dmg that comes with simply wielding it.

Love to see posts like this, after all these years the losers still show up to grovel infront of the kings.


Call yourself however you want. I wont argue with a biased Andy who just likes to be privileged of easy rewards.

A bit salty for my taste, but hey.

For tears from a DH? It ain’t halfbad.


some facts are just facts

feral main. i dont even play a dh.

U are just a kitty. How do expect to beat a fully armored meatgrinder??


via meow meow ?

It should work shouldn’t it? You make me wanna pet you and not kill u . So yeah , maybe this the way to beat me. By not making me attacking you.

I really, I really hope, that Ray is a special kind of kitty. Cause if you struggle with arms warrior as feral. Oh’boi.

I will judge that. I will judge that as extremely bad play from the feral side.

There is no way a decent feral would complain about warrior of all things.

Feral is our hardcounter
If they aint unexperienced and still learning, of course

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Wait wait wait.
How does feral actually counter warrior aside from landing a single root every now and then ?

If you play vs a semi-decent feral, you wont be able to catch him save him DCing. If that feral don’t want you to play, you will not get to play. That simple.

Of course, once in a while you meet a feral that decide to just try to brawl you down. Then you just wear them as a trophy coat. But, when that happens, it was a pre-determined win for your side.


Judging from your ranting original post, i’m guessing that “Meow meow” didn’t work out so well for you.

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Ah okay, lets reverse this lets say for the sake of example the warrior is not a multi rival (as someone here):
He uses bladestorm properly and reflects clones, has 2 gap closers.
How exactly is the feral gonna “stop him from playing”, a good warrior would never allow himself to get simply cloned, rooted or kyted away.
For i find it absurd to be kyted on a class that has 2 immunities, reflect, and 2 charges along with a ranged stun and a follow up cone-stun.

The greatest pleasure in competitive games is not beating high rating opponents, its when u break their ego.

thats what im trying to say i dont even care about any of that i just wonna have game design that is at least smooth. Give me a proper modern toolkit.
My spec is stuck in classic era.

Can you in details describe how you can keep a warr not glued to you as feral? Like details not fluffy words please.

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Im also waiting to know.

I am no feral main, but these are some of the things you can do. I will handle this as if you are serious, and actually curious.
(The usage of “fluffly words” have me doubting, but hey! Langauge barriers, am I right?)

So, hope it helps you on your journey! :dracthyr_heart:

If the warrior connects, and you are not engaging (doing your go), you can stun the warrior and then deadzone him (Might-bash or Maim). A bit easier said than done and requires experience, but it is extremely potent. Warrior will have two options, well, three.
[Just in case: Deadzone is the 5-8 yard range area, where a warrior can not melee hit you, and can not charge you. It is too far and too close respectively.]

  1. Wait for you to “allow” him get out of the deadzone
  2. stormbolt will allow him to get back at you
  3. leap into charge, or leap ontop of you (countered by maim/mighty, that you got prepared)

You are unlikely to be able to drop combat, as warrior can always taunt you while chasing. But if they forget, wait for the bleed to drop and re-stealth. More likely it will be a hectic phase of radical movement, as the warrior tries to get his charge off by trying to suddenly run away after running towards you for a bit. This is the minigame you are playing.

If you are close to LoS terrain that is ace, once you are at a pillar - you are home free. Run around it till you can stealth. Only leap-charge will be able to catch you. Counter as needed. Try to avoid going up ramps or down, as doing so will allow the warrior to reconnect easier.

Now, the warrior can be chasing you down, waiting for the moment when he gets out of the zone (it will happen). But that is time you tick the warrior away, and warrior does nothing back. Restealth, re-engange if the warrior allows you by not taunting. Or, you can use this time to reset stun DR to get away cleanly if needed.

More likely the warrior will peel off from this chase, if arena and not a duel, and go for another target. To try force you back in, before you are reset and ready to go. Re-engage if ready, if not wait it out a bit - sneak in, rakestun into cyclone or root, will annoy the heck out of the warrior. Thorns on the healer and that jazz, really can turn the tides here making it painful.

I highly recommend you to do a ton of duels Vs warriors, both Arms and Fury (Fury is a lot harder to deadzone initially, but a lot easier to CC overall). Once you feel comfortable that you mastered controlling reach, their movement and tricks - you will feel quite comfortable around them.

To the question of how to counter spell reflect:

You can always deny a spell reflect, as it will be cast within 0.5-0.2 sec of your cyclone going off, just moonfire it off and go again. If you need to lock the warrior down, I recommend stunning into a cylcone, as it got a higher chance to force trinky action or a bladestorm to keep up pressure.

Having a WA that makes it super obvious that he got SR on, is a must. Just be ready to cancel at that 0.2sec mark, at 0.1sec (guessing you dont have MS issues) will be alright and go past even if the warr press at 0.1sec, as natural server latency will let it through (you get those moments where warrior is cloned with SR running - very haha, much fun).

The warrior Vs feral question is very much this:
If both are pretty new-ish, the warrior got an advantage as it is the better brawler.
If both are mediocre, the feral starts to get a slight advantage, brawls is less the deciding factor.
If both are highly skilled, the feral got the advantage and the warrior need the feral to do some mistakes to capitalize and win.

If the warrior player is more competent and the feral less experienced in handling the warrior kit, the warrior is likely to be a sore thumb.

If the feral player is more skilled than the warrior, the warrior will likely want to delete their character. Reroll DH and faceroll some wins.

So don’t give up. I get that it will be hard and require a ton of learning and polish of gameplay. Yet, once you get a feel of things and learn further new tricks, you will do it almost automatic. You will be like my feral friend, who will dance circles around myself (and most) as feral. But yes, even he is annoyed of the finishing power of warrior - but that is life and not what is discussed. Though, as I mentioned it, it is just a required part of the gameplay to allow warrior to have a win condition. Without it, well, it wouldn’t be much of a game to begin with.

My personal experience is more or less this: 90% of ferals I meet, don’t even try to counter my weaknesses. They throw the occational cyclone, maybe a root, if pushed a stun. But they don’t do more. They basically play as wanna-be DHs or Warriors, trying to brawl their way to victory. Something that usually ends not very well for them.

The last 10% plays around their own utility and my weaknesses. I go hard, they soften it, cushion my go. They reset, and they go hard - win or lose, based on the CDs traded. But depending on their healer, this can also be forced resets. It is a ton of fun, but also extremely frustrating as a warrior to not be able to finish a fight. Then lose to their next go.

But that is going very far off what you asked.

My goal was simple, to motivate you to learn and delve deeper into your class and spec functionality. To spark the want to learn how warrior works and how to counter it. To know that there is a very high skill ceiling for your chosen spec.

Feral doesn’t zugzug, that is warrior. Feral pawpaw, sure - but more than that, it prowls and hunts.

Sounds pretty cool, eh?


Dude im literally multi duelist and last 2 seasons i exceeded 300 above my usual rating. Im Elite right now.
I play feral for since forever i know every little trick from Charge not putting you in combat therefore you can let warrior charge you and stealth into Rake stun.
To bunny-hop his second charge with Dash, i also manage to meld a decent amount of Stormbolts too.
But thats idealistic thinking, the reality doesnt always turn out like that.
Also its enough for warrior to use the 100% parry ability and all of your counter-actions against his charge are immuned.
Root is dispellable and easily removable too.
But in short , theres nothing you can do against Bladestorm and even if you fake cast the first interrupt , second you have to bait the Reflect and even if you do so, he can still stun you, and afterwards 100% parry into another bladestorm and this is already an insane uptime on you as a feral who has really bad defensives, nerfed bear form and generally in comparison plate classes got the same armor (slightly less like 5% ) as you in Bear.
Sharpen also counters all sorts of healing, and this is only 1v1 scenario with no dampening with dampening it will be another story.
Along with other team mates giving the warrior Freedom making that little gap you can make nonexistent.
Warrior is 100% uptime on you, almost no matter what.
Rogue stuns at least go through the 100% parry- ferals do not.
Also lets not forget that UNDISPELLABLE, AOE fear that warriors have.

And all i gotta say is this:
-Warrior players like to gasslight people using the old belief (which was accurate for the time being but definetely not anymore) that warrior is a wheelchair class and because feral has mobility in its core mechanics means that warrior is countered by feral (which again- probably was true for the time being, but not anymore).
In truth- warrior has a better toolkit than Feral.
Along with its talents and damage.

Ah yeah, prowls and hunts. The only class that has a stealth concept embeded into itself yet got not a single restealth aside from Shadowmeld, while hunters, rogues and even mages got proper ones.