We should all leave warriors in the dumbster

I am glad to hear that you are improving season to season!

Sounds like you are halfway there breaking down the warrior code, you still seem at a loss what the warrior toolkit does and what to do. But once that is broken, I am certain your win% vs warrior will increase drastically.

I know you didn’t read what I wrote it in a calm mind, as you are bringing up points I already addressed. That is fine. Just be aware of that fact.

You are of course correct that it doesn’t always allow to play out as the ideal. But playing based on creating ideal situations is how you push that 1-2% higher winrate, that will lead you from 300 season best, to perhaps 600 or 900. The gains really stack up, and the more you play - the more this matters.

So don’t handwave it away - you are doing yourself and others a huge disservice.

I am not sure if you are just running down a narrative, or if you are genuinely confused. I doubt that any warrior has called warrior a wheelchair class in this thread. So speaking of gasslighting, that is you at the moment. At best you are creating strawmen to point at. To missdirect and being dishonest. Knowingly or reflexively, I am not sure of wich.

Getting out of a doomers mindset, is though. In 9 of 10 cases, that isn’t possible. As the reaction to defending your ego (“it is not my fault for doing badly, it is x, y or z reason”), is ingrained into human psychology as a defensive mechanism at a base level. Still, I do hope that you will be able to reflect upon this, and perhaps, just maybe, break out of that mindset that got you so mired down.

No matter what road you chose to go down. What you take from this conversation. Indeed, if you even remember it tomorrow. Is all up to you.

I just wish you the very best, a happy day and even happier coming week!


If passive- agression was a person.

True delete warrior

In 1v1 if feral play as he should the warrior is no problem.
Switching forms to break roots and slows is enough to F up the warrior.
Shapeshifting has no CDs and cost no mana.
You either play with DH mentality or doing something wrong.
Its been known that feral F up warrior every time if feral use brain.
Warrior is a zug zug class that if kited well has no power.

who talks about 1v1 ?

Arms is losing double bladestorm at TWW. I hope this will calm u down.


I mean. Sure but you act like im spasing out while thats not just my opinion.
The majority of the playerbase find the warrior toolkit being too mich.
You guys are not even kytable.

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I literally don’t care about what the majority thinks. Im sure it contains player with poor performance, inflated egos and distorted perceptions of reality. Our toolkit is too much?? What about rogues, paladins dks dhs mages??. They have more tools than warrior at some certain fields. Mobility, defensives , cc and even damage .
Kitable? We are kitable especially versus casters or generally ranged combs . Sorry for the “majority” of the community but if they think they are skilled so do the warriors they face . Also skillfull warriors know how to use bladestorm and their mobility tools.


Problem likely stems from the community perception being shaped early on. Warrior is a very visual class. Everything from charge, leap and bladestorm is very hard to miss that it is going on. So, when the players don’t know how to avoid them, nor phantom the idea trading, that of a deadzone or LoS/OOR. It likely really feels oppressive.

Not to mention, as you see in low MMR games, kiteing is often not a trading of mobility CDs and peels. It is more a game of tag, where once you charge someone, they simply go “oh, you got me!” and for some reason they start fighting allowing me to reset the CD of my own mobility, before they again try to flee. It’s so counterproductive, but that is what it is.

The majority will be the lesser experienced players, as such it will be the majority opinion that this is a “problem”.

It takes a long while before the player learns what mobility CDs as concept even is, not to mention CC and stops. Then it is a whole other ballpark to learn all the other classes, and how yours and their interact and in what ways. It ain’t easy, but many expect it and want it to be.

Honestly, I think much of this stems from 3v3 format, not to mention going to random PuG 3v3s. Where people don’t really learn to fight around with and around their team comp, it is all just a big brawl as a goal. In the OG 3v3 format, as you climbed, you would face teams with more experience playing with each other and strats would be based around their options. in PuG 3v3, that can never really be built, at best just general “it is likely class A will do X when C happens” logic chains.

So the problem of classes that are very simple and effective, like warriors with charge/bolt/storm, seem to them a lot stronger than they are comparably. As their own classes, here example in Feral, wont get a team that play around their own kit brings. It takes drastically more skill to be effective.

You have everyone forced into a makeshift “brawler” role, when their classes really isn’t that. As the brawler mentality is what will be the most efficient tactic in PuGs, then that is what you will see reinforced. DHs, warriors, rets, dks, warlocks, shamans will excel. The more nuanced classes with strategy involved around their plays will struggle more.

Of course, it is more to it, as an example playmaker classes based on their potential impact can be just as important to how a fight goes. A good assassination rogue got both the damage and the kit to force the fight into a different pattern. Don’t forget that.

My point being, in short, players try to force their class and spec into a role it was not intended. Then get frustrated that it doesn’t do well doing so. Then they attack the ones who are built for that role for simply being better at it.


Well said Funkie. I couldn’t agree more.

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That’s entirely your opinion here since nobody agreed with you.

Warrior is a pain for low rating players, reach high rating and you don’t matter much anymore. Your skill plays are extremely limited (spell reflect and Bladestorm CCs), other than that we have not much great play.

We deal good damages but everybody does the same, we have gap closers like all others, we have cc immunities while others have free mobility, free invulnerability, close to full immunity.

Not the fault of the warrior, blame blizzard and their poor feral game designers. At the same time, you can cheer the team in charge of Warrior for TWW it will be in the dumpster for sure.

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Your toolkit is still great compared to what i play - feral.
Stun goes through dodge, you can micro cc also.
You got 2 charges. 1 to interrupt the offtarget, one to reconnect to your main target.
Stormbolt is alreadu ranged so you can also use that as an offtarget CC.
Disarm, AoE undispellable fear is also a point where u just go " stop, wait a minute", undispellable 70 % slow which are great for peeling along with
Along with Intervene and reflect.
though in the current meta u can just
Mortal strike and Sharp-peen and wait for dampening.
Also do u want to know that your armor is equivelent to me in bearform just like that, you going defensive stance makes it 15 % all dmg reduction better.
And as i said im neither new nor im low rating.

so youre not making an objective point.
Warrior is as tooled as a DH, survival hunter, and a step away of rogue minus the skill cap.

If anything anyone that claims warrior " isonly difficult to be played against by low skill level players" is a warrior who just smashes buttons and never utilized their powerful toolkit properly and are of low skill themselves, carried by dampening and sharpen.

Ive played against TERRIBLE warriors who were able to pull 2.4 off,
and im yet to see a terrible feral go beyond 2.1.
I rest my case.

Ok U are a skilled player and frustrates u to see less skilled players at ur rating getting carried by their class. Same logic can be applied tolocks palas dhs too. Ur last paragraph gave me motivation to push.

i absolutely agree with that notion tbf.
just prune mindlessless and reward proper stratagem.

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If you are discussing with mr “kittycat” or Ray, just know he wont change his mind. It is set and locked, as such is wasted breath.

He is a newly baked gladiator who takes the stance of talking from a place of authority, and believes himself to have reach the skillcap of feral. Or, more likely, he just argue to argue (I give it a 55% chance, that is genuine in his feelings, and is currently protecting his ego)

He asks for a world where what he finds oppressing to be removed and pruned, so he himself can overcome this personal challenge. A silly notion in itself. Not careing for the ramifications from the top to the bottom of the ladder.

Think of League of Legends, of all the champions who dominate low, middle or high elo, yet when it comes to the top is dominated by counterplay. The jumps of what is a problem at low to high, is equal jumps you will see from one bracket at the top to the next. The difficulty curve is exponential, as such, likely what he is truly feeling.

Any change in this environment ripples all the way from top to bottom.

A low to high warrior, might feel easy to counter with his current feral play. But suddenly he faces the warriors who are the level above that; and he is yet to adapt to this new situation. As the gameplan and gameplay required to win is so very different.

Example would be how he tries to force cylcone’s in actual melee range, as seen in his comment about getting it off is difficult due to pummel - then how he doesn’t see how forced peel is a win in itself.

I think we can safely say we are just reacting to someone who has become a bit tilted, from said difficulty curve now feeling like a wall. It sounds very much like an “It is not my fault, it is the others fault” argument line over and over, that and spewing lies like:

a title that everybody knows belong to Paladins and Death Knights. Maybe he doesn’t know the difference or doesn’t know what the term means? Who knows. If a warrior comes into this forum and calls themselves a wheelchair, I will bark at that. Same way I bark at people who say warrior got no utility or damage.

To conclude the thoughts;

It is to myself quite surprising how someone can be so invested - yet, not invested into actually improving their own gameplay to the point of overcoming the problem
Fun sidefact: Warriors usually don’t have better winrates than other classes, we just got a lot more dedicated PvPers, who do a lot more games in a season, as such gain more rating than others (check Skyhold PVP section, they are religious in there)


It’s funny how a DEMON HUNTER calls warrior movement insane. xD


Now arms that lost double bladestorm will the nerds cry again? Oh wait we have a second spec called fury

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Exactly this.

is it necessery to mention that i dont play DH at all or ?
im speaking from the perspective of Feral druid.

Again. Im also made to be able to kyte but alas… warriors are unkytable.

Exactly what ? do you really believe a bunch of words that have nothing to do with the context really are a proper argument for this.
There us no choice of playstyle when it comes to going against warriors.
3 charges, immunities, undispellable 70% slow that even shapeshifting cant clear out, alony with a ranged stun, reflect and ranged undispellable AOE fear, along with many other things in warriors toolkit which leave warriors in a position where this principle doesnt apply to the situation at all.
Also i want to say, do you really think me as feral of 12 years on higher end of casual rating of 2.4 really doesnt know how to position yourself and pick my fights or is it more the case that warrior is simply unkytable and feral is outdates with its strengths given out to every other melee without any real compensation to elavate or form a concrete situation where feral is suitable ?

Based on the information given.

No, we don’t think you know what you are talking about. Not to the extent you yourself think you do.

You gone to 2.4k rating, that is impressive in the context of the playerbase as a whole. But in the context of actually complaining about high-end PvP balance? I am sorry, you are not an authority. As you said yourself now, and as you have pointed out over and over, you are a casual. This all comes clearly forward in the conversations above.

Sure, your point of view is something to consider, as all views matter to some extent. But it is your weird, almost fanatical belief that there is nothing more that you yourself can do - that makes you seem… if not unhinged, tilted. You are mentioning scenarios, not seeing how you describe them to show that you dont see the value of the actions they caused.

You are so trapped within your own prison of thought, created by your mind to protect your ego. The problem that has been pointed at over and over again, that you refute, persists and holds true. What you are trying to argue is not a matter of the game, it is a matter of your own self-worth in this game. It is a “the problem isn’t me, it is them!” chain, that you just cant seem to break.

All we can do is try to make you see this; that is the best of help we can give you. To somehow make you understand, adapt and move on from your perceived problem.

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