We want LFD

No we dont. Survey sure. But LFD in the game? No.

or cross realm grouping :slight_smile:

No LFD thanks.

The finder was only introduced with 3.3.0 so you would’ve to engage in social interactions for the majority of the time anyways.

It seems like most of your guys’s problems are with other people cluttering the channels, so focus on treating the problem instead of grabbing a bandaid.

Also, most of the general critique here indicates that you guys want to play retail and not classic, so why not just accept that this just isn’t for you & move on?

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Nah, people would be fine with LFD not being there at the start… But they made it sound like it won’t be a thing, at all in WOTLK.

And TBH, the LFD would let players who just want to play normally without paying for service do that. And let buyers/sellers use channels instead.

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They go apesh*t about it not being in from the start, and yes they said it wont be a thing at all which is amazing.

If you want to play “normally” then classic is just not that.
Because by “normally” people mean “retail”.

And if people have a problem with spammers/sellers they need to be dealt with, either by restricting it or creating a separate service-based channel for them to spam their heart out & to keep the other chats clean.

They really need to put GF in the game, not during launch since it would screw the leveling experience in the beginning but we all now after a few weeks when most people get geared making groups becomes really annoying even on servers with good population. If you want to play a reroll or during the day you can wait all day long to find a group…

I don’t know why I’m wasting my time talking to you of all people, but you’re wrong as per usual.

The dungeon finder was added in the ICC patch, it was in the game an entire year before Casterclysm.


Dont waste your time talking to superior beings. Go play retail you dungeon finder automized gameplay fanatic

No to RDF / DF , maybe at release of ICC but before that no thank you !

If you cant handle social interaction do you live in Alaska ?

Yeah no, the playerbase has spoken and they hated it since it’s implementation which contributed to the fall of WoW.

You can still queue as often as you want in retail

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Yeah, the ones who hated it are the ones who seem to enjoy pre-wotlk. LFD was great and I doubt these many threads would pop up if it wasn’t the case. Saying “You can queue as often as you want in retail” isn’t really a healthy thing to say either. Imagine if they removed arenas from TBC and went “You can queue for arenas as often as you want in retail.” as default response.

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No, they enjoy Wotlk, Wotlk’s DF came in the last content-patch and was hated & dropped to the state it is today.

If most people would like the DF then you wouldn’t see a few barely active threads but one gigantic one & the forums being flooded with other posts.

That is just not the case.
The community has with a vast majority decided that they don’t enjoy DF which is why it’s not even up for debate for Blizz.

Just deal with it or don’t play after 3.3.0

Normally it would come at a later phase.
but they specifically said in the launch announcement it wouldn’t be part of the game at all.

Right and where is the proof of that? That the “vast majority” decided that they did not enojy DF.

You do know the same could be said to you if you do not like it don’t play it before 3.3.0.

Man why is that those who dislike the DF are always people with crappy arguments. I mean you people forgetting that final fantasy 14, ESO, Guild wars 2 and other mmorpg games have either the same DF tool or similar tool that they use and they still have an active community.


it was in the game for around 50% of the time WotLK was out…

Right and where is the proof of that? That the “vast majority” decided that they did not enojy DF.

The history of this forum, reddit and content-creators about this topic since it’s implementation.

You do know the same could be said to you if you do not like it don’t play it before 3.3.0.

Man why is that those who dislike the DF are always people with crappy arguments. I mean you people forgetting that final fantasy 14, ESO, Guild wars 2 and other mmorpg games have either the same DF tool or similar tool that they use and they still have an active community.

No not really as 3.3.0 was the patch that introduced it which means it would be the way the community wants it to be for the majority of the time, unsure if you have difficulties with forming a proper sentence tho that would explain why you are so horny for DF.

The reason games like FF14 are that successful have nothing to do with DF or not having a DF, but you would know that if you had played it & wouldn’t make such a horrible argument.

Just calm down bro, play retail & enjoy the content that you guys wanted.

Yeah because we had a gigantic content-draught after 3.3.0, nice try tho :3 <3

Classic team need to seriously reconsider the decision. People who want to manually find groups can still do that despite the LFD tool existing.

If LFD is removed then BG and Arena ques/teleports should be removed - go back to original vanilla when you had to go to the actual BG to enter

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At this point you’re just trolling.

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