We want LFD

Right so NO PROOF AT ALL. Man you people really have no arguments at all

Ah yes the YoU MuSt HaVa PrObLeM argument like always you have nothing to proven and just use the same stupid and crappy insult instead of understanding that YOU ARE NOT THE ONLY ONE WHO PLAY THE GAME. Clearly YOU know nothing about FF14 or any of the other mmo since you are dead wrong as usual.

How about you calm down bro and stop making crappy argument with your smooth brain of yours. Except we wanna play wrath is it WAS and if you have a problem with it then leave WOW and enjoy privet serves.

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True if you ignore each point including the company then yes x33

Bro you seem very angry, it’s just a videogame, maybe try step out of your room, open the blinds, let some fresh air into the cave and maybe chat with some people, socialize etc u know?
It’s just a videogame, no reason to get so mad buddy <3 :33

A lecture about socializing from a guy that’s been trolling people for the past 1,5 hour telling them they’re crying, malding and baby’s oh the irony.


Wow so no arguments there man you really are a smooth brain person.

Wow so much assumption and so little brain power. YoU MuSt Be AnGrY. Man you really are a pathetic loser who clearly have no arguments and can not even prove people wrong. By the way the same could be said to you it is just a video game so there is no problem for them to have the LFD since it won’t hurt your gaming. Do not write back unless you actually have any real arguments.

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Wow so much assumption and so little brain power. YoU MuSt Be AnGrY. Man you really are a pathetic loser who clearly have no arguments and can not even prove people wrong.

Yeah you totally don’t sound angry af buddy x3 <3
its okay you can relax, just deal with no DF or play retail :3 <3

I find it sad that they always use such pathetic insult when they have nothing to back them up.


Right and where do i sound angry? Can you even read the text? Did you even go to school? Prove that i am angry.

Funny how you still haven’t proven me wrong yet. Sounds to me that you are projecting because you have no arguments at all.

Just ignore him, he’s a troll and he’s trying to bait you.

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Maybe you should do research before claiming such thing. It was added like halfway into the expansion into the icc patch.

and therefore it belongs to the extension

Yes with ICC. Just wait until Phase 4.

Are you using a computer and internet speed from TBC era right now?

You realize they are basing the entirety of Wrath on patch 3.3.5, that RDF was in, right?

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Are you asking him to use his brain?

So far, after going through a lot of posts, seems a lot of people forget 1 of 2 things:

  1. 3.3.0 was the original date of LFD but the game is being released off 3.3.5 so technically LFD should be on launch since it’s a system/feature and not content, like a raid.

  2. One of the major reasons Pro-LFDers want LFD is because of TBC’s current 2022 state. Key word - 2022. Not 2007, or 2008, or 2009, not because it’s ‘detrimental’ to communication. There is no communication in Classic TBC. Can’t hurt something that doesn’t even exist. LFD only has positives considering the 2022 state of Classic.


It was when icc released, stop lying.

And you realize the dungeontool in tbc was also delayed and not there from the start right?

If you go based by 3.3.5 then every raid should be released in phase 1. Your logic is flawed and I just giggle away now. Dont care either way, just get timelines right before talking. Thanks.

Why “we want it”?

I dont want it because it destroys social elements and i want to have only annonym dungeon runs. Some people will leech and go afk after invite or bring no gear, do low dps and need at everything. I like to make my own group.

Because we are legion, and thus are many. (hence the we)

all polls and threads so far shows a majority that wants it.