We want Plunderstorm

hmmm? people like me? someone who enjoys all aspects of wow from collection to achievements to high end pvp player into M+ ?? like all twitch streamers who played plunderstorm and even made tournament with rewards for it? load of people tuned in load of traffic and interest was shown .
Now then remind me who streams remix and how fun it is :joy: :joy: people ran it and didnt touch it after getting the rewards they wanted(Unlike plunder which quite a lot played even after renown 40 rewards) remix people even left before close to no one even upgraded their gear to do Mythic raids :dracthyr_yay_animated: :dracthyr_yay_animated: ohh how fun it is to spam dailies for bronze.
How good it is that plunder shown more interaction/traffic/interest by whole streamers and most of the community (Ofc not those like you) thanks god they said to expect more plunder and for it to come back : ) they expirimented they saw and they learned GJ to blizz.

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Lol this post was almost 20 days old till it was pumped but if we talk of plunder I rather they focus resources in retail instead on another mode outside of it with my money and mode that I wont play cause I play pvp in retail :smiley:

Plunderstorm had absolutely nothing to do with wow except it was in Arathi basin. The very fact that Blizzard piggybacked it onto WoW shows they were taking a massive gamble.

lol… That’s all I needed to hear.

And why do they think they did that? Because of a love for Plunderstorm? No they were doing it to generate revenue for themselves by hoping people would be gullible enough not to realise they were playing the TEMU version of Fortnite because their audience was tired of them playing Fortnite.

And they were proven right.

Because now they’re back to playing Fortnite and the vast majority of their viewers followed them.

If your soapbox for “PLUNDERSTORM GENERATED SO MUCH INTEREST” was a handful of twitch streamers falling over themselves fighting over viewers then I got sad news for you buddy…

Its the same reason the MDI and RWF is a niche that Blizzard continues to funnel resources into hoping to grab some of that sweet esport lolly.

because I’ll keep saying this until Blizzard and people like you finally admit it.

If Blizzard WERE so confident that a Blizzard themed Battle Royale would blow the gaming world away, they would have made a Blizzard themed Battle Royale as a stand alone instead of piggybacking it onto WoW which has as much in common with a battle Royale as a tortoise does with a floor mop.

Or have you forgotten their attempt at a MOBA and how well that went?

No idea, why is this relevant in the context of twitch streamers? because if that’s your goto for why Plunderstorm was the best thing since sliced bread, its verrrrrry shaky. Keep reading.

Really. Did they really. Curious then if I log into remix right now I could be in an LFR within 5 minutes and sit back and watch people who are farming the bejesus out of it give me free spools. But hey. No one is twitch streaming it so it must be a figment of my imagination.

Really. Did they really. Curious then as how a vast majority of people got to renown 40 as quickly as they could got their mog and never touched it again. Or did you skip all those people in the forums etc?

But there was no twitch streamers covering them, so they’re obviously lying.

Is that why I see lots of people running around with Tusks of Mannoroth?

But again… no twitch streamers covered remix so they must have hacked the game files to get their Tusks.

You mean like what people have been doing in WoW before Plunderstorm was even a second’s thought?

But again… No Twitch streamers covered dailies so no one did them.

Again. because they were losing viewers on Fortnite so jumped onto Blizzard’s pathetic piggyback, their viewers followed them followed by a handful of new viewers who were under the impression they were witnessing the next Blizzard goliath.

Whats your favourite twitcher streaming now by the way?

Not Fortnite by any chance is it?

Yes how dare someone not like Plunderstorm. They are nothing compared to a Twitch streamer and their loyal band of sheep.

Of course they will. because they saw enough gullible people take the bait hook line and sinker without a second’s thought that they were being exploited by a game development company who is so desperate for a slice of esports pie on an already existing game type dominated by another game.

They tried it with Heroes of the Storm. Dead in a year.
The only reason they are giving battle Royales a very long hiatus is because they know if they were to make their own Battle Royale, it too would be dead in a year except for a handful of people.

And Twitch streamers.

They explained they have seperate teams working on “Modes/Expiriments” which don’t effect retail overall content , example can be made from DF(We had fastest content releases ever + we had 2 modes + SoD).
So as they said they want to expiriment with it and learn and some of them even might end up being used in retail in one way or another(Or even a game of its own)

I prefer for them to do more new stuff and trying out new stuff because just having seasons/raids/dungeons/raids/couple of new maps per expansions becomes very boring we need new stuff for the MMO , Delves and dynamic flying is a really good start for them as we didn’t see anything evergreen coming along for ages.

Ye but they get funded from same money that ppl pay for this and the time plunder launched were extremely long dry stretch in retail where everyone were waiting something to happen for so long, pvp were in dire need of tuning for months and I imagine pve would wanted some updates aswell. The timing of plunder could not been worse Im saying. :smiley:

Because its fun and easy to watch and not boring like watching a guy doing dailies for bronze or one shoting a boss.

That’s exactly what i said before if you was paying attention i said “Remix and plunder have nothing to do with WoW or MMORPG’s they are seperate mods”

Plunder had more interest then MDI/RWF because its easy and understandable to watch load of people who quit wow even subbed just to play it.

and i got bad news for you because it was atleast a content you could fight for unlike remix that there is no reason to fight for because no one will be watching that boring dungeon spamming one shoting a boss for bronze.

Blizzard uses wow models/skeletons to expiriment with the engine they said it over and over on their interviews to see player traction/interest , ofc they want to check if their community has interest for Battle royale + Whats the problem of a battle royale game in wow universe?? what would be bad with Warcraft rumble in warcraft universe? or a TV show in warcraft universe?? they said so also they want to expand the warcraft universe not only to sit in 1 game and i see nothing bad with it.

This is relevant because it shows how interesting a set content is when a guy makes statement above that “Plunder was nothing good and a disaster” hope you understand now , and later do your search on viewership during Plunder and During remix .

Its fine i made 4 alts and guildies made 10 alts just to speed run dailies for mog/mounts and then quit it BTW no one was and even is till this day upgrading gear in there i hope you understand why.

ofc people hit 40 and quit and a lot continued to play even after 40 just because of pure gameplay/combat , just like people quit remix even not collection all of the mogs/mounts because its so boring and its the only thing that keeps people doing daily quests (Meta for bronze) there is so much toys/mounts/mogs to collect in remix yet there is nothing of interesting gameplay wise or fun or combat wise its just a Diablo hack and slash close to infinite power ups.

All DF was the fastest content release wow have ever seen there haven’t been any “Dry stretch in retail” they released content left and right.

Ofc Diablo also gets funded from wow subs , any transaction with blizzard and even Microsoft now funds Diablo/WoW/Hearthstone/Rumble and so on , it doesn’t mean they neglect retail for it as the company has different teams for different projects.

Before the plunder launch there were long dry stretch in terms udpate patches and pvp were in horrible state, healers were suffering in shuffles (which they still are) and there were major outliers breaking the game with no fix on sight on them. So when ppl look the calender they see mystery patch and get their hopes up that now their games will be fixed or attempt to balance and remedy some outliers and then they only see mode for the patch that were outside of retail and nothing to do with content they play in retail so understandably the ones that were waiting for improvements into retail at that time were not very keen on plunder as the only content of the mystery patch. I have nothing against the idea of it but like I said it couldnt had launched in worse timing. For example I play pvp in retail so I only care about updates relevant to retail so I dont want see that more attention go on classics or sod or something else than retail. Im putting money on retail development but sadly I cant choose where it goes from there and how much I get in return for retail from it, I hope its handled fairly and no aspect of playerbase are neglected.


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These do not inculde

Classic Era
Classic wotlk and cata updates
classic hardcore
classic hardcore self found

remix and plunder storm (which i hated but wanted the rewards) and i do not think many want it back tbh.

i agree with you that blizzard should use more money on retail btw but to say retail had long dry periods is wrong its just stuff maybe you did not enjoy ?

Idk pvp were waiting for any update patches for long time and they had promised to look into healer mmr and other healer related issues in shuffles for over year with no fix on it. I myself were hoping some improvement for healing in shuffles for example from the mystery patch, I was not waiting for mode outside of retail that would only benefit me cosmetics that is for sure. I was one of those that didnt want to see that plunder icon in my character screen cause I felt so neglected on my content in pvp. :smiley:

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WoW subs only fund the WoW servers, the cost of other things comes from the selling of the expac and other items, i wager a lot of funding is covered from the shop and micro transactions.

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PVP has suffered so badly through all the years, its needs a proper look at and funding. I do not like PvP but there is a lot that do and they deserve more.

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Gearing wise and otherwise its been okay in df if not count some problems in shuffles for heals but they have said to look into it, its the healer mmr issues in shuffles Im hopeful we see something on it in tww. But anyways thread were for plunder I wont side track it more, I have nothing against plunder even if I dont self want play it. I just commented that its release came in bad timing and ppl in pvp were waiting else from the mystery patch. :smiley:

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The most fun thing about plunderstorm was when enemy players chased me into the storm and died of it

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The most fun in Plunderstorm I had was when I started ignoring it :smiley:

I think Blizzard shot themselves in the foot with Plunderstorm…

I liked the game mode, it was a fun little thing to do, whenever friends weren’t online or whenever I had a few mins I would just jump in and play a round.

But(!) They “forced” people to play it… Not try it… But play it… And before you go “No they didn’t force? People had their free will not to participate?”

While that is true, that’s not always how psychology works. Blizzard dropped in unique and cool tmog sets, some nice mounts and titles, then went “Oh my, we have now time limited this event to… some point hihi so if you want to be sure you get the rewards, you better start now! woopsie!”

This is when things went sour for a lot of people… Just like the SL PVP system felt like a tedious grind, even for the people that enjoyed PVP…

Had they just made Plunderstorm a separate game mode, with the rewards at the beginning to lure people to try it, they may have had more success in those people going “Oh… let me just give it one more try before I decide whether I like it”…

And the people that didn’t like it? Well they probably would’ve done exactly what you do with pet battles… “I don’t like it, but sure, if enough people like it, it doesn’t harm me”

They forced the game mode down the throat of people that hard, that people hated quing for it, but did it only for the rewards… Imagine if they removed the time limit? If people today could still do 1 round of PS while waiting for pre-patch for rewards… I’m sure that would lead to a more welcoming stance of it

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