Let us keep our favorite Lootsystem. Dont kill my guild please
for all the right reasons, idd.
but the ban will make things much worse. the activity will simply adapt and become far less controllable and dangerous.
“you” not “we”
im not only taking for myself , talking for my guild.
“We” really dont
No we don’t
So happy this is removed, i remember logging on to Wotlk and all i see in chat was GDKP, and i was like “FTS” log out.
Sod will be at worst Hr - Sr runs, and i hope it stays like that, but atm it really easy to get in raid groupes with just 2/3 of your prebis items.
thank you for contributing with 5iq replies. if i talk about “we” im talking about people who like GDKP. thx for understanding. if u need help reading pls ask google
Bro your qq makes me so happy.
These day my favourite thing to do is reading these posts. Bring back our monthly salary, living in third world country is not good posts.
If you’re raiding with your guild only, why don’t you use like you know … THE DKP SYSTEM ?!
That way you could keep your gambling for item without providing a demand for gold buying … is that too hard to understand ?
Bronkuqt sounds a bit like Bankrupt
mite as well quote myself;
this GDKP ban will open the door for a new strategy to run GDKP, with real world transactions directly, using a Poolpay solution running on Paypal and managed in discord. we are weeks away from that happening, if not hours. like prohibition did for Al Capone, this will make the GDKP capo’s stronger and richer and more greedy.
THAT, will be hard to detect. players that discuss pay in the game get kicked without reply and banned from rejoining. any report made wount garner any evidence from datafiles at all, and the player will look like he is disgruntled. The GDKP team will split according to presets in the poolpay app, and make anywhere from 30 to 300 euros, depending on the bidding and the whales. this will expand into betting on duels, deathrolls and more very soon. people love to gamble if they have that gene. some cant stop.
they are currently creating a prohibition that will make the crime less detectable. Al Capone would have approved this.
the right play is to allow GDKP and kill off RMT. GDKP is on its own, a perfectly ok way to play/farm, if its free of RMT. Much like legalizing pot, because banning it didnt work and made crimesyndicates instead.
meanwhile RMT prices will drop in the nxt few days, and more ppl will buy more gold for less - the prices on teh AH will be inflated and force the question for many who want to keep up but have kids and work and cant farm - just a few euro, and im sorted. so easy. ofc they will do it. like they have in every wow game so far.
the Hardcash GDKP will happen on discord, and the players who run it CAN make a very good living of it. with 8 raiders on 3 accounts, making 1 raid pr reset on each one, in these fast and easy raids, average 4 whales pr run, leaving the masterlooter with on average 50 euro pr run… thats 140 000 euro pr year if u work 5-6 hours/day.
before u deal with gambling like deathroll pools and duel-offs with a buy -in.
thats why i say im for banning GDKP, but its a terrible idea. heart & mind doesnt agree.
which is bad how?
swipers go swipe directly without damaging the game economy everybody gets what they want
Can’t possibly raid with your guild without gdkp now can you! RIP In piece.
gambling is a discease. thats pretty bad. scams are crimes. thats bad too. this happening on the back of wow, and blizzard banning it out of their own control, is very bad. it will affect the game, and they cant really stop or control it. thats bad too.
great for the ppl making a living of it tho.
its even not like they dont kow how hard ppl will swipe after that diablo 4pay scenario thing they released.(not 4, the one before that, i forget its name)
How does any of that affect players in game?
deathrolls aren’t going anywhere unfortunately and “paypal to raid leader” was always a thing, buying boosts for hundreds of euros was a thing all this time as well.
you’re barking at the wrong tree
GDKP persists - which if u see around the forum, is HATED by the vast majority of players. it has affected and is blamed for ruining expansions already, along with goldsellers.
one can only pressume the majority and the developers have their facts in order. most other versions of wow have been in decline for a long time.
How does raiding without using gold affect goldsellers?