Soaring Spelltome coming to a Mage Tower near you!
hype, hype, hype!!!
Need to do all the different class-based challenges for the mount, I ain’t for time for that.
Keep in mind it’s not a challenge per class, a lot of specs share the same challenge.
I’ll just get my main class on all 3… the gear is 90% compatible anyway.
For the other challenges just need to lvl a few and get korthia gear easily on them, 210ilvl should be doable in a day or so.
Maybe 210~ is enough for the challenges.
Players who complete all seven of the Challenges on different characters across their account will be rewarded with a unique flying mount: the Soaring Spelltome!
I’ve checked the list from the ptr notes and I can probably do Ret Pally and Prot Pally (with some extra gear) and spriest. My bm hunter gameplay is OK and my fire mage is OK, but I’ve never done challenging content with them. I expect I can double up the hunter as Survival as that’s the spec I levelled to 50 with. I’m levelling a WW panda monk alt now, but is only about 8 hours old.
I guess if this is coming as part or Legion timewalking, then it’s a permanent addition to the game not just a SL feature so there’s plenty of time to learn a healer spec.
The first one reminds me too much of those damn cloud mounts or the carpet mounts, second one however
Btw, wasn’t there a book mount in the poll where the tree won?
Yes… the one i and many (but not enough) others voted for.
Sadly the tree… which was obviously a ground mount was voted most.
Is any1 even using it now? lol
here and there i use the tree.
how many challenges are in the tower when we need 7 different one? never played the tower
Was a long time ago but i think 7. 1 tank, 1 healer and 5 dps ones.
i think we can cover all the 7 challenges with 3-4 characters.
And each one has to be on a different character. So seven challenges, seven characterse.
Is there any source for this? I thought I could do it on 3 characters only - druid/hunter/shaman.
This is in the PTR notes:
Mage Tower Basics
In Legion Timewalking, the Mage Tower will operate similarly to how it did during Legion. The original seven different Challenges (grouped by your specialization’s role) will be available to try repeatedly, for the duration of Legion Timewalking:
- “Closing the Eye” for Frost Death Knight, Havoc Demon Hunter, Survival Hunter, Subtlety Rogue, and Arms Warrior.
- “An Impossible Foe” for Unholy Death Knight, Feral Druid, Fire Mage, Outlaw Rogue, Elemental Shaman, and Fury Warrior.
- “The God-Queen’s Fury” for Arcane Mage, Retribution Paladin, Assassination Rogue, Enhancement Shaman, and Demonology Warlock.
- “Feltotem’s Fall” for Beast Mastery Hunter, Windwalker Monk, Discipline Priest, and Destruction Warlock.
- “The Highlord’s Return” for Blood Death Knight, Vengeance Demon Hunter, Guardian Druid, Brewmaster Monk, Protection Paladin, and Protection Warrior.
- “End of the Risen Threat” for Restoration Druid, Mistweaver Monk, Holy Paladin, Holy Priest, and Restoration Shaman.
- “Thwarting the Twins” for Balance Druid, Marksmanship Hunter, Frost Mage Shadow Priest, and Affliction Warlock.
And this:
- Success in a Mage Tower challenge will now award a Legion-themed armor set for your class. There’s also a new Achievement coming in 9.1.5 for the most well-rounded champions of the Kirin Tor. Players who complete all seven of the Challenges on different characters across their account will be rewarded with a unique flying mount: the Soaring Spelltome. Additionally, Guardian druids who complete The Highlord’s Return challenge will also receive a new fel variant of the “werebear” form.
From here:
Yes, but this is not clear for me. The way I read is that if I do the 7 challenges on 3 characters I should get the mount.(3 is just the minimum amount possible)
Well, I have a spare Paladin (Horde alt) I can use as Prot and I did create a shammy a while back but never actually played him. So, that would be:
Survival Hunter
Fire Mage
Ret Pally
WW Monk
Prot Pally
Resto Shaman
A long-term project!
Ah, yes, I see your point. I guess we’ll just have to wait and see. I’m still wondering if the Covenant cosmetic restriction changes mean that unlocked items on one char become unlocked for all chars (e.g. will the Venthyr mirrors tmog set my spriest unlocked be available to my mage without me needing to unlock it all again).
I think I read on patch notes that once you get 80 renown yes, all the covenant restrictions are removed.
I hope so, as that’s 25% of why I resubbed after the 9.1.5 news! The version of the patch notes I saw at the time was a bit vague.