Well, what do you know... I expectedly feel 'not listened to'

No worries!

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I agree, for a different reason.

My connection to the game was already unstable during WoD, but I actually enjoyed MoP, so I could have. Too bad about the horde garrisonā€¦

Anyway, once I got to the stage of weekly things to do, it eventually broke me. It promoted altoholism - running LFR for the quest with many alts - and in the process, it made me lose focus. Since I couldnā€™t just pick a character to play on a daily basis.

So whenever I got one of the random weekly quests, I couldnā€™t connect with the idea of sticking to it and doing it. Because Iā€™m supposed to do my regular dungeon-raid chores.

I make my own group and invite 370 people. Easy peasy

for people crying, you dont have to do any WQā€™s at all.

You donā€™t have to play World of Warcraft either. Do you people really not have any better arguments to make than that?

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