What’s the relationship between Night Elves and Void Elves?

Is this shown or at least hinted at anywhere ingame? Considering they were effectively Blood Elves five minutes ago, i can’t imagine the Night Elves would be too pleased.

Well, there were Void Elf NPCs gallavanting around Darnassus before it was roasted, so I don’t think Blizzard sees any special animosity there. Like everyone else, they seem to accept the addition of the guys that were kicked out by the fel using Blood Elves for using too dangerous and reckless magic without a qualm.

God, I hate Void Elves…


Yep, for the Lightloving Alliance, who are spearheaded by a priest-King who is sooooo good with the light that he can do Light-Undead, and contain the most fanatic Light followers (LF-Draenei and normal Draenei) to accept Void-corrupted ex enemies is just weird.
But hey, at least they look cool and are purple. (Purple is always a bonus in my book)


In RP I find it exceedinglyhard to rebuff the theories that the Void Elves must be using mind magic on the Alliance leadership, because how else do you explain that sh…tuff.

[Divinity of your choice] works in mysterious ways :slight_smile:

That Anduin told his allies not to be so full with prejudice?

“These guys are so stupid and undisciplined that Alleria arrived at the last possible day to safe them from self-inflicted eternal slavery to the void, and Alleria herself is a mainly untested quality” is fact, not prejudice. But yeah, I guess Anduin telling everyone that whoever questions those guys is a bigot and everyone backing out, because of fear of a twitter mob is about what I would expect the authors to have in mind…

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Alliance is a FAMILY :rainbow:
Beware, beware of Anduin’s non-toxic masculinity!

Well the young Anduin in MoP was happily used void/shadow magic… (that mind control trick don’t tell me was Light related. Then again Light…)
And the Draenei have their own fair share of skeletons in the closet, with the Auchenai soulbinders (what a lovely name - both alternate draenor/Argus and outland) and the age old tradition to drag back the souls of Eredar/Draenei heroes to stuff them in a mech, to make Vigilants…
And the Kaldorei always had a nice dark shadow, Elune never was a kind or lovely goddes (for Fel’s sake, the gal ra*ed a trapped stag …) and even if you don’t consider the Night Warrior aspect, shadow and void was one form or another always was present in their society

All and all, when Malfurion and Tyrande met the Blood Elven survivors, there was 0 bad blood or anything - they helped them! Seen them as lost cousins (and with a nice twist, Lady Vashj seen them such too…)
The Blood elves landed in the Horde (for… reasons) but there wasn’t such enmity between the Kaldorei and the Sin’dorei like the Kaldore and the Shal’dorei
Not trying to explain or convince you the Void Elves were a good idea (but the Blood Elven void users were present during the BC… so not something new) or their addition to the Alliance was logical - if anything the Horde should have embraced them
But answering the OP question, I don’t think the Night Elves hated or despied the Voidies… (remember, Tyrande almost threw Valen out of Darnassus when he toyed the idea Elune is a Naaru - so they never were fanatical light worshipers)
Either because the small Void Elven team mostly stayed in Telogrus or the battlefield (either Stormwind or Boralus) and the Kaldorei rarely left Kalimdor… or because after the Teldrasil BBQ party, the Kaldorei had bigger problem than hating some poor victims of a failed experiment (and keep in mind, it wasn’t the Void that destroyed their tree, nor during their whole history, back to the age when they were Trolls basically, they had any problem with the shadow or void)


Just a reminder that Night Elves was supporting Hight Elves hunger by giving them a moon well. It was classic in Night Elves district of Storwind


Which is a problem in itself, especially since it’s never adressed. All we have is an engine spell effect, and while these can sometimes be lore sources, they often aren’t.

But apart from that… Even if we are to suppose that Anduin is okay with Void use under certain circumstances, it’s quite a step from there to accept people who were so obsessed with studying the void that they accepted banishment for it and naively would have fallen to the void, if not for outside interference. Umbric’s club wasn’t just a group of void casters. They were incompetent void casters with morally dubious motivations. It’s one thing to tolerate individual experts who have a proven resilience to the force that drove countless before them mad. It’s quite another thing to employ guys who were void casters because they just ignored every warning they got along the way again and again.

Also… Even the High King shouldn’t be able to decide on matters of Alliance membership on his own, but well, I guess that ship has long sailed…

In their newer, uncorrupted versions they seem to use Light magic for that.

How is that a bad thing? Especially since there is no suggestion at all that they do it against their will. It’s treated as a great honor. How is that any worse than shamans asking for the advice of their forebearers?

But they did explicitly choose Darnassus as one of 2 Alliance cities to put Void Elf NPCs in, so I kind of doubt that Blizzard meant anyone to think that there was no contact. Also… the Void Elves joined some while before the Darnassus BBQ.

But sure, the Nelves, who until very recently banished any user of arcane magic for its corruptive properties… were okay with void users on Darnassus, shortly after Xavius and the void-induced Nightmare were defeated, and while the void-serving Naga under their old empress were still out there…

And sorry if I sound a bit dismissive here, I don’t mean it personally, the Void Elves were just the single most hated addition in the years of Warcraft to me, and I guess I still get slightly annoyed by people defending the premises of their inclusion, no matter how well-meaning. Or by the topic in general, really. Just don’t take me too seriously on this.

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You are right Wimbert, don’t worry
I think I just desperatly tried to find some logic or reason :wine_glass:

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Not to derail my own thread here, but man I love Vigilants. I wish there was more lore on them. I think the whole concept of that is so awesome. If they were ever playable I’d be deleting the rest of my characters. In fact a lot of the Draenei stuff screams Warhammer 40K, is that just me…

They are cool, tho can’t shake the feeling something sinister was behind of their creation; okay, the hero’s soul maybe willing participant but after the creation the Vigilant is bound to its programing… like Vigilant Kaathar had no problem obeying a Soulbinder Nyami’s orders (who was a sergerei that point and ordered him to kill Tuulani and her companions), Vigilant Paarthos attacked everything that moved, even the Draenei… Vigilant Quoram showed the most “personality” yet even it/he was bound to the programing and orders…
It’s quite disturbing if you think about it…

“Vigilants were originally invented on Argus by High Wakener Aargon, under whom the Wakeners delved deeply into the mysteries of soulbinding. However, the vigilants only represented a mere fraction of what the Wakeners could do. Nobles in Mac’Aree used household vigilants powered by crystals to protect their estates.”

Better not dwell too deep in to this…
Bu yeah, they are cool!

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I suppose you could argue it’s weird and wrong that orcs have a long term aim to die on the battlefield too, but it’s what they’ve been raised to believe in their culture as the ultimate honour and end goal. Much like I imagine Draenei children to grow up hearing stories from their elders about how the most legendary of heroes are given the ‘honour’ of being brought back as vigilants.

Although would they feel the same way knowing their free will were to be influenced by the programming of the machine they’re thrust into? :thinking: probably not I imagine. Which as you say gives them that darker behind the scenes kind of edge. I do like that though.

I just like to add how Alleria published them by saying that they managed what were even the earth aspects failed etc, even if they’re just ticking time bombs lorewise but let’s just ignore the fact :see_no_evil:

At least they are insane enough to accept suicide missions
Elune bless their black little naive heart

The whole allied races do pose a few… many questions, I personally think that void elves are the most forced and stupid race that could have been added.

My main question is their numbers, how many would be turned into void elves?
10? 100? 1000? 10 000? in my head canon it would be like a couple hundred at most.
And distrust of the void elves are far from unreasonable, first of they would be power hungry and radical in search of power, so much they would be exiled from a kingdom that are used to taking risks and going quite far in the hunt for magical power.
The alliance have lost high cleric members to the void and insanity, and would have an inbuilt distrust of it.

A few other questions i have is, do the void elves NEED to eat?
Are they really alive in the sense of other races, or are they more husks or remnants of their former self like the Ethereal?
would the void elves be able to reproduce?
as their bodies were reforged in the void?

In my head cannon, the night elves would not like them on a general basis, I feel they should be seen as the demon hunters and death knights… Something that is wrong and unsettling for the average person.

Well, in the traditional sense, we don’t know… not enough time passed to carry a child
But on Telogrus there were a bunch of Sin’dorei and Quel’dorei interested about the void… so in form or a nother I guess they could replicate the “accident” that made them
Or just like Aleria, munching up a strong void entity also could work… but we don’t know
They are the fraction of the small fraction of survivors, banished, but like the three ship worth of Orc survivors and small island worth of dark spear survivors, their spirit patron animal must be the rabbit, because you see them eeeeeeverywhere
And Elune know how canon the Invasion “story” is (they are making void ravasaurs? Animating void-rex mosnters? ) but if any of it is “true” then Gonk’s new hobby is to collect Void Elven heads… not a life insurance to have the Loa of the Hunt, Lord of the Pack, the Great Hunter after you…

Then again, the average person rarely see them. They are either on the field or chillin on Telogrus
But at the moment the average Kaldorei person is grumpy refugee sitting on the streets of Stormwind… so I guess they hate everybody and everything that moves and not them

Yeah, and I’m sure that would go over well, put the maddening whispers of the void into a baby without any mental defenses at all, what could go wrong? But nah, I’m sure the void would accept that it would be unfair to afflict a child within its grasp, and would wait with the maddening stuff until it is old enough to have a fighting chance.

Or the void elves get the ability to shield their offspring in their body somehow, because… I’m sure Void-Walker told them all about safe procreation under the influence of void.

Good thing they don’t do ask CDev anymore, or else we might have seen what stupid reply they would come up with. Remember Worgen babys not being cursed? Yeah.

Why would they, though? Alleria is the living example of why you really don’t need to go through the void elf accident to acess the same powers. But I guess purple is in right now, so they would all go for that teint, or something like that…

Don’t they? They put quite a lot of void elf NPCs lounging about in Stormwind… I agree that it wouldn’t make sense that they are there in relevant numbers… but since when was that an argument in Warcraft?

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