What about keep things in game?

How about leaving all mounts, pets and various transmogs in the game so that they are obtainable in a few months from the start of expansions preferably all the time. It seems to me that wow is probably the only mmorpg that goes the “you didn’t play the first half of the expansion so you’re out of luck and you’ll never get this mount again!” route.


It’s also the most successful MMO ever, irrefutable proof that their approach is the right one!

While I would love this, as I’ve been a casual player who needs mental health breaks and also didn’t get to play as a teen, people always argue it’s about the prestige of obtaining them and doing the challenges at that time.

Very few people will agree with you.

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Correlation does not mimic causation

Anyway, onto an important topic. Why is a tauren in a guild called “for the aliance?” Why is alliance misspelt?

Answer me, traitor!


While I do agree, I’d also argue that those people had literal years up to over a decade and a half to lord this over other people’s heads. That’s enough time to enjoy a video game item, let the newbies obtain some of the good stuff for a chance.

Excluding Blizzcon Items.


Imagine you will not be able to get some mounts,items only because you was born few years later and get into game few years later than others and will not be able to reach same goals only because someone things its good idea.

And he is called “Cowmeal”… I sense heresy right there !

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Yeah well… I would have liked to have been born in the 60s and buy my house for 10k $…

But alas… today they are 500k $ and I cant afford them…

How sad…

Still better obtain it for this price than have 0 chance

You and I both. However you can still purchase houses (at a hefty mark up) but you can. You cannot however get a lot of items past, not even at a hefty mark up.


I’m in the same boat as you. My parents balked at the $15 subscription plan, and sent me off to $5 RuneScape Point and Click instead. I already understand your pain! I had to get my own money to play WoW.

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Some unattainable mounts can even be bought in Amazon. If you want to spend a couple thousand $$… Also black market auction house. It exists… IF you want to pay billions of gold…

Buy account ? in wich RMT dimension you live where ToS doesnt apply ? Black market is nice thing but imagine someone just get it from quest or dungeon and you are not able to do same way only because you start to play later…its not valid argument.

Why is it not a valid argument ?

It like the house in the 60s example.

Some people got it for free for just being there. Others need to spend 1B gs to get it… so expensive its practically unattainable but for a few.

A rebute to your coment here :

So yeah, my argument stands…

Besides, you are putting value to the wrong pixels.

What matters is what you do ingame while you play. You have to have fun, that is the thing.

And if you did not play wow back in the day and did something else for fun, then that has value too.

You cant have everything in life. You just have to have fun and thats it.

Your argument its not valid because i talk about same chance to get items even those items was there in past with same or similar ways.
Not about selling accounts wich is against rules and not about selling 1 piece of item from someone who was afk for years and have that item in inventory and somehow he can sell it to 1 person.


It is a valid argument, the Black Market was introduced for people like you and I as a method to gain items past -at all-. Sure it costs a ridiculous amount of gold to get anything from there but it is an offering and it is valid.

You will not be given the same chance to obtain an item from the past because those events are over, just like historical events they cannot be repeated.

What the dev’s can do is make new ways to obtain old items in whatever shape 'o form they see fit. You want your cake and eat it, too and that is not going to happen.

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Ok tell me why i will need to pay for item wich someone gets for free only because he start to play early and he was 10 y. older than me milions of golds instead of give me chance to get same item somehow ingame with similar way ??
Why i need to pay for “not be able to play 10 years ago”?
Its just cash grab from Blizzard and threating different age fans in another way…not same…like punishment .-…just buy our good token for 20 euro boy…aand spend your golds only because you was not born early lmao

That is a NO.

Like the example I put above, you cant live with the same benefits everyone else has. Im sorry. It is the way the universe works.

The 60s house example ? Sure… houses were cheap and today they are not… but they did not have Smart Phones and a plane ticket to anywhere cost a fortune. Today you can literally go to Cancun on vacations for the same price of 5 nights out…

Every period had its good and bad things.

And that applies to WoW as well. Cant fight reality im sorry.

Stop with argument about house. Its not valid argument. We dont talk here about real estate but about f*** pixels.