What about keep things in game?

Because that’s the price of not having been there 10 years ago, take it or leave it, the choice is entirely yours.

Granted, they can and should give out old event items - and I think I saw some - in the huge planned anniversary event.

But not all. There has to be a balance, or it should tip into the still hard to obtain side.

We want old items, but -I- I do not want free hand outs. Let me work for them and feel that prestige of obtaining it myself. If you want free hand outs thats your choice but it makes you sound like a beggar.

This is such human behavour.

There is a list of 1000 items you can have. 10 you can’t.

What do people desire? The 10 they can’t have.

If they are made available the people just add it to their “+1 collection”, go “meh” and never use it again.

I like your taste for big c from blizzard deeply in your neck sound when you defending Blizzard gold bussiness cashgrab and punishing people because of FOMO

And I don’t think beggar’s can be choosers. Does that mean I will personally attack you for being a beggar and not sharing my opinion? No, I’m a decent human being, you however are not.

Lol cry more for true

The only one crying in this thread is you.

Who cares what we talk about ? Its still true for anything … in any game …

That is my point !

Let me give you an example of something you cannot give back :

The experiences someone had in Vanilla WoW when they were 15 years old opening the gates of Ahn’Qira to get the black bug mount…

You CANNOT get that back. I repeat, you CANNOT. Reasons :

(A) It was 20 years ago. That 35 year old person is not the same as his 15 year old version.
(B) The computers you played back then were different.
(C) WoW was super NEW. Today you have 10000 other games out there. Nothing in WoW is “new” or “inovative”
(D) To open the gates you needed server wide efforts and it was a very special event for the comunities.
(E) You cant replicate the experience of acualy opening them while 200 people look and clap at you.

And finally :

(F) You cannot replicate the experiences you had with the friends/guildies you had 20 years ago… Those are long gone memories…

And for these reasons the Black Qiraji Resonating Crystal should NOT be attainable once again.


I gave you a super elaborate reason with a WoW item. It applies to ANY item…

And I wanted to be short by puting the real state example…

I hope you the MEMO now… Because guess what, those gates were available in the revamped Classic version and let me tell you : Nobody cared. Its simply not the same thing as it used to be in Vanilla.

xD nah i dont give a f i expect there will be bunch of stonk holders not letting blizz change anything to better by commenting everything out of forum by “naah i dont like it because i dont have true reason for it”

How far up your own tushie are you?

  1. I am agreeing with you that we should be able to get older items.
  2. I am not agreeing with you on the how to obtain those older items.
  3. ???

I want to be able to attend the concert I missed because I wasn’t there then.

Not fair! Waaa.

I mean, they’re not wrong, at least in the initial post. FOMO tactics suck in a game which boasts completionism as one of the main activities to do.

i look on items like on real life things with expiration date instead of bunch of pixels and i let Blizz threat me like a sh*t anyway if im their customers *glo glo glo glo sound of DEEP fascination

That they truly do. Blizz has already made the Black Market like Uda pointed out, a great move of them. It would be great though to have other ways to obtain older items, too. I really liked it when they brought the mage tower back for the class exclusive mounts. Sadly I had no time to play then, but things like that go a long way to make newer players happy. I’d like to see more of that.

Just never give out old items for free.

Its not FOMO.

Take the 20 year aniversary event in November.

Its an aniversary. Next year it wont be the 20th. It will be the 21st.


Its an event. With stuff that drops.

If you are not there you dont get it. Same as parties and concerts by the way. Your not there ? You miss out.

FOMO is not a Blizz problem. Its a player problem.

Once you realize that WoW is not about the pixel ponies you get, but more about if YOU have fun PLAYING the game, with your friends… There is no FOMO anymore…

Imagine being in hospital and not get chance to get item because there is no replayability of events because Blizz dont let you.

Excuse me, you just reminded me of the fact that my gnome lady monk has been crying in the background demanding to level up. Ta ta!

That’s semantics. The point is, things that are only available for a short period of time suck because collecting things is one of the major activities in World of Warcraft.

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Sure it has an expiration, but its an arbitrary one. “This item will go away at the end of a season”. (Because its an “I was there” badge for that season")

Do you think coming across as all reasonable then absolutely losing your :poop: and masking swear words like some 12 year old is going to convince Blizz to rethink their approach?

The fact is they want to wanting that stuff.

From the sublime to the ridiculous.

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Hey, I think you’re cool and we’ve had some friendly banter, so I really don’t want to see you get a vacation from the forums. I would not post stuff like this.


Aww, widdle baby not getting his way and throwing a tantrum?

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