What about keep things in game?

Denial of your mind is interesting…be good consumer of those brownies and gt*o of my post thx…and dont make doors hit ya on your way out

Good point. I want to continue to have friendly batters with you Enluu… :smiley: I actually enjoy them.

Comment redacted !

What kind of conspiracy theory are you on? Did you drink too much Cinderbrew? Stock Holders are typically money management people who don’t have time to play games and just want to invest in a company for turn around. Sure, FOMO helps keep the players subscribed, but the stock holders are absolutely not posting here. They have more direct lines to Blizzard.

If that happened to me… screw blizz and their pixel ponies…

Im happy to be alive !

sneaks in, changes her quote of the redacted comment and sneaks out again shouting something about having added you on discord

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It’s not your post (or thread which was the word you were looking for). Creating a thread doesn’t make you the owner, editor or gatekeeper.


But its still dont stop me to tell you to glo glo Blizz more

I’m out of likes for today but I laughed at that gif.

I don’t actually know what that means. Should I get the burn cream? Have you just gotten me with a MASSIVE zinger and I didn’t even notice?

Man, what am I like?

Dude, not being able to obtain items is gonna be the least of your worries if you get a suspension and a vacation from WoW. Stop lashing out. You’re posting on a public forum and your thread will gain more traction and more activity with the dissenters. More activity means more likely Blizzard will take a look at it instead of ignoring it like 99% of the suggestions are.

You want them to post if you want your thread to get attention from the big guys.

They’re already giving out too much. I’d actually suggest they delete half of our collections instead.

… I would literally cry if they removed my collection. It’s all I do in game. Collect things. Years of transmog running wasted! Why not just stab me in the kidney, why don’t you?

I would do, a little bit :pleading_face: