What am I doing wrong with Dragonriding?

Don’t get me wrong, no offense meant, but you remind me of vegans. xD

I mean OP literally asked for help with dynamic flight, not old static flight (it is not standard :wink: ) and you come here and be like “lookie lookie, here is static flight”. Nobody did ask for it :wink:

Your problem is that you go on the forums and complain about super small things without trying to learn them first.
This is not even worth bringing up, you will learn that vigor is only used for emergencies, you can literally fly for an eternity at full speed with 1 vigor, did you obtain all your glyphs?
You have get all your glyphs.

OP did have a problem. OP did open a thread. OP got help and is happy. Now you come and complain OP without reading through the thread. -_-

Most likely you are flying straight and not in angle to keep the momentum on, you need to be always going little down and you will keep your vigor recharging all the time and you can just keep flying pretty much forever

Most don’t realise that you need to hold the key down to get the full cast on each ability. If you stab the keys by releasing early means that the full effect is not applied. So when you use a sky riding ability hold that key down for about 3 seconds. There is no cast bar but there is a drop off if you release early.

You missed the point, people persevering with Dragonflight means it stays in the game, (possibly even replaces Standard flying… Noooooooooo!).

My problem with Dragonflight, is that it’s falling…with barrel rolls!

When I’m flying I want to enjoy the beautiful scenery, check maps, research the quest I’m on, etc, etc.
I can’t do that, if I have to actively engage with the flying process, on a near constant basis.

Clearer now?

PS. Pass over one of those tasty Quorn 1/4 pounders, with battered jalapenos and chips, please.

I agree. Skyriding = playing a game. Hardly any time to enjoy the scenery or spot interesting features in the landscape to go and check out on foot.

My issue with Dragonriding/Skyriding is vigor: It’s fine for something like races, but for travelling and traversing it shouldn’t be there imo.

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Agreed… I think the toggle switch is perfect, since it adds choice and I want Standard flying to stay in the game.
Gathering Professions must have been a nightmare, early in the Xpac?

Definitely. I posted about it a fair bit back then.
They eventually added more vigor regeneration when you mined or picked a herb, but honestly that didn’t help much.

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Don’t “worry”, dynamic flight is here to stay, whether you like it or not. While some people don’t like it or are even not able to use it, most actually love it.

And the “possibly even replaces Standard static flying” (it is not standard!): don’t worry about that either. They cancelled that idea back with the outcry during DF.

Then don’t use dynamic flight, where is the problem. :person_shrugging:

Dynamic flight is not playing a game, but interacting with the game, the game called World of Warcraft.

I don’t see any problems with vigor, especially when travelling, you hardly use any when traveling even when eating next to flying or something, since you constantly restore vigor.

I can be on the air in DF or even TWW for hours without the need to constantly press buttons. :person_shrugging:

They were not if you had the talent active which did restore vigor while gathering. Unfortunately they removed it with the pre-patch for TWW.

It fits the parameters though.
Mechanics. Reward or punishment depending on success.
And those specific mechanics only exist for this single activity within WoW. Sounds like a game within a game.

The issue comes from what I described earlier in that post:

It makes the connection with the zones less. And I believe that that is damaging to the overal experience of the outdoor world and thus a big part of WoW. Not everyone will care to the same degree about such a thing; but I certainly do and I noticed a distinct difference in my ‘bonding’ with the zones in DF as opposed to literally any of the expansions that came before it.

In this case I believe the devs of old were right in that it’s better to experience the zones on the ground initially.

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Those specific skills, yes. But in general it is like every other thing where you use skills in WoW.

It’s not a problem though. When you want to go enjoy the scenery and fly slow, you can still use static flight. I can enjoy the scenery easily with dynamic flight, since I hardly need to interact with it. But you need some practice for that, I’d agree on that.

You can always experience the zones on ground. Nobody is stopping you and TWW can be played on a ground mount. It works.

I don’t agree. None of the skills have you moving around and swishing and swirling and making sure you don’t hit any landscape features. It really feels like a different game.

But don’t get me wrong: I like the feeling of Skyriding. It’s immersive.
I just don’t enjoy the ‘gamey’ aspect of it.

Maybe not for you. It is for other people.

That won’t be possible during the first play-through of TWW. Which is the most impactful run through that content because everything is new and exciting (at least I hope it’s excititing :wink: ).

I know. But in practice hardly anyone does that because you’re putting yourself at a huge disadvantage. So while technically it’s a ‘solution’, it’s really not.

Having ‘vigor’ be an optional thing; not that would be an actual solution. :blush:

And with all of that said: Vigor is also a horrible system when combined with questing and/or gathering. Short hops and jumps eat up that vigor like crazy and it’s just not fun.

Without 4-5 bubbles you won’t be able to fly independently without rest.
As others said, dive down when you know you’re gonna need extra height.
As long as you have the wind and the blue aura you are earning vigor back.

Oh, don’t get me wrong, I did fight for them removing the pathfinder requirement in several heated discussions on the US and I think also EU beta forums. That requirement is just ridiculous, especially considering it is only for static flight, the (don’t take this the wrong way) downgraded flight mode.

Well if you’re really in for the ground mount feeling, it is hardly a disadvantage. Yes, you level slower than others, but you’ll still be ready for season 1 when it comes. :slight_smile:

More of a problem is, that some people are forced to do it, because they can’t use dynamic flight because of some disabilities.

I think removing the pathfinder requirement from static flight would be the proper solution, not removing vigor from dynamic flight for traveling, where you hardly need vigor anyways. :slight_smile:
The problem is not vigor when trying to enjoy the landscape, but the speed of dynamic flight, if there is any problem at all.

I go never out of vigor when questing and before they did remove that one talent with the pre-patch (which will come back as part of gathering progression) I also didn’t have any problem with vigor management when gathering, even though I need to confess, it is easier to manage vigor when questing than when gathering.

I tell you, if we both start leveling 60 to 70 at the waking shores, I’ll still be nearly 2 times as fast with dynamic flight than you with static flight.

Yes, that would help.
But I don’t want vigor removed; I want it optional.

Let’s say that with vigor enabled you’ll be able to do those crazy high speeds.
But vigor disabled, you’d be locked into that ‘cruising speed’, but still able to do those skills just with cooldowns (make them long enough for the vigor enabled version to clearly be optimal/superior - it’s all about having that choice).

Sure, questing usually takes a bit longer so it’s not much of a problem.
But for gathering (or digging dirt and that kind of stuff), I’ve really, really hated Dragonriding. I’m not looking forward to a repeat of that experience, honestly.

With vigor being optional, dynamic flight would be just completely boring. Again, we have something for it: static flight. :slight_smile:

And you don’t have to, since you can unlock static flight pretty fast. Level up to 80, do the main story quest of each zone and explore the zones => done.
But without that would make even more sense. x)

Well… That’s the subjective part. And that’s why it would be optional; so those who want to have vigor, will still have vigor and go ultra fast.
I would still get the feel and dynamics of Skyriding, but not the irritating parts that make it less enjoyable for me (in certain situations).

So isn’t that a win/win?
Heck, they could even make it so you can only change that setting in the capital, so it’s not abused in any way. I just want the choice because it’ll make the game more fun for me. :sweat_smile:

Yeah, I suppose. But gathering whilst leveling will still be a pain and diminish my enjoyment of my first playthrough; which should be my most enjoyable experience.

I hope you don’t think it is meant mean by any way, but the speed would be reduced basically to static flight speed for that…I mean for the no-vigor mode. I mean the vigor is the price for the high speed currently. :confused:

Active gathering while questing? Well ok, I can imagine that a pain in the butt with dynamic flight, at least without the vigor regenerating talent for sure.
Another reason for removing the pathfinder requirement. :smiley:
Anyways it shouldn’t be locked at all. Imagine you can’t use dynamic flight because of some disability and being forced to do everything with a ground mount :S

I know. And that’s fine. Nothing mean about it.
You’d have ‘controlled speed boosts’ with the skills that would have a cooldown instead of vigor fueling them (and the cooldown can be substantial - I’d be fine with that).

We agree 100% on that at least. :blush:

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