What are the best designed sets?

The pvp blue version is the best in terms of colors in my opinion.

  • T8 warlock set (Putress at Wrathgate)
  • T10 DK, red and blue variant
  • T5 priest (first angel) and the antorus mythic one. Also T6 original, the hood is sooo pretty :heart_eyes:
  • T6 mage (Tempest regalia)
  • The pitch black Blackhand Mythic set for warriors from WoD
  • T2 rogue Bloodfang, or T5 (maybe S2, that’s what I have)

Kahdgar, Anduin, Grommash, Saurfang, Wrathion, Jaina, Sylvannas, Greymane, Nathanos, Thrall, basically all NPC sets, but hey, we are the superheros and all, but NPC´s get the cool stuff while we get trash.

As an entire set; there’s nothing I’d wear ‘as is’.
Individual parts; sure, there’s usable stuff there.
But as an entire set? Nope, never liked any of the hunter sets.

I really like the simplicity of the minimalist elements of the white and gold BfA Warfront plate set for my pally, especially the pale gold SL pre-patch recolour. I wore one or other of the recolours for best part of two years.

Most Legion tier sets were absolutely stellar in my opinion. Emerald Nightmare is my least favorite but all other raids have amazing sets. I really like that Nighthold and Tomb paid hommage to tier 2 and tier 6 from vanilla and TBC.

Matter of fact I’m leveling a warrior right now to farm the mythic Antorus set. That one just looks amazing.

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Nighthold hunter is pretty much the only set i actually like from hunter. Especially the blue pvp version.

The entire set.

I believe that the best sets are those that capture the class aesthetic the most, imo those would be MC, BWL, Karra and BC, maybe Naxx, but because ToS had HD versions of BC gear those are my favorites, NH and Antorus had really good ones aswell.

What BfA did with moving from class to armor type was lazy, the explanation given “we would like to design gear that looks it came from the raid” was a lie imo, because none of those sets (maybe Nya was the exception but it was ugly) looked like they came from the place they dropped, the retarded robot sets didn’t look like they came from an Cthulhu corrupted temple of Aztec inspired titans, Full bone armor does not look like something inspired by the city of gold and it is a very big stretch to say it was Bwomsamdi inspired, I don’t even know what Naz gear is supposed to be but we have never seen a naga wear anything resembling that, CN was the same way (I actually liked these ones but still), I have not seen any reference to a crusader or a plague doctor in Ravendreth, SoD is by far the laziest that only gave us the appearances of the legendary armor (which granted atleast somewhat looks like something that drops from there). Also we already had armor type sets, they dropped from Open world stuff, quests and Dungeons.


I would like to see more NPC gear like Tusks, Gorehowl, Archimonde stuff from HFC etc. I want to look less special and more like NPC’s with unique looks, like for example I would love it if I had the option to make my troll look like Vol’jin and not like super shaman. However that does not mean I don’t want class stuff.

It’s too elf-y for my taste.
But yeah; it’s one of the ‘least horrible’ hunter sets.

Idk what a good hunter set should look like tbf. I share the opinion that NH is the only good one and that its actually a stellar set on its own.

But with the nighthold set you can pretend your not a gnome!

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Imo stuff like this:

Stuff like that.

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Why would I want to do that?! I’m proud to play a gnome.
I just want some more character customization for them!

Tbf most of this stuff is already in the game part from the cloaks (which imo is what makes these things look cool), however currently we do not have the option in WoW for over the shoulder cloaks, which I would like very much.

Cool sets though.

How unfortunate :stuck_out_tongue:

I have plenty of hunter alts to scratch my other fantasy itches. :innocent:

Like this one. She will be much more high elf like next week. :wink:

Or this little woofy.

I actually made this character in honor of my previous dog. I tried to make her look as close to her as I could.

Or this edgy bad-azz. :wink:

And of course my human ‘adventurer’ / ‘treasure hunter’ type hunter.

Heck, I even have this little green nightmare.
Their heritage set is awesome though! :innocent: