What are the best designed sets?

I have other lower level hunters. But yeah… I like different fantasies with hunters, but nearly none of them will use complete sets; definitely not ‘hunter sets’.

Hey now, don’t forget me!
I might not fit your silly ‘Tah’ naming scheme, but I am part of your official back up crew!

Kind Regards,

Professor Sparkplug

You’re like a tiny Geppetto. <3

I’m feeling somewhat weird now, having posted reponses to myself.

Moving on!

Yea it looks great on my night elf hunter, but probably not on a gnome.

Yeah I rarely use full sets on my characters as well, I would like to see more unique looking mogs that are not part of a particular set, like we used to have pre-cata, going forward. But I also think that tier sets in general should be class themed. Maybe a good mix of both worlds, with lets say reintroducing class/spec/race quests that reward cosmetics inspired by said race/class/spec.
Also I remember someone made fan art of class+race inspired armors. I’ll see if i can find them.
Yeah, so why can’t we have this
Instead of this

Actually this gives me an idea that is slightly off-topic, imagine if we had an expansion where instead of an overarching story, we had zones that didn’t actually have 1 single story but in fact many that depend on what race or class you played. So lets say you played BE your questing experience could be very different than that of someone who was playing an Orc, or if we go by class we could have quests that require you to do class specific things like hunt down and tame that bear or raise as an undead a fallen hero/champion. This would improve the replayability of the game imo.

I started this journey back in 2004/05 as Warrior.
To me, this always looked nice.
Even to this day.

But when I played retail, as a Goldshire addict, my tmogs were very…stripped.

I also not wear full sets. I enjoy most trying to get an adventurer vibe for my looks. But I will admit I love the hat I am wearing now, it is so nice and makes me think of a band I used to like in the 90es. New Radicals - You Get What You Give. he wore a bucket hat as well. :smiley:

Tier 3 warlock is by far the best in the entire game, tier 3 shaman and rogue are also good.
Tyrannical shaman gear is amazing, the elite version is sooo nice
Tier 5 warlock is great

MoP challenge mode set for Shamans is my favourite set in the game. Love Tauren heritage set as well.

Rogue set from Antorus is cool if you know… you didn’t look bald under the hat

when it comes to hunter trasmogs mine favurite once are

Warlock T6
Dazar Mythic Plate and Cloth
Mage Cata T1
Rogue T2
Dark Iron Heritage
Warrior ICC
Ten Storms
Dk, lock, hunt CM
Paladin T2
World Defiler plate
High Warlord plate and cloth

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