What are you suggestions for nerfing rogue/mage?

Its obvious to everyone by now that rogue/mage in some ways need fixes. Some might call it “nerfs” but that would be to simplify it. The synergy between these two classes are far too powerful.

What suggestions do you guys have for how the synergy/classes could be fixed?

Even if I’d like to see this comp deleted completely bfron the game for atleast 1 xpack it would be bad for the game. Instead would be better to increase the synergy between some other classes that counters them.
Give some tools to the rest of us to be able to deal with them


Mass Spell Reflect for warriors? I totally agree.


Greater Mortal Strike!

8 Sec CD Hits for 35% max HP of the Enemy, thats the Balance Blizz loves.

Every Specc just need a “brainisoffline” spell/ability :smiley:


make them squishy again, nerf the sustained damage also, rogue mage comp should be about getting setups and killing someone during them not running someone into the ground like a fancy version of a tsg.


Give us more spells to avoid them arms intervene back mass reflect put stun back in charge.

I think if they made alot more spells baseline instead of a choice it would make for a much more engaging game and people would be able to outplay more I’m referring mostly to every other class except rogue mage since they somehow managed to keep alot of there toolkit.

  • Same DR for anything would be a good start, it would destroy any CC synergy by default and allows any comp to work, no matter what CC they bring into it.

  • Reduce CC in general! Since they reduced the amount of possibilities to stop/avoid CC for most classes, they should also reduce the amount of CC I guess. Poly/Ring/Sap/Blind to 6 sec. Cyclone, Hoj, Kidney, Fear to 5 sec. etc. Anything below 5 sec should stay the way it is. Combined with the first suggestion you would actually get back the feeling you are playing the game.

  • Last but not least: Why is Rogue the only class that isn’t only allowed to have multiple MS running (they can spread their poisons, but other classes have a CD on their MS), but also deliver MS from 40 yards range?

So remove Crippling + Wound poison from Poisoned Knife - that wouldn’t affect PvE that much but would make a little difference in PvP.


The fact that rogues survive dampening better than dks should signal something.

Make rogues squishy like they wer in the past. Blizzard isnt required to nerf rogue mage damage. Nerfing their class sustain healing would go a long way into making those classes what they should be.

Choose one or 2 for each spec.
Nerf mage barriers (flat 10-20%).
Nerf temp shield in a good way (only restores lets say 60/70% damage taken).
Nerf klepto (stolen hots are less powerful. But leave it unnerfed for normal spellsteal. Give klepto more counterplay).
Nerf causterize in PvP (make it do more damage).

Nerf crimson vial
Nerf faint (increase cd by 15/20 seconds)

If you want to nerf damage (choose 2 for each class/spec)

Nerf garrote & toxic blade damage as well as increasing vandetta cooldown (or reducing vandetta % dmg increase)

Nerf Ignite
Kill Gpy honestly.
Basically nerf fire sustain and make it more spiky like it was in the past.

Nerf frozen orb and comet storm
Put the damage into ice lance and icicles.
Nerf the cooldown reduction of orb in PvP



  1. Either Shimmer allows only damaging spells to be cast while ‘blinking’ or none at all or maybe make Mage choose between ‘cast while teleporting’ and ‘2 charges’ … I prefer not to overnerf completely, so mostly allow only damaging spells to continue being cast during Shimmer

  2. Possibly reduce duration of Polymorph to 6 seconds (NOTE: probably bad change if Shimmer is fixed see 1.)

  3. FROST: remove Ice Nova and set max speed reduction to 50%

  4. Just an idea, but maybe make Temp Shield “override” Barriers

I think points 1. and 3. are enough for now and should be tested before going with further nerfs.


  1. Reduce damage they do in PvP by 10%.
  2. Reduce healing from Crimson Vial in PvP by 50% (down to 15% health over 6 sec).
  3. Reduce damage bonus from Toxic Blade to 10-15%.
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Just increase kidney cd by ten seconds. Current cd makes it too easy for them to set up the kill right now even if they fail.


I suggested this some months ago, all mages and rogues told me to s-t-f-u and l2p

so gl

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You forgot to mention that it has 0 sec CD

This would basically solve nothing since it still icelance it’s still instant just as comet and frozen orb.
I’d rather see frostbolt damage increased.
And this change not just for mage, I’d like to see it for every caster. I want to see casted damage being rewarded and the instant one be nerfed accordingly. It’s stupid that you get 6k frost wrath or 7k from Starfire while starsurge can crit up to unbelievable ammount.
What I mean make a bit of diversity, maybe ele should keep the hard hitting earthshoch, but with a full bar of maelstrom (just like how it was with lighting shield stacks)

This just the way greater pyroblast works! I’m sure you must like fire mages.

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If they wouldn’t have any (!!!) instants casts, especially within their burst, it wouldn’t be that stupid. I mean, any hp based dmg is kinda stupid (if not everything is based on that), but ya.

Greater pyro isn’t the dangerous one (except for the opener), the burst after is the thing that scares.

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Well arms can spread it with bladestorm too if talented.
But I get your point, just didn’t want to miss this.

But the only time we talent into Storm of Destruction is if have C&S and we’re versus a melee team, don’t need reflect (TSG for an example) and we don’t need duel or M&C.

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And in rated bgs. I don’t play it but it definitely looks mandatory there.

True, but does anybody play RBG anymore?

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Effort vs reward.
If GPB wasn’t safeguarded by Shimmer, % based and on no CD, I wouldn’t mind it being some sort of major burst spell.