What if you could have more “on the fly”-kinda customization, but have that style of talent tree?
For me at least it’d be the best of both worlds, I like ease of customization, but I don’t like how little there is to choose or tweak. Even if most of it is faux-choice.
You really need me to answer what’s wrong in getting fired to play a video-game?
This needs to be bait, because if it isn’t, this person have some serious issues going on…
Addiction, idk. But I’m getting worried.
I know it may be silly, but what I would love to have back from classic: I want to feed my pet as a huntress.
And have it be just a little bit more effective if I take good care of it.
I hope we don’t return to those kinds of monster trees. I would prefer the current talent system to have a few more rows and work more like it did in the past.
We used to have a row for choosing what kind of speed boosting ability we wanted, now it’s baked into a line with other abilities. Just a minor quality of life really. Especially being one of the slowest classes in the game.
Im not so sure about what can happen in retail i just wanted to know what u want from classic and retail to help both games but it was misunderstood and now is removed… im sorry forums thanks for great answering after i made my point clear… i thank u all for giving me a chance for real discussion
Shrug, could do with more rows too.
Just more choice and customization really, classes feel a little bit too incomplete, which makes some talents feel more mandatory, which only further makes it feel like there’s no proper way to customize right now.
I miss the older glyph system too, that gave us a bit more flavour, now they are all just cosmetics.
He’s actually quite close too, just needs 6.4k more posts and to give more likes!
Yes. Glyphs, and reforging. They’re not ‘Classic’ but I’d like to see them re-introduced.
I have been saying this for years the old talent trees were the same as we have now there is the one cookie cutter top knot way if you want to be the best but what the old trees had was dozens of ways to build your character and how to play it.
Sure most were utter trash but there was lots of fun builds that we simply don’t have with these post mop “trees”
Most of the times i just slap on my talents now and don’t even visit the talent “tree” for the whole expansion unlike in wotlk where i was constantly playing with crazy and sometimes stupid builds.
Things I miss are not from Classic and have nothing to do with Classic
Like Glyphs, Talent row choices (not the big old trees), no TF/WF, Reforging etc
Oh now i understand what you ment.
I play both classic and retail. I like them as being separate and different games, so when i want to play classic style i got that and when i want to play retail i got all benefits from that.
I do miss classics talent trees and i wish we would still have that style trees where you make your build point by point. I also miss how professions were in classic, they had more value than now and gave more entertainment (in collecting all recipes and materials from all around the world). I also really miss old areas, ones we got in Cataclysm feel inferior to old ones (this is probably nostalgy but still…). And last i miss old style where quests were scattered everywhere and less railroaded than in retail now.
In retail i love having flying. I like all new continents we have got, stories, how my character has progressed. I like pet battles (even i am not big pet battler), i like new classes we have got over the years and new races as well. I love having vendors on mount and having mounts for multiple passengers. I also like my heirlooms and other things i have collected for my account. Just to mention few things.
I do wish we would get back more immersive things yeah.
I think what I miss most from classic is that things used to make sense.
So let me give you a small scenario.
In classic, if you swing your staff as a caster at a target, it will lose a small amount of health, considerable one and enough to kill the enemy, you often see players utilize that and last hit that 1-5% hp guy, it makes sense.
In retail, that’s impossible to do.
My staff auto attacks for 418 ( just checked it on a mob ), people are at 300-500k hp, that’s 0.1% of someone’s hp, meaning it’s nigh impossible and you’d probably be better of utilizing an instant cast ability ( which everyone has ).
It’s these little small missed details that when you think about they make sense.
This particular case is a non issue I know, but when you round up the collective of all other cases and all the other pruned / removed / made easier for QoL changes. the game loses it’s magic, it stops being an RPG.
Arrows, souls, bullets, poisons, reagents, catalysts, mana, gold inflation, hero gathering poop, staff auto attacks and the list goes on, these things case by case let’s you feel relieved that they don’t matter anymore, but the removal of all of them, kills the magic of the game for me.
What is even sad is that the process has kinda become irreversible, people are too used to these, and anyone asking for things to make sense would probably be told to play classic ( but I don’t wanna play classic! ).
I do not miss the lack of bag space from Classic especially as a hunter, ammo, food for pet etc.
I agree that bringing back the old style talent trees (which in the past I would have been okay with) is not going to solve much. More rows would be great but each talent row needs to be based on an area of usage, like a row of movement talents or a row that affects a particular baseline spell in different ways for example.
When it comes to both talent tree styles though the underlying problem is that cookie cutter builds get created (due to bad balancing) which then causes for everyone to be the same barring some gear/stat differences. This really kills the idea of creating a play style for yourself which is what the talent trees are supposed to do imo. Far more needs to be done on balancing talent rows so each talent can be used with very little loss or even replacing talents that are completely unused. Even Azerite pieces (which I can’t wait to be rid of) suffer from the same issue as talents in this respect.
No yeah I understand that, while I personally like the old talent tree system, especially when leveling or for making hybrid builds, I can see it’s problems, especially with futureproofing.
The current talent system could be good, I think it has potential that just hasn’t been realized so far.
Its kind of nice actually its making my thinking: do i keep this or nah? So i dont get 200 items and get richer quicker it takes time to gain richness
Each to their own, that’s my motto. If you like that raw basic bones gaming then go for it. Make the most of your experience.
tbh. the only thing I really care about is PvP and class design and both are equally trash in both versions of the game, however I have been engaged into classic PvP more than I was into retail PvP for over 2 years so that’s saying something I guess.
the only thing where retail really shines over classic is the shear amount of content, but again for someone like me there can be all the content in the world if my class feels trash to play, I disliked Legion for the same reason.
Your opinion. I was asked for mine I gave it. There is nothing that would currently make me want to go back to Classic.