What changes do people realy want

Mostly, I find that the last three expansions have failed by removing things and activities I used to enjoy. I want them restored.

Immediate reaction. No doubt I will facepalm so hard for forgetting something. Definitely not in any specific order.

  • Restore class enjoyment by reverting to Wrath, Cata or Mists norms
  • Restore glyphs - Prime/Major/Minor model
  • Restore a sense of progression by removing scaling
  • Restore realm communities by removing CRZ
  • Restore our viewing distance. (Yes I know not everyone has this problem, but I can literally not spend more than an hour or two in the game since this was introduced.)
  • Restore gear progression with a deterministic process for achieving realistic gearing goals - traditional drop rates, vendors, no *forging
  • Restore character identity by removing most account-wide features
  • Restore professions by … oh, making them relevant again. Do I need the litany? Especially gems and enchants everywhere
  • Revert Pathfinder. Mains can fly. Alts can walk!

Later Edit: OMG, how could have I forgotten removing our characters (and animations) to replace them with different unrelated ones?


Pathfinder requirements lowered. I refuse to bore myself, wait (time gating) and feel pain getting to revered on all factions because they want me to pay for an extra month.
It shouldn’t be revered. I see no good lore reason in that. Honored suffices lore wise too. Awarded reputation needs to be heightened and we need extra ways of earning reputation. Tortollan seekers needs more viable ways of earning reputation.

There could also be tabards to earn reputation, that would be nice when entering dungeons, you are representing a faction when killing lore important bosses, surely that is honorable to a faction? It is RPG based and fun.

I should also get reputation for killing mobs in a area of that faction. Like how killing syndicates (whatever they are called) gives reputation in Arathi Highland.

I understand the concept of MMO’s that if content is finished too soon then boredom can become a problem and for Blizzard that means possible sub cancellations. True. However good design allows for stimulation and longevity.

It feels like Blizzard-Activision have resorted to dirty tactics or are simply failing to hit the balance on what is fun and what is boring.

Who knows? But as it stands pathfinder is a big block for me in my world, it is needed for me to feel more relaxed doing other content. One thing less in my mind. I like to conquer problems. But not problems that leave me waiting day by day or every week to achieve it. For me, it is so bad that conquering the problem, is not playing the game hah.


I need to believe i can fly in order to tackle other content. Even having pathfinder would be nice-ish. But It too grindy. And Part 2 being delayed is fishy as hell.

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A few examples:

  • Connect/merge all the low population realms that is possible;

  • Continue to optimize the game engine/game performance overall;

  • Reduce RNG in the game in general (around 50% less RNG atleast);

  • Make the game more alt friendly;

  • Take a good look at professions and re think them, they arent in a good shape;

  • More character costumization;

That would be a good start, in my opinion.



To be fair when the topics first started about things people didn’t like and what they think should change, they were far more constructive. It has devolved into a bit of a ree fest.

I will definitely come back to this later when I have more time to do a detailed post. :slight_smile:

  • More character customization
  • Longer storylines and just more of it
  • Make features tie-in with those storylines in a meaningful way (no, grinding for azerite is not meaningful)
  • Professions need work, lots of work
  • Transmog limitations need to be removed. Look how you want to look. Maybe, the only exceptions should be really iconic class sets.
  • Remove any and all e-sport-related nonsense from the game
  • Choice matters. Like in the early days; you messed up on talent choices? Too bad. Live with it. Same should happen for story related content.
  • Please start fully voicing story content. It’s really immersion breaking when you get a few lines spoken and then have to continue to read chat to see what’s actually being sad. That also feels really cheap tbh.
  • Player housing. With customizable rooms and a plethora of stuff to decorate with.

And on a very personal, egocentric level I would like;

  • Raids removed. Turn them into solo scenarios with epic battles containing many npcs. -> more resources for content I care about.
  • Mythic and Mythic+ removed -> more resources for content I care about.
  • Any and all PvP options removed -> more resources for content I care about.

Ok fun! This is what i would like. Like a dream scenario not pretending its all possible or everyone else would like it:

  • Make professions good again. Add craploads of new recipes, not epics but for example lot of different green and blue sets you could use when leveling and for trangmog. Some with rare mats not gained by “one at the end of the dungeon” but grindable from certain mobs all around the world. Like dragon scales and such good old times.
  • Player housing and guild halls. Apartments from cities, piece of land from countryside to build your own house in. Furniture and building mats added to professions and as drops “Can’t come to raid tonight, gotta grind red velvet chairs from blood elfs in Magister terrace!”
  • Old talent trees back. Don’t have to have same things in them but same structure.
  • Flying back to game without any pathfinders.
  • Reputations truly grindable and not as something you get for doing dailies 30 days on the row. Tabards for dungeons back. Grindable reputation items on open world mobs (think of scourgestones in Plaguewood style).
  • Branching story where choices matter.
  • More open world content: events and random world bosses who appear out of nowhere with no regular spawn times.
  • Weather effects. Like real ones! Make it slippery on icy areas. Make it slower to walk if you are in snow or if it rains and roads turn into muds or if wind is against your direction. Faster if you run with the wind. Make some mounts work better on snow or slippery ice, some better on dry roads.
  • Talk about winds, i would like to get a sailboat to use with those weather effects.
  • Dungeons with adjustable people count from 2-10. Use scaling here.
  • Dump scaling elsewhere or tone it down on 110-120.
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Everyone want to have different things. Thats always the case. Things I would like.

  1. ban all addons that do more than UI changes. no DBM for example. People are only robots following instructions the addon gives them.
  2. stop factions. the horde vs alliance crap is narrowing the possibilities we have. (story, pvp, pve) The story is not good as well. We could have a way more dynamic story with changing alliances.
  3. implement a matchmaking system for arena. why dont we have a solo elo system for arena. Its perfect for the short matches like arena.
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Deleting LFR is the first step of making the game better. Rewarding progression comes right after that.

My top 3:

  1. Classes need to be unpruned, at least to WoD level if not more.
  2. RNG stats on gear have to go. I can accept Warforging MoP style, but random sockets and titanforging is utter garbage and needs to burn.
  3. Either remove AP completely, or make it have a weekly cap per character.

Next 3:
4) PvP vendors.
5) Return reforging, add more secondary stats, provide options to customize.
6) Remove scaling at max level from PvE content, and provide a very clear explanation of how it works in PvP instead of the current guessing game.


There is simply way too much content that isn’t challenging at all… There is a difference between “easy” and “attendance”. Sure there should be stuff that is easier, so less skilled players have something to do, but that doesn’t mean that we need something like warfronts that is basically a boring walking simulator that is nearly impossible to fail and yet it is rewarded with a gear piece, of heroic ilvl… If you were to remove that piece, almost nobody would participate in warfronts anymore. Same with LFR…

This expansion seems to be filled with content that nobody enjoys, isn’t challenging at all and yet distributes powerful gear, all while the actually challenging content is way too hard for what they reward…

The only other rewards are mounts, pets, toys and cosmetics… Don’t get me wrong I like those things, but I have collected so many of them that I kind of stopped caring about them…

  • I don’t need 30 different horses because I already have my favorite 3.
  • I have powerful pets that can defeat any pet battle challenge.
  • I have many toys that I never use, or can’t use because using it in a “fun” way isn’t what blizzard intended.
  • I have hundreds of transmog pieces of which most look almost the same and half of them I cant even use because of horrible clipping or/and textures…

I like it when it is written with a proper believable narrative and doesn’t dump on previous lore and continuity just for the sake of it.

You may dislike

But is has given some of the better stories in WoW, Lich king, Sha, Legion, ect.

It is always so contrived to have a faction war because we know that no one can actually win otherwise it wouldn’t be fair.
At least you know there is a point to fighting villain of the expact because you can actually win in the end and all the fighting isn’t for nought.

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A regular supply of “angel dust” (not allowed to use the more common abbreviated name for it)…??

I believe FF does this, so people just install external timers which do the exact same job but not in the game. So, you wouldn’t get away from it.

Why should I be limited to 6 or 7 abilities?
What if I want more?

I’d want to have either MoP or late Cata class design.
God PvP and PvE was fun back then.

hey these are actually really good ideas!

Removal of TF, bringing back masterloot, complete rework of the talent system, bringing back reforging and glyphs, better class balance, another mail class like a Warden, another bow class like a Dark Ranger, better open world content, bring back dangerous zones and quests.
Basically outside of wanting more classes, everything that I would add to WoW was there at one point or another and then removed for the sake of making the game more accessable. Accessability is a cancer to the game at this point. Accessability to gear, content wiith no excepctations from the players. Warfronts are the pinnacle of accessability - a free win content that rewards with mythic quiality gear.

And topics like these has been aswered mutple times aswell, but every few weeks they come back with we were not constructive enough. Like I said if people have been saying stuff since beta give them a break they are annoyed, how many times did their feedback got ignored or deleted? Sadly although it’s all mostly ‘minor’ stuff in BfA it’s just way too much minor stuff. From extra stuff like progressions all the way to server lag, yesterday I did the warfront for the AP on my DH, I had an invisible mount, my demon form was my normal form and couldn’t use 70% of skills for half the game because it wouldn’t recognize me being dismounted. While if you press those skills it should automaticly dismount you. It wasn’t my side but server side that wasn’t doing it correctly since my MS was normal and fine and the skills that worked did react properly and on time.


I agree, there are only so many times you’re going to be willing to put in a super detailed response, only for the same discussion to come up again and again and again.