What class will you Reroll to since Priest is dead In Dragonflight?

Why do you constantly post on your other character as if you’re two separate people. I don’t think the spec is in the greatest place right now but your behaviour is baffling.


Pre-patch everything is normally OP and underpowered. HP will likely be far greater than normal level 60 at 70 and this will help fix somethings in PvP. Say increase HP 40 or so percent.

Blizzard are still tuning things. Plus as we go from 60 to 70 all classes will get access to more talent options.

I think shadow is lackluster with mind sear spam being gone our aoe is lack luster as can be.

They should make shadow crash hit unlimited adds with the dots instead of 8.

The main consideration is that the current tuning could be for level 70. This means level 60 is not currently tuned optimally.

This means making judgements about performance could well be a hasty generalization currently. All we can see Blizzard are still balancing classes/specs in the patch notes. This is an ongoing process. Only when it is completed will we be able to make a conclusion.

if US forum says shadow is bad then it is.

The issue is the fact you all want to play a lock.

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It’s a tough one. I really prefer SP to lock. At the moment I have 2 toons equally geared (full honour gear.) I can get to around 100k and a bit health with SP with buffs in a BG.

My affli lock with grim/sacrifice, shadow bulwark and buffed healthstone from soulburn was in a BG recently. I got focussed, popped bulwark and hs and had 213k hp. The other player did a double take, disengaged and fled.

So affli seems like easy mode, but I just prefer SP for so many reasons. Fed up with it being under tuned and hope its pre patch.

Same but the mind sear nerf in a spender puts me of it. Since it sucks not having dps on demand anymore.

I wish they’d address the shadow concerns as fast as they did with discipline.

Having to wait for shadow crash or mind bender to come off cd whilst everyone else is pumping in aoe is really terrible gameplay. And who thought it’d be a good idea to turn Mind Sear into an insanity spender with pitiful damage? It really needs some tuning to make it worth using.

i dont think its a case Affliction is Easymode.

the issue us u’ve playtested something at the peak of Meta against something at the bottom, one by default is going to be harder to play due to that in itself alone.

if u reversed the Situation u’d feel shadow was Easier. being overpowered will just by default make everything easier, because you’ll feel the benefit while being less capable wit the class because it by default stands at a higher point.

well yes, Lots of people who play Shadow are a Fan of the DoT based gameplay, which Affliction warlock also brings, so its no suprise people would make the swap, espically currently where Aff warlock is simply a very strong choice.

Not exactly, it’s more that multiple Shadow spells are currently copypasted from Affliction but worse versions. So unsurprisingly, one is inclined to ask to be more like the good version.

Crash cd plays okay, but in the context of how other dot classes are so unlimited it feels like artificial difficulty for no reason. When psychic link hit hard, attempting to limit how many dot targets I could have made sense, however, a skilled priest with the right nameplates could probably juggle VT on 8 targets while also getting all their mind blasts off for that extra 420% damage. So it’s just not possible to limit the damage via target number by making the dot annoying to apply.

That’s why most things in the game let’s you do things to 45 targets but deal reduced damage beyond the first 5/8, but we have things like apparitions that do individual attacks so they won’t be scaled that way, unless - perish the thought - someone decides we can’t spawn more than 32 spooky ghosts per mind blast.

Or they redo them to just be a visual indication of a single damage event on multiple targets, which they can now scale and not reward insanity for. This came off as a little unhinged.

By the sounds of DF aff wont be very useful in pve atleast.

Its aoe is good, its ST is extremely weak, so demo will just overall be better by the looks of it

Shadow is overall pretty good too

Unless you can’t get over the chaos in it

Yeah shadow does feel pretty good, think my main reason of thinking lock currently is simply, 3 dps speccs rather then 1. As someone who only plays dps having so much avaliable always tempts me around expansion launchs haha

I only play one spec on most of my characters anyway, like ask me to DPS on my paladin and I just die because I play his plated butt like a tank. Turns out plate/mail/leather/cloth makes very little survival difference in many situations (shields are huge however).

They suck in aoe mind sear is gone. Monk does 140k aoe. meanwhile am at 19k. Singel target am at 19k meanwhile Bm hunter is doing 32k .-

Its not even worth specking in to mindgames.

its blizzard whom makes it like that sometimes when they don’t watch feed back. :stuck_out_tongue:

Only because monks and bm should be top 1 with 2 bottoms spams. Meanwhile my dots rats jack. Just fun how incompetently dumb the devs are these days add back mind sear.

I still highly doubt WW is staying that way. That key I mentioned I kept ahead of BM and Fury by a little bit, I think we’re around the same ilvl. What was surprising to me was the damage graphs aligned so much instead of me sucking at aoe and catching up on bosses I kept pace along the way.

Its the irregular pacing not having any aoe on demand stinks and doesn’t work for shadow.

Feels like a mage Dev team worked on shadow and though it would work but. It feels like an outhouse smells of bad rework.

Not sure what’s regular about packs in Gambit. They’re everything from 15 murlocs to 4-8 pirates to 1-3 brokers. It did feel messy tho