For me i am a paladin player but in classic they are a bit slow, i mean llving with seals like watching a bot playing your game.
I really want to play retry but i might not get groups/raid invites at lvl 60.
What are you guys playing and your opinion about endgame for retry paladins?
There is a reason why ret is a meme spec because theyâre dogwater in classic there is really only 1 pala spec in classic and thats called holy pala.
more garbage takes, surprise
Well it is a meme spec just because your family and friend guild takes ret pally does not mean 90%+ of all the other guilds would even grab a ret.
They are really fast in lvling.
Endgame is healing. If ur close with ur guild i guess u could be a slot as meme specâșïž
You will wear the blue dress and you will like it.
Jokes aside, you will have to find a guild which would be fine having a meme spec in their roster, there is a reason Boomkin, Ret Pala, Prot Pala, Shadow Priest, Arcane Mage, Survival Hunter and Ele Shaman are called âmeme specsâ and thatâs because theyâre awful in Vanilla, they got fixed in TBC but in vanilla you will be OOM or do the 40% dmg of a warrior in a raid, some of these specs work really well in PvP, but in PvE, theyâre almost trolling and some people will see you as gear competition specially if you play ret pala, some people will be very angry if you win an item which could be used by a warrior or a rogue. Thatâs another reason they couldnât invite you to a guild or pug.
I was always doing Orc Warrior but this time I think, im gonna do Human Warrior !
My first class is not my main, just a grinding beast and supporter for my main.
Not sure yet, but I prob start with a hunter or mage followed by Druid and Warrior.
I play Horde and luckily only like TBC Paladins.
Will play one in TBC for sure.
You will need a friends in high places for that
I donât have time for experiments so I will be rolling warrior like everyone else.
I have always been a sucker for meme specs, so i will go for a smitepriest.
hopfuly i will end upp in a guild that can accept it and i also hope they will have a ret who can bost me.
I was pretty sure I will play a Warlock, but with the incoming changes of dual specs and debuff limits, I am really unsure⊠Now I am considering a Priest, too.
A priest. Will follow the icyveins guide to do disc until 40 then switch to shadow. Dual spec with healing in case I am brave enough to do group content. Iâve done Paladin and Hunter, time for a⊠sort of challenge? I love priest currently and surely I can do smite, dot, wand
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