What classes do you not play?

Priest, I hate the DPS options. The only use my priests get is… using this one priest to post on the forurms!

  • Warrior is something I play as DPS, but I don’t like the idea of playing it as a tank for people in a dungeon/raid due to potential toxic responses and needing to lead everyone.

Warlock, dont like pet classes, dont like managing dots, dont like their resource system.

Hunter, pet class, also not too fond of Focus. Mail is my least favourite armor type. I have even used 2 of the free character boosts on 2 different hunters but still cant get into them.

DK, dont like their runes resource, their spells lack a certain oompf. I felt bad during their starting zone killing civilians. also one spec is pet based.

DH, they feel theres something missing to their class. They also feel like one trick ponys.

Monk, they feel out of place as a non pandaren. It also bothers me that they dont use their weapons.

Druid, dont like being in shapeshift 24/7 (even if thats their niche). Feral being a dot class, and just dont like moonkins.

So yea, 6 out of 12 classes I dont play. the others I either play, have played or are in the “unexplored” area. good times.

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DH, warlock, rogue, druid. Because these classes are not available for draenei.

Priests can’t stand the class

Hunters bore me

Shamans I actually like the theme etc but can’t stick with it

Mage I only like fire so meh

Monk don’t really like the class

Warrior shadow of its former self

DH not my cuppa

Warlocks succubus distracts me to much…

I mainly stick to DKs and Druids/rogues but I must admit my mage is hankering to blow up some stuff.

My least played class will be Havoc Demon Hunter just because i can’t stand Chaos Strike animation…

Warlock and DK are pretty unknown to me also.

Never been able to do Priests. No idea why, I just -can’t- get them beyond like, 20 or something, I just hate the playstyle, I’m sure its lovely for people who can, I’m not Dissing priest players, I’m just saying it just absolutely does not fit how I play, but then I massively favour MM Hunter, so who am I to judge.

I Can’t do DH’s either, but I think that is more the elitist RPer in me going “This class shouldn’t even be playable” that is spoiling it for me, to be honest… The dynamics of the Class are pretty interesting, but whilst I did level one, I deleted it, because it just didn’t grab me as an RP concept, I mean where do you go with it? “I gave everything! What have you given?”

“Well, no mate, seriously, what did you give?”
“MY EYES! I plucked them out because of the horrors the world showed me!”
“Yeah, but, you can still see, can’t you?”
“YES! BUT, Only those dread things mortals should not see!”
“Well, you’re lucky there, ain’t you, you can actually see better than people with both eyes”
“YOU DO NOT UNDERSTAND what torment crawls within me!”
“Nah mate, we don’t, because from the ‘Big I ’ downwards, you are unable to express yourselves without sounding like 18 year old Emo’s. Not even Goths, that would be cool, but you all sound like Emo’s who are angry, because Dad has come in and had ‘the Talk’, Seriously, what are you angry about? You get improved eyesight, you get super Saiyan mobility skills, you can’t frickin’ die, and you get bloody wings!”


“OH Boo hoo, so does everyone else, you ain’t sacrificed anything mate, people have been risking more whilst you were in your little crystal sleeping bags, they don’t bang on about it, do they? So shut yer yap, do your job, Lead, Follow, or Get out of the Way! Azeroth is no place for whingers!”

Can you tell I don’t like the DH self pitying thing much? :wink:

DH is really the only one I don’t play as they’re tediously boring

Google dot Com: How to report someone for attacking me

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They actually are “safe” classes, like warriors. It’s okay, though.

I just can’t get into mages or DH, not sure why.

cough Don’t forget about the scars cough.

PS: I know… says the DK, imma right?

For me it’s rogue and warriors… My first character to lvl 60 back in vanilla was a rogue, and I still have her, but she has not been max lvl in current content in a loooooong time.
And I never got a warrior to max lvl… Think 70 was the highest I ever got one… :crazy_face:

I can’t…take…shamans…they’re so underpowered and low-impact… D:

But youre a Worgen…you are always stuck as an animal!

On 2 legs… That is not a bird or smurf, and that you can dress up.

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These days I don’t have much time to play.

but my main is still alliance druid from classic (tho I think it was male nelf at start, then clipclip he became she and today she is worgen… lets talk about hair growth!

and other 2 most played chars in this expansion are horde Lock & druid. I wanted peasefully gaming experience. tho druid got race change to zandalar troll as well, that moonkin form is awesome ><

But least played… I think its rogue, monk, DK and demon hunter. tho I played my mage mostly at BC. and didnt really touch after that (lv 73 :slight_smile:
Rogue is fantastic sneaker… but I got bored so fast and these days mobs are linked somehow… sapped mob know you killed her friend even she is knocked out all the time… not fun ;/

Monk is weird, I really love monks idea, but its mechanics just feels bad somehow… I wanted to do Vulpera monk, tested in PTR and it just feels so weak compared to warrior (ok. I don’t know well its mechanics, just took lv. 110 trial to test).

I am with you there, its the weakest resource mechanic…
can’t stand it… not on rogues… not on ferrals.


It’s really just the druid for me, one I Don’t like the forms bcs they hide transmog and every spec feel like a weaker version of Something else to balance the jack of all trade theme. If I want to be stealthy I go on my rogue, if I want to be a caster I go on my lock, if I want to tank I go on my dh.

everyone but my hunter, not until they make essences account wide.

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Last time, i really played warrior fury was Legion and i dropped it.
Titan Grip is just a trash talent, always was. Ugly visual, and in resume it just a passive +x % damage. It was boring when it have been introduced in Woltk, still boring now. And now fury only can play with it.

And Warrior it’s the only class “alot of button mashing”, really not a good argument.