What classes do you not play?

Fury isn’t slow these days.

As someone with at least one of each class at max level I play them all to varying degrees. The spec mechanic that annoys me the most, however, is combo points. The fact that finishing moves require combo points + energy to use frustrates the hell out of me. That said, they’re at least bearable to play since they moved combo points off of your target and on to the player.

I do not play anything that is not DH or Rogue. I love overperforming, doing damage wiht no effort and I enjoy killing all the nerd ragers in pvp.

Might be because you are a troll there are tons and tons of mail armor that are either tiki masks or some other troll stuff. Same goes to those lucky bastard Draenei tons of racial stuff for them too. Orcs have few sets that fit them also. Every other race that can be shaman its just blizzard flipping a bird to us.

I think Paladins, Mage and Priest. That is like way down the list for me.

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Druids, monks, priest, warlock and thats pretty much it
Edit: Oh and death knights

Death Knights
Demon Hunter

I’ve invested too much in my other characters to want to play a new class. My completionistic ego won’t let me.

I have (almost 2) of each class at 120 but do not enjoy range classes at all.

I main DH but if I had to move to another it would probably be ret pally and maybe rogue (though I am a terrible sneakyboi)

What i play is different per expansion, but i never played mage, demonhunter or monk more than a few levels . Never liked those classes very much. And the current rogue , paladins and warlocks are not really to my liking now compared how they used to be. I do still use my rogue for some emmisaries

Monk, priest, shaman and rogue, in that order. I have shammy and rogue at max level but I never actually play them. My priest is at level 115 and I play that one form time to time, but monk… geez. Created him at MoP, but he has never been at max level in any expansion. Don’t know why, I kind of like their playstyle.

But Vulperas are here soon. I was going to make a rogue but on a second thought, I think I might go with Monk and name him Shifu

Hope you’ve reserved it or it’ll be hard to get that name.

On topic: I’ve tried many times to play melee classes. They all end up just collecting dust. Prefer ranged classes.

This. But of the melee classes, I feel that warrior is the most boring one, I actually never tried one past level 2-3.

i play everything so why am i here ?

Demon hunter and mage.

Demon hunter because its too league of legends with it’s 7 abilities or something total.

Mage because it always felt like a boring version of a warlock except arcane and whenever arcane gets even remotely competitive it’s nerfed instantly.

I just find non melee easier as I have low skills, so avoid melee:)

Casters and Ranged. They are easy mode dps.
Melees are a lot more fun and challenging as you head on because you have to be aware of your surroundings (hence casters/ranged are more prone to pull things). Finishing somebody also feels a lot more satisfying as you see them fall into your feet. :kissing_heart:


How do you keep motivated to keep leveling ? And whats your method between 60 to 80 is usually my breaking point tbc/wotlk really drags .

I have a second monitor for Netflix, forum trolling, etc then I play dungeon bingo! (flag every dungeon and then tick them off when they pop up! Once each usually takes you to 80 with looms).

I have 2 of everything at 120 now (gotta have 1 horde and 1 alliance for fairness!) but Im not a fan of melee classes.
Im rubbish at targeting close up and all the effects means you cant really see whats going on.

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Anything none magical.
It just doesnt interest me.

Warriors are dumb meatsheilds to me.
Rogue are smarter then avarage scum.
Hunters are useful food providers.
All are inferior to the power of magic.

Monks. Mostly because they came with Pandas. I try to refuse their existence in Azeroth. Thankfully most players do the same so its not that hard :stuck_out_tongue:

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I have all classes at 120 as of BFA, I currently mainly play DK (blood), shaman (resto and ele), warrior (prot and arms) and priest (disc and shadow).

I’ve always had a priest main since vanilla. Warrior since Legion, DK and shaman are new to BFA (shaman especially, been playing it max level for about 4 months) but I enjoy my dk and shaman most.

Of my 120s the class I play the least is probably my hunter (only interested in survival spec, BM is beyond boring for me, marks is okay but keeps getting fiddled with) followed by DH(I actually like the class. But dont like elves) and then druid (I’m not crazy about any of the races atm, but I find 3 of 4 of their specs alright, just not balance)

I dont really play paladin much these days. Which is odd as paladin was my primary main in tbc Wrath.

I’ve changed class mains a lot over expos, but hunter has never been something I put any depth into.