What classic + should REALLY be

So original vanilla had a lot of unused zones and tbh classic + should put them to use.
So for example, Karazan, Hyjal, Gilneas, Grim Batol, Uldum

So think classic era as it is currently, same old class and spell design but add a new 60 raid or dungeon in the form of Karazan, Grim Batol or Uldum.
New zones in the form of Gilneas and Hyjal

Can even do something with the caverns of time as its in the Vanilla game but closed off.

Just think of the opportunities this could bring in extending the game with exciting new content true to the classic style

That’s my take on Classic + not SOD…


What rly got me thinking and still needs some clarification is what happens to classic era, ONCE a new dungeon that do not exist in classic era get released in SOD… What then? It will be SOD only? So devs will be down to work to make a new instance and optimize it in other words make a new content for like 2 years short life span and then… begone? Just shut down along with SOD servers once project conclude? Or this dungeon eventually will come to classic era aswell? (Id love to play karazhan crypts or any other new dungeon along with a new zone optimized for classic era - dont tell that to “no changes” movement). So what happens after SOD? Can anyone tell :smiley:

Era stays the same and after sod soon Classic + is released. Btw for everyone Classic plus is something else and they even said that they will use unfinished zones

0 creative spark at blizzard. not happening. NEXT.

I know it wont happen
Im giving an opinion


If you really see what Classic Plus looks like, go try Turtle WoW and upcoming Project Epoch. Devs, take notes! This is how C+ made, not your rehashed, reused SoD content with runes from Cata no one asked for!

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if we’re excluding pvp, then yeah turtle is alright

I like turtles.
They;re cute

I agree with

But this is absolutely bonkers to me

1 Button rotations? Horrible balance? A lot of talents in the tree that feel completely out of place? Only one proper viable Tank, some other specs completely unplayable?
Do you REALLY like that?

SoD right now is a weird patchwerk of classic, tbc and wotlk.
I would prefer to take 3.3.5a patch as a base (Wotlk balancing, class design, itemization fixes like crit rating/spellpower, etc). Delete Northrend and Outland, bring original Naxx and Ony back and once that is sorted out, implement new stuff and use unfinished zones like you mentioned above.

Now you of course had to retweak the Wotlk talent trees down to 41 point capstones, which would open up the possibility to put some of those capstone talents into runes. Do less runes per class, but make the aquiring process more meaningful (i feel like SoD has a bit of a rune-bloat right now)

Its classic, how the classes were designed back then and yeah i do enjoy Era more than SOD

I’m basically saying dont touch the classes but add new zones to the world

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Yeah i totally understand that but just because “they were like that back then” doesn’t mean they were good. Clearly there were a lot of issues with class design and itemization and they did a good job to fix a lot of that until WotLK.
The biggest selling points about Classic are the world design, progression, reliance on communities and other players. And i love those things about classic.
But honestly, Class balance is horrendous and you are limited to a fraction of what could be possible.

No new spells i hope, just balance tweak the already existing, example shaman dont need all those new spells in SOD, you can just turn stoneclaw totem into taunt, pretty much thats what it does, just make it 100% taunt redirecting the target to shaman… pretty clever and simple… and there u go shaman have taunt as for aoe taunt u can use fire nova totem, it taunts aoe anyway… im pretty sure other classes got spells that can be tweaked here and there and be viable without adding or changing or reworking the spells and abilities.

Yes - this is way forward for Classic +. Not touch playstyle, graphics ect, but expand world. All always say Class balance better in Wrath. Can we have Class balance without content in leveling being trivial easy?
I tjhink people always hiddenly ask for more easy when they ask for Wrath Class balance.