What do you hope or wish for in TWW

For me two big things that I would love would be:

  1. Bullion system will be expanded as a permanent thing like we had it first in WotLK so that no matter if live game or outdated content everyone could just sooner or later buy everything they desire.
  2. Story mode for raids become a permanent thing and not just a one time Story thing expanded with more hints about how to better play your intended role. This way we would have beside the follower dungeons a training system with bots for Dungeons also a solo trainingssystem for playing raids.
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I personally hope that the Flightstone equivalent of TWW will be another transfereable currency

They won’t be. As a general rule things that can influence player power will not be transferrable.

It would make mog farming 10x better, also it shouldnt be an item in your inventory, it should just be a currency for that expansion.

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Though they are currently reduced if you have on another character the gear with higher GS equiped and you also can get Warbound Items during TWW content so that you can farm gear with your main for your alt so why not also make the currency to upgrade this gear transferable too?

I only really wish for darker storylines and metal AF characters and plots :metal:t2::metal:t2::metal:t2:

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