For me, it’s less borrowed power, no time-gated reputation grinds that consequently increase character power, improved talent variations and frequent class tuning. Yourself?
No borrowed power.
No time gating.
No renown.
No AP.
Dungeons/raids being the only thing that you have to do to acquire to increase character power. I WAS considering to try to raid in SoD but then I just saw the shards and just went “nope, not doing this”.
I’m with Onori on those points.
Legendaries which you don’t need to sacrifice your life to a Loa for to get one.
Cross faction play.
All spec skills are unlocked immediately at lvl 1, but you still have talents to earn by leveling up. So you can get a good sense of what you’re playing before being too committed time wise (you may not like it in the end and want to delete it.)
Bring back more effects and talents to be part of classes base line spec. You know, the ones you took from classes base line and moved into legendaries and warmode etc.
Have raiding no longer be the end game and stop having all other forms of content funnel players towards raiding. All forms of content should have semi equal value.
Make crafting worth having again - its gutted atm.
Chromie time until max lvl (aka an option available all the time.)
Don’t make players the ‘champion’ then proceed to force them through quests like collecting poo or collecting animal skins. Either we are champions commanding NPCs to do all of those tedious tasks or we’re back to being part of the army without the pretentious lie.
(There’s other things, but those come to mind first.)
Oh boi, that will be a too long list. When this community council goes life and if I should have access to posting there, you can be certain that I will work out a fully fledged out PDF with graphics and all together with others about our wishes.
open world content to play with other players,events,online gms,contested zones,big areas,more weather effects,darker nights,idk so many things…
What I want most is for them to release the new expansion as though it had been live for over a year first…
Less grinds
More care for pvp
Everything else is an extra
Bis m+ gear droping from m+. meaning by pushing keys u get the best possible gear for m+.
thats my nr1 wishlist!. and if it happends you gonna make alot of players return and more happy!. its not cool to be held back in m+ by lack of a good raiding guild, or lack of time.
After all if u like m+ the most why would u spend time in raiding if u got limited time to play.
that devs focus on fun content and not borrowed power.
Good class design, simple gear, challenge modes, small cool things to do.
I want…
Cataclysm 2.0, this time will all previous versions of every zone available through phasing and speaking with Zidormi (or whatever the name is). All lost vanilla versions should be added as well.
Faction merge and new secondary faction, more about that here: Let's have a faction merge in 10.0!
I want my spent time valued by loot. There must never be a situation where I find myself struggling through an m+ key for 40minutes and getting not at least one guaranteed item.
A lore worthy of Warcraft.
And open world content worth to be’ played
Account wide reputations from the get go to atleast revered status.
No borrowed power but if we have to endure it then atleast decreased amounts of it PLEASE.
No drip-feeding storyline content.
Account wide “renown” from the get-go if they bring that system in the coming xpansions.
More loot dropping from bosses.
Let us get flying either from the start of the expansion or after 1 month into it if you really want us to explore the world on the ground first…
Cross-faction play, including cross-faction guilds. Unless we get that in 9.2, in which case relaxed class/race combo restrictions, allowing for Mechagnome Shamans, Druids and Paladins.
On top of that, no more raid-only sets and systems, unless all of their functionality on top of stats is disabled outside of the raid. Or an M+ equivalent of whatever the raid set/system is. Basically, stop forcing people who want to do high keys into raid, and vice versa.
More and more varied world content: Shorter WQs again. Repeatable questlines with alternative ‘paths’ to the end. World content being seen as an actual 4th endgame pillar. With its own progress and difficulty curve (in fact every ‘pillar’ should get its own progression seperate from the others; no longer will you have to do other activities if you don’t want to - you still CAN of course if you want).
More ‘down to earth’ aesthetic; back to Azeroth and no over the top nonsense.
Updated Azeroth zones.
Transmog restrictions dropped: You can transmog anything except other classes’ tier sets.
Not of personal interest, but for the general health of the game: cross faction gameplay.
Exploration and intriguing zones.
No upgradeable pvp Sets.
Azeroth /10chars
Sylvanas dead and buried forever
Fix to the lore
More down to earth themes rather than cosmic wars
Masterlooter atleast for guild groups / guild weekly vault
Less importance on loot rng for example raids and m+ should drop currency that could be used to buy gear.
Class quests