- Sharding
- Scaling
- Warmode (bring back pvp/pve servers)
- Artifact system or it’s iteration
- Instance-based content. Bring back world to warcraft.
I still miss / cant understand your point…
First of all, i was just triggered by your way of thinking (or at least what its felt to me) didnt actually mean to flame you, im sorry if you felt like this.
got tilted because, as i already said, you dont have and will never have the need to PvP in order to enjoy PvE stuffs in wow (ironically, atm its the opposite, since there are broken trinkets and stuffs)
Toxicity, sadly, is everywhere lately in those years… its just everywhere in every damn game! On the following link you can see a tweet from me, showing the most toxic player i ever met and it was IN PVE (again, its kinda ironic) remove # for the link
Surely i’m super proud of my faction and i will never go alliance, always been horde since when i started playng pre tbc (lost my acc this is why i have progress only after pre WoD on this1)
But for a mentally-stable person, having some competition (like you can have in every sports you can do outside) can stimolate your brain and giving you some fun! the problems start to come out when people act childish as hell and only want to win while never lose (this is the most bad player type imo)
Here you are half wrong, because yeas they could assign 100% resources BUT its kinda the opposite
PvE team > PvP team
Talking about money they invest, numbers of persons 4 each team and so on (they would even lose so many players that the PvE team could be influenced by this by loosing support hehe)
This is the only thing i can share, because no one enjoy it, expecially because 90% of traits are just a damage boost, not a changing mechanig or whatever cool stuff
cant think about even a single one PvP-only event… even faction assoults are basically PvE world quest (or they get disabled if you toggle warmode off? tbh i dont know this)
Warfronts? warfronts are a joke, they could give us a pvp version but, as i said, PvE>PvP for the devs, so they tried to give you something like BGs with IA but they failed totally
cant understand this neither… you can do EVERY, LIKE EEVERYTHING in super-easy mode, normal dungeons and LFG raids
i dont know man, maybe i’m dumb and cant understand your points, but from my pow you dont even know what you want/dislike and why XD
but why? the mechanic of “higher risk → higher reward” its always so exciting! And with Warmode they basically stopped people to cry for ganks, and you can even have way more player doing PVP since its a mix of ppl from different servers
imo a really good feature, had so much fun expecially in the first weeks of xpac where everyone was out there fighting each other
-world quests
-mission tables
-island expaditions
-GCD on cooldowns/defensive abilities
Technically not 100% true. This is USUALLY the case, but there have been times.
Stimulate your brain and having fun are two totally seperate things. You can have either without the other. YOU think it’s fun to have competition. YOU think it’s fun to fight other players. I don’t. Doesn’t mean I don’t want to ‘have my brain stimulated’, but I get that in different ways than you do.
I just don’t agree. Yes, some players would leave, but imo we don’t need those kinds of players anyway. It would make the playerbase better. And new players would come who have no interest in PvP and who’d want to see the expanded PvE stuff (more resources/people; more and -hopefully- better things).
But all of that is a moot point anyway, because I know and understand it will never happen. So no matter what my personal feelings about this are, let’s just forget about it.
The Nazjatar battle event?
ALMOST everything. I can’t do Mechagon on heroic or normal. So I can’t do this dungeon, because I don’t want to do mythics. It’s a bad call from Blizzard and they’ve done it before; Siege of Boralus, King’s Rest, Court of Stars, The Arcway Kara. All those dungeons were mythic-only for several months, which is something that is just not acceptable. Why should non-mythic players have to wait 3-9 months before they can do that content?
I explained it to you, so hopefully now you understand it more.
Could you provide some examples?
It’s not true because, as i pointed out and given you a real examples, PvE players can be toxic AF too, because people wipe at bosses or because you dont give your loot to them! personally, maybe because i’m a decent PvP players, i get flamed way less in LFG-PVP than in raid/dungeon content
Man they even made a counterpart for it since they fked up the sharding… i mean, here you are TOTALLY wrong
because instead of acting like this you could try to put some little effords…
Here you are totally wrong, again, because here you are acting exactly like all the people who cried about how hard is Sekiro: Shadow die twice
I’m sure you heard the complaining of people about the absence of an easy-mode
BUT the response of the devs team (and the analysys of some of the greates gaming-magazines) cleary show how wrong where those who cried about it…
If you want everything without putting any efforts, if you want the same rewards of people that are way more skilld and invest way more time that you, well, my friend you need to open your eyes because this is the most wrong way of thinking (expecially if applied in real life)
And please dont answare that you pay 13€/mm so you deserve to get everything, because its make no sense…
You can pay an ammount of money to partecipate to whaever competition, but this doesnt give you the right to get the 1st place
Also right now with the essence only obtainable through pvp, which for some classes is their BiS option.
I’m not saying PvE players are never toxic, but in MY experience and in MY opinion PvP players are much more toxic and much more frequently on average. Stop trying to twist what I said please and don’t try to put words in my mouth.
A counterpart that is nothing like the original event. So no I’m not wrong. What I’m suggesting is we get the SAME event, but instead of players, we’d be fighting NPCs with their shiny new AI.
I play games to have fun. I don’t think mythic content is fun, so I don’t do it. I don’t think pvp content is fun, so I don’t do it. To me that makes total sense.
No, I’m not. You disagree. That doesn’t make me wrong because you are not right. You just have different taste/opinions.
That’s something totally different. That’s an entire game, coming from devs who are known for those types of games. So yeah, anyone who expected differently was being foolish. However, WoW is made for many different types of players. Blizzard tries to cater to all of them to an extent. So when they DON’T do that, it feels insulting and like an injustice.
This is not about ‘wanting rewards’. This is about wanting to be able to do and see the content in a way I ENJOY. Of course an heroic version would have lower rewards than the mythic version, that goes without saying. And that last remark is worthless, because we’re NOT talking about real life. We’re talking about a GAME. Something that people play for FUN. And different people get that FUN in DIFFERENT WAYS. So YOU are wrong for wanting to force YOUR kind of fun onto others.
I never even mentioned any of this. Stop trying to put words into my mouth.
Eh? No? Not really?
I mean in theory you’re right - but in practice the warmode is a failure for two reasons - Sharding and LFG.
LFG allows people to group up in organized groups, and sharding is trying to “equal” people in shards. Sounds good right? But it really isn’t.
It “equals” people in shards without regards to groups or not, hell it rather squezes organized groups against spread out solo players.
Thus so many irritated players complaining about other faction dominating warmode, from both sides.
As for PvP/PvE servers as it was before - it was superior in my regard.
Sure, less people were willing to engage in world pvp but it did happen at least on mine server. And once it happened it was more “fair” than a gankraids camping WQ/Flightpath.
That’s actually the problem, that it’s treated as a “higher risk → higher reward” mechanic, which is a dumb thing to do. If you’re interested in PVP then warmode already provides that benefit, just like PVP servers did for over a decade. It’s not a detriment and it shouldn’t have any extra rewards attached to it, this is done for the sole purpose of bait.
Gilgoblins. I hope Blizzard is not serious. When can the Horde get an allied race that is actually different from an existing one???
Highmountain Tauren = Tauren with bigger horns. Mmmmm…
Nighborne = Night Elves but the blue clay versions. Looks so fake…
Magyar Orcs = Orcs that stand upright and can be brown. Wow…
Zandalari Trolls = Trolls that stand upright. Oooooo…
That makes Gilgoblins = Goblins with gills. Really…
What about Vulpera or Sethrac??? Something that looks DIFFERENT!!! Is that so hard to make???
Faction imbalance and horde oriented story must die
you still get mounts adn toys for reps, but onyl at 0,01% or less chance per 10k rep after exalted
Im sure youd love to have the horde story, leaders going crazy/insane multiple times, soon having to to raid own captial again and kill your faction leader again.
and whatever you do is callled evil
… I forgot … in addition to what I listed above, there is one abominable thing that has ruined this game even more … WarMode … I want my PVP server back, not this carebear fest of pve peaple that switch the button in the name of the MINMAX god, farm a flightmaster for 5 min, then teleport away to switch it back and take the prize never to be seen again till next week … bahhhh
At least make sure you can choose Warmodality only once a week … so if you want the toy then you’re there …
As if the introduction of flight and sharding were not enough to ruin wpvp …
And in some threads you can also read about joining factions … go on like this blizzard kill the dying horse …
PS: and everyone lived happily ever after with marmots that made chocolate … classic can never be to soon ™
Titanforging + random gem slots
Time gating
rep only with dailies (let me grind that crap ffs)
Artefact power. Please, just feck off with that.
Horde vs alliance story bollox. just stop wasting our time, we are going to work together in the end anyway. Just kill the conflict off, so we can turn our attention to some actual problems.
Nooo… the Alliance are treacherous swine, to be treated as such. I have something “for the Alliance”: sharp and pointy.
Artifact Power. It just takes too much time on a daily basis to collect it.
Benthic Gear
Yes please bring those times back, also pvp vendors.
this is pure bs
even in classic you can put on a raid and farm players… i mean… this is what Wpvp always has been, going around with your squad