What do you wish NOT to see back in 9.0?

In a nutshell: I’d like to see the removal of these small in-game timers that gives s bonus reward. First BG of the day, daily quests that give LARGE amounts of reputation, first arena game of the day, etc.

That means weekly chests, mission tables, rep grinds that cannot be completed past a certain point, world quests and dailies beyond which no further reputation can be gained, etc.

I don’t want this game to be like those phone games were you have to log in every couple of hours or days in order to progress. I don’t want this to be a game where I get punished for playing a lot today and not a lot tomorrow, or for not logging in with my cell phone every 6 hours, and so on.

Systems like this make Titanforging and random loot so much worse. Often it’s a chest with 1 of 400+ items within it, and only a few of them are something you actually want, and you only get one chance a week? For real? Titanforging also makes the list regardless.


titanforging and warforging.

It’s a mechanic that COULD have been a decent addition.

Blizzard failed at it badly. so it’s better to be gone completely.


I don’t want to bug you but… you’ve aggro’ed Tahra to this thread, now tank it.


I wonder why they are not on this thread yet, because a lot of players have suggested to get rid of TF and WF
I also agree with them… get rid of it or limit it to +10 max
I also want ML back
and please get rid of time gating

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Titanforging should be removed.
The mission table should be removed.
The GCD or at least a large portion of abilities that are on it should be removed.
The Mythic Plus chest should be removed.
Timegating in its current form should be removed, at least with the story in mind. Nazjatar had precious little and they even delay you to make you feel like it lasts longer.
War Mode should be removed unless they introduce a dynamic system. It just doesn’t work out the way it is now.

Oh, and less class pruning and for them to add more innovative abilities back to each class.


The usual suspects:

  • Scaled leveling: it was a good idea and I have to admit it looked like a good thing, but at the end it just reveals the truth behind leveling: everything is %-based. I am no stronger than i was the last level more or less. Essentially leveling IS doing the same thing over and over again, but at least it felt more rewarding knowing that you would be stronger than the mobs. Static health > scaled health.

  • Scaled damage: it is very noticeable that there are ilvls that “boost” your damage and healing a lot more. My DH was at 398 ilvl (previous patch) doing SIGNIFICANTLY less damage than at ilvl 402. And it wasn’t a trinket upgrade or azerite upgrade. Why wasnt the same significance when I was ilvl 407? Remove this and start making item stats actual true.

  • Titanforging: Just remove it fml. Stop making WQ trinkets BiS only because the forging exists. It’s a boring system and I miss REAL bis lists for specs. I want to know what I need to farm in iftar to gain character progression (I know, those two words might be a bit unfamiliar in an MMORPG… R… P… G…).

  • Free ilvl from basic content: I stopped raiding and m+ (on a more serious level) so i can fully agree that I don’t need raiding heroic ilvl from a warfront where I can just afk in. I geniunely don’t need it and neither does other players who dont raid or dont do m+. Stop with this please.

  1. If they want to leave rep grind, ok, but dont gate it and give more sources to grind it. (why there are no missions for new reps in mission table like wtf)
  2. Layers of randomness must go. Dont want to see random upon random on top of random…
  3. Don’t want to see useless talents, essences, traits. Whats the point of all those traits and talents if there are like 2 best combinations at most (usually one).
  4. Generic, reskined, recolored mounts. Like why even waste time on those. Make less new mounts, but at least make them cool. Same goes for generic armor sets. Give us back class armor sets.
  5. Don’t want to level fast. Make it longer, spread content through all levels.

Oh, and am I the only one who doesn’t want another artifact system? The Legion artifacts were fine towards the end of their life-span even if it had some flaws as well, but the HOA just completely blows and not even essences redeem it.


The only thing I’d really hate to see is Titanforging. I don’t need to get a item just to think “it’s not titanforged +25, still not BiS”


I don’t want another HOA, but the artifact weapon was really good, so if they do that again, please do the artifact weapon not a HOA/glyphs system…


Well lets be honest Azerite traits system could be good thing, if all those traits were locked in neck, not armor. Basically if it would be like extra talent system which you can power up and setup for your needs (kinda like essences now but with traits). But somehow they decided that putting that in armor and making it kinda complicated was good idea…

There are many things that got removed through out wow history.
I rather abstain and go for “what you wish to see” list.

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Probably just interesting classes to be honest. We don’t need to go back to MoP’s class design, but just give us some interesting abilities again that maybe have synergy with others. Everything is so straightforward right now.

All of this + undoing some of the pruning from WoD to BFA.

And this

I don’t see that little gnome here. hidden boss maybe?


I actually prefer hoa to artifact wep. Artifact wep involved no real choices because eventually you had it all. This became really apparent at Argus.

I know there are obvious “bi’s” setups for hoa for classes, but having to make a choice about what I want gives some flexibility to try out off the bat stuff or discover effective combos for certain dungeons. Same for azerite armour. Comparatively the artifact weapon was just a long path where you decided which route you’d go but you always had the same journey as everyone else in the end.

I’d mix these systems and have the weapon scale with ap and you choose traits for it. So only one piece with traits, but make each trait more powerful. The weapon Would unlock prime, major and minor sockets at certain ap levels with a few of the minor sockets available right away.
The prime and major socket is where essences go for similar to major and minor now. The minor sockets would be where you put new items, and these items unlock certain rings of traits, so rather than farm for gear for traits, you have these items which like essences would not decay, and you can select them at will once you’ve unlocked them.
You’d have a minor socket for each ring other than the plus level one atm, so it’d be one prime socket, two major and 4 minor.

As the items are linked to class specific weps, instead of generic azerite traits they’d all be class specific but one or two traits each ring (or all in middle rings) are generic and usable by all specs and could buff abilities used by all specs.

Things I don’t want to see return:

  • Ability pruning (we’ve lost so much, start giving us things back or stop pruning for good)
  • Titanforging
  • Weekly chests
  • RNG gem slots
  • Level/iLevel scaling
  • Pathfinder (Just let us buy flying again and design zones around it like you did for the majority of the expansions)
  • Rep grinds for allied races (just have the unlock be a questline at max level)
  • Pretty much all of the GCD changes made in BFA
  • Story questlines locked behind rep grinds
  • Sharding

What I want to see:

  • PvP vendors
  • PvE gear having no relevancy in PvP (the PvP profiles in Legion were a good idea executed poorly, ideally everyone should get a starter PvP set that you can only use in PvP environments and you develop that set over time by doing PvP content)
  • Talent tree systems (yeah yeah I know, cookie cutter builds and such, but one thing I loved about the talent trees and by extension the Artefact trees was the visual impression of becoming stronger and having something to work towards)
  • Tier sets
  • Glyphs
  • ‘Bring the class not the player’ approach to class design (give every class their own unique utilities to bring the the raid/dungeon, give Rogues the chance to utilise their lockpicking skills on something other than lockboxes or maybe allow them to pickpocket keys from certain NPCs to open alternate routes for example, make it feel more like an MMORPG than just an MMO)
  • Just removal of the quest table
  • removal scenarios e.g warfront, island to be removed. Terrible content
  • Another neck, weapon etc which we have to continuously grind level on for power/traits/passives/actives
  • Raid finder, heroic/normal dungeon queue. Queues of any kind basically

Nooo, it’s just “Entitling” affix is not present this week, wait till tommorow.

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What I want to see gone:

  • Every systems change made since Mists.
  • Plus CRZ and sharding.
  • And roll back to Cata or even Wrath for specs and talents.

Except M+. So many people like M+ that it needs to stay.

Oh, and storage. They can keep the AOE looting, transmog learning, bigger bags, crafting bank.