What exactly is *meme'ing* in WoW

For me, memes are memes.
A discussion about, meme’ing in the outside world, and meme’ing in WoW.


Aren’t it warcraft referred memes?

This is just a thread where image privilege posters get to flex!

Avocado = tears of Ysera!


Wait no, not what i mean, legit what is meme’ing reffered to in WoW?

I assume it just referts to people simply using memes to communicate be it good or bad.

Its not? I might be getting the wrong end of the stick here, but do you mean what do people in Azeroth refer to Memes as?

Sorry :blush:


Well, when they refer to “I hate it when people meme in wow” kinda stuff.
if its

what people hate, i think its kinda stupid that they do (with the exception when they troll). xD

First time I heard meme used as a verb was on one of the Method world first streams when a caster said (referring to people in the chat) “they’re just memeing at you”, in which “memeing” seemed to be synonymous with “joking”. Seemed odd to me, as I’d always thought it had to be about funny pictures with captions. But then I’m over 30, so what do I know about kids these days and their newfangled language?


Exactly the same here! Thats exactly what it is outside of WoW.

I think phrases become memes too, like “morally grey” and “don’t you guys have phones” became WoW (blizzard) memes because the context of them was so ridiculous so we all poke fun at them and use them as jokey/sarcastic responses to stuff now.

I’m also over 30 so feel as lost as you :rofl:

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I think all us in the «ok boomer» target group are a bit confused at times :joy: (ok boomer is a meme by now right?)


Can you provide a definition? I’m completely serious on this one.
As far as I’m aware of, ‘memes’ are suppose to be funny or relatable imagines from culturally known characters.

I don’t understand the culture of ‘memeing’ because I don’t understand ‘memes’. If their purpose is to be funny …I just don’t find the amusement, probably is due to my bad sense of humor.

in my opinion the most annoying one yeah xD and im not a boomer, i see people only using it to evade a debate. XD

Ah, gotcha. Well, depends, I mean I see you are on Argent Dawn, so on a roleplay realm, someone referring to memes is just fourth wall breaking, and not playing a role properly. Memes as a concept will exist, but not called Memes, and not in replacement of actual language.

In our world we have had Memes since the time of the Classical Greeks, on a low key way, before the ‘Kilroy was ere’ meme started in the 1900’s. Used to be you couldn’t go anywhere without seeing it graffitied on a wall. The thing is, like modern memes, it didn’t actually -mean- anything, or even convey any information, and it isn’t a lasting testimony, as unlike the aforementioned Kilroy meme which lasted for decades, memes these days are like mayflies, massive one minute, forgotten the next.

Probably because they transmit quicker via the internet. Something Azeroth doesn’t have.

As with many perfectly functioning words, they can be hijacked and misused “Literally” gets my goat…“It was so funny, I literally died!” “What, we’re communicating from beyond the Grave now? I mean you actually died? You didn’t just die laughing, you -literally- died?”

Nowadays the word Literally has been hijacked to mean its actual opposite, as in something that did -not- actually happen, as opposed to what it does mean, which is something that did indeed happen.

Sounds like on that stream they were using the word ‘meme’ incorrectly as well. you can’t -meme- somebody. That makes no sense! You can turn them into a Meme, you can post a Meme at them, but you can’t Meme them.

And don’t get me started on ‘Edgy’ or ‘Cringe’. Far too many people use those words without a damned clue what they are saying.

But yeah, using memes is just low effort response, same as emoji’s when not used as a signifier at the end of an actual written or typed answer.

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I didnt think a was a boomer, but i’ve learnt from Brigante that i am the echo boomer generation (millennials/gen y) :sweat_smile:

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yes that is my definition of memes aswell.
but some folks in WoW ( i dont know their definition, which is what i’m trying to figure out), on RP servers ive seen, people hate it alooot.

aaah lol XD

Where’s MY privilege?! I used to have 10+k posts! :frowning:

Can goldshire inn be a wow meme? :thinking: