What exactly is *meme'ing* in WoW

Hey, at least they say nice things about Echo Boomers, as Generation X the social demographic studies just constantly bang on about us being disenfranchised, nihilistic and sceptical,

I remain, of course…sceptical of these studies…


What is this thread about? I am confused. Is original first post removed or something?

What’s wrong to be a boomer? :thinking:

Nope, they are just wondering what memes in wow are compared to regular internet memes.

aaah Gotcha!

well yeah, but some are funny in the right situation, thats where it counts xD

Nothing at all :hugs: just kids thinking they are cool when they call us boomers cause they dont have any other argument to come up with :wink:


Ok boomer :joy:

Curse you! Foul Fiend!

I’d lose my privileges if i had to post a GS meme here xD

See? :hugs: I think i’m supposed to be offended but i’m too old to care :joy:


I’d lose my sanity if I had to post a GS meme here…

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WoW MeMe ?


This made me chuckle actually.

Just kiddin’! :smile:. Btw I’m much more than boomer :sweat_smile:

Hehe, didnt really take it serious either :hugs:

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Yikes! I give up. :flushed:

Ahh… well… aren’t they same thing than everywhere else?

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I would post some wow memes but alas I don’t have gif privleges sadly and I know this thread wasn’t for gif flexing but it does feel that way a bit.

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you can post links so we can post them for you?

I knew goldshire was a meme! :partying_face::joy: (tbh i dont even quite know what a meme is)