What exactly is *meme'ing* in WoW

Please tell me I’m a boomer cause I feel like one, but I have a feeling I don’t get to be one being born in 94

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Could the 20 yr olds please stop talking as if you were ol’timers. You guys are depressing me :unamused: :laughing:


Really? That’s very interesting… Spends afternoon googling the history of memes


Oh but u do :hugs:

Researchers and popular media use the early 1980s as starting birth years and the mid-1990s to early 2000s as ending birth years, with 1981 to 1996 a widely accepted definition.

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Will I ever get rights to post images? Been on forums long time. I’ve been good!

hope this helps :slight_smile:
Its to get to Trust Level 3

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I never even considered looking up Warcraft memes before, but after a quick research, I find this one funny

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Youre my favorite person right now

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You dont look a day over 21!


Ah thanks, I guess I have to write more useful/interesting replies is the issue :slight_smile:

Times have changed


Naaah any reply works great, got mine in 50 days, likes are easy to get, for getting to " read" 20k posts was the longest. xD

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So did I, so did i xD

Think the «hard» part is reading all the posts and keep up the «forum grind», cause if u go away and dont have all requirements within last 50 days or something u loose your trustlevel again.


Well, I guess I’ll get it if I deserve it hehe!

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I have spent entirely too long looking at this and laughing at “@bigpvpness” - I may be old(er) but I don’t have to be mature!


Hahahhahahha XD didnt even realize xD now thats good XD


Yeah i didnt do anything special to get it, i just hang around the forums alot :laughing:

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