What guilds/communities cater to Light based rp on Horde?

Okay so the PCU are determined to derail this thread.


So I realised I had gone way too far in my comments in a fit of anger, I had blurred OOC and IC and that I needed to step away. I did so. I then went and got therapy, touched some grass and yeah. I’m not quite ready to make a full come back yet but I have some ideas bouncing around in my skull currently for RP.

But it doesn’t matter because the PCU will assume usurp the role of the victim here. They won’t get what they desire from me plain and simple. I went and did something about my anger problems, it’s behind me.

Now I realise this will get down voted to hell and reported blah blah same playbook by the same people who think they own the forums. I really do not care about that.

So yeah, thread derailed. Good job!


Touch some more cus I’m not getting a single genuine vibe from your post.

PS. I’m not PCU.


Your perogative, I really don’t care.

Have a good one.

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As much as it sucks to have a thread derailed over the past, don’t try to hide you got on alts to try and derail other threads because they were made by a pcu member while spread toxicity.


Do you need to poke and prod this person every single time they make a post? that is bullying imo lol, and no I dont condone what they have done, never would, just dont see the need to constantly prod and poke them for a reaction anytime they pop their head up

Didnt threaten anyone, threatening would be what other people did before when they went on a plane from amsterdam to try and intimidate a player irl for leaving their guild, thats threatening, telling people who was desperately trying to defend the right to bully people online the location of a irl gym isnt a threat, but nice reach

My mechagnome has a similar stance on light - and it is amusing to RP

The Spark of Ingenuity & the Light are perceived to be the same thing, and since Light is mainly manifested through the individual’s willpower, this “Spark” is somewhat of a deity.

It’s not the most canonical theme so I try keep it light (pun partially intended.)
It’d be easier for an Orc or a shamanic people to do so, as we have Sunwalkers utilising sunfire through the in game format of a paladin.


Lol tbh I havent really fully fleshed it out yet, the whole idea of an orc being raised by a Human Paladin somewhere in EK I feel may be a bit sketchy, outside of Thrall I cant think of a situation, I wanna do it because I feel it’ll be fun/quirky for the hour or so he survives but I also kinda dont wanna make too jokey a char that wouldnt even realistically be a thing

Ghormisa was raised by a Human shortly after the end of the second war after she was smuggled out of the camps just before the lethargy set in. She was very young and went to hide in the woods along the SW mountains of Hillsbrad, was found by an older man out fox hunting who did not believe a child should suffer for the sins of her parents. In secret she was raised, given a basic education, taught to fight and given faith. She tried to as much information about the original 5 Paladins and the Order of the Silver Hand. Come Lordaeron’s fall she joined the Argent Dawn as her adoptive Father managed to escape to Stormwind but she could not join him. From the Dawn to the Crusade and here we are.

Not complicated, highly unlikely but not impossible.

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I might use the Argent angle to kinda justify it, but I’m still sketchy on it, it is designed to be abit of a comical/fun char but I also dont want it to fly in the face of whats realistic

It’s not unrealistic but it is HIGHLY improbable but not impossible.

I think Mag’har converts from alt-Draenor are more interesting and more likely than Human-raised Orcs. Additionally they have to deal with their kin aggro’ing if they find out they ‘abandoned’ their shamanic traditions.

I think past cringe has tainted the trope of alternate-race-parents even in a world so diverse it is entirely plausible.

On the contrary; like I mentioned Sunwalkers prior, I feel that tradition easier to pass onto other Horde races instead of Alliance race to Horde race.

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Don’t worry. I will pass on the teachings wisdom and the blessing of the great Eternal Sun and its Light :tm: to all these Horde allies

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Yeah good point, Im more going for some jokey char as most of my chars are pretty serious, I just wanna find the right justification for why this Orc would be this way and I dont mind him getting killed off, would be abit of fun for a few people for an hour sometime in the evening, I some times make throw away alts like that, made an Orcish assassin not long ago for the pure reason of providing others someone to arrest and execute n fight for an hour, boredom I guess lol



My orc priest was a preacher from Outland, he saw the power of the Naaru after ending up a refugee in Lower City and converted to the Light.


Some solid concepts for light worshipping Orcs, suddenly my alt doesnt feel like such a ridiculous impossibility of a concept lol

While I commend you if this is true, I have to say that responding to Blackfathoms the way you did here:

Doesn’t strike me as somebody trying to be apologetic or having gone and touched grass. The reason people keep bringing it up - and the reason why I personally made the remark I did - was because it’s not something I’ve ever seen you apologise for. What you did is pretty messed up and you’re playing it off as if it’s just a teehee quirky xD moment.

I’m sorry but being horrible to other people and wishing them bodily harm and then wondering why those same people aren’t all too eager towards you doesn’t make you the victim - it makes you somebody who acted badly and refuses to own their mistake.
I do hope your anger issues are behind you and that you are doing better, but let’s not act as if an apology is unjust or unreasonable to expect.

The more you run from something, the more it’s going to be addressed. And while not everyone is going to accept an apology if it’s put out there, even fewer are going to buy into this delusional pity-party that you have going on here.

I’m sorry if I’m coming off as harsh but how hard is it to say “I’m sorry I said those things”?


omg how dare you you bully?!


Glad I’m not the only one who thinks this.