What guilds/communities cater to Light based rp on Horde?

Mental health isn’t an excuse to act like a donkey. In my angriest moments I was pretty dour on the PCU in private, seeing events in Stormwind as an ego trip for an individual who slapped his name on the entire thing, finding it disheartening to see it so popular and refusing to personally engage with it. And for that, I’m sorry, I learned and I’ve grown to enjoy myself in these guilds and recognise that it’s not just one man’s vanity project.

Oh and I didn’t tell anyone to commit die in the process. Which Ghormissa has done. And still won’t own up to it.

Mental health is not a shield from criticism.



Mental health is NOT an excuse!


You´ve still not said what heinous crimes we commited.

Because what you did is something that would get you removed from any decent community. Do you really think saying “I acknowledge I did what I did” will make everyone OK with it?
And I think it´s entirely reasonable to inform the community about what kind of a toxic and despicable player they´re dealing with, especially in a thread they started where they are asking about guilds/communities that fit their RP theme.


Not everyone is wired the same, I usually assume its the place of those who arent that way to be more understanding of those who are, but I agree, its not an -exscuse- for saying such things, a reason and exscuse are different things, but I wont debate you on that, I agree, such things even someone with mental health issues can apologise for, my brother has severe mental health issues, but he’ll still apologise when its clear he’s in the wrong.


Mental health or not;
Don’t project onto public stuff & lash out.

Furthermore, if you do something wrong, bloody say sorry and work on your flaws.


Your crime is that you and the majority of your members want to RP.

How fudging dare you. Roleplay? On MY RP server? I think not.


In front of my salad?


It’s honestly DISGUSTING, isn’t it?

My wife and my kids have all been wronged by the PCU. They wanted to raid but all they got was RP </3


Not gonna lie, reading the latest replies feel like I’ve taken crazy pills.

“oh… OP’s a victim”

Bruh, OP told a whole community they hope they all die multiple times, I don’t think anything really compares to that?

Instead of telling you to commit-not-living-irl - I’ll do the complete opposite and tell you:

“Get a life, dork!”

I couldn’t find one on eBay.


i know you’re all like in kind of a thing here but is this Guild still around and what’s their name I like the sound of it

Try Facebook Marketplace hun. Hope the kids are well xxx


I was not sure if I should get involved in this thread, and I am still not sure if I should, but, ohwell.

The thing is, I’ve known Ghormisa for a while now, and we’ve roleplayed together, both on Ghorm and other alts. To me she’s always been an okay rp’er, and okay to me as a person too, even if I do not speak to her that much these days.

While I do not and never will condone telling people they should be offed in front of their families over a videogame, I can only wonder what happened to drive someone to even say such a thing in the first place.


You’ve brought up a few times that you’ve gone to therapy and that you realized you did bad, but you also use it as a shield for criticism from what I’ve seen.

I’ve not really seen you properly own up to your behavior and apologizing. Instead you’ve jumped in on random threads calling people cultists, brainwashed, right-wing etc etc and when called out on your own behavior you just retorted with “But I went to therapy!”

Actually apologizing for the wrong you did and showing some genuine regret and reflection towards the people you did bad towards would probably be better.


Sometimes, people don’t show you who they really are, especially on the internet.

Don’t feel bad about it.

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Most likely nothing that excuses them to tell someone to end themselves, cus, y’know, that’s not something one should do, regardless.

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I haven’t been RPing in Eastern Kingdoms for months and I’ve spent the entirely of this month off the game so I am not 100% sure who is around these days.

My main point is that the concept is definitely able to be RP’d but as I mentioned, that’s hard with the current player count.

Brill is supposed to be revamped so perhaps there will be a new spark for Forsaken RP in general thus an easier time on light-focused/pro-calia/lordaeron themed Forsaken.

thats fair, im guessing you werent referring to a guild in specific then

also brill hype