To be fair zaralek was good until blizzard change how rares work
i still don’t understand why would they do such a thing
korthia was miles ahead wheen it comes to do somethign interesting
I found people in korthia farming rares in when ZM came out and i found them there even during Season 4
we can’t say that about ZC right now because patch is still current and people are gone
I have to admit I get the impression the people that enjoy levelling are the minority. Most see it as a means to an end.
However I think if they made a hardcore mode WoW many would see a challenge in that and try it.

I think the problem I have is that for these players the game starts with raiding, for me, that don’t do raiding, the other part of the game that was challenging and satisfying have been moved on to raiding and the rest of us have been left without a game that fills this criteria. A game that you could do at your own pace but still retained a challenging environment.
All in all, that means that players like myself that are unable to commit to raiding is left without a satisfying game.
I’ve recognised that and will be moving on. I think I clung to a memory for far to long and I have to face it, that it is just a memory and it’s not coming back. Even the Classics have been infected by the new type of mindset among players and doesn’t compare with the original IMHO.
Great post and agree
So am I crazy or is Dragonflight just the M+ expansion? Feels like M+ has basically become borrowed power of Dragonflight. Where you farm M+ for vaults and crafting ingredients to increase in power. Want to help your guild progress on normal / heroic raiding difficulties? Well there is only a single choice to gain power outside of raids. Stressful speed running content in the form of m+. Also interesting. People kept crying about being ´´forced´´ to do World Quests. Being ´´forced´´ to do Isl…
I alrdy made a thread about this early in DF. Game is raid / M+ or die atm.
Also sad, because anyone who just does M+ at +2 or higher has, from a power perspective almost ZERO reason to engage with anything in the world.
I used to love the world content in Legion and BFA. Gave me something to do between the more stressful M+ / raid / PvP content. There is no reason for me to engage with any of it now though. So I either do M+ or raid or do nothing at all.

I found people in korthia farming rares in when ZM came out and i found them there even during Season 4
we can’t say that about ZC right now because patch is still current and people are gone

Do u also expect when u call a plumber cause ur sink is clogged that he checks the water pipes in ur entire house?
if theres i think theres problems with the pipes as well as the sink and the plumbers around… ill probably ask him to have a look
They managed to make legion so i am kinda expecting the same level of effort going forward.

Korthia redemption squad RISE UP!
Kinda enjoyed collecting the mounts and cosmetics from korthia when it became a little less crowded.

Korthia was fun to dabble around in, the fact it had sockets attached to it made it an abomination for those who’s only reason to go there was to acquire those sockets.

However I think if they made a hardcore mode WoW many would see a challenge in that and try it.
Why does everything has to turn into hardcore?

I have to admit I get the impression the people that enjoy levelling are the minority. Most see it as a means to an end.
Does the game not have World in the name anymore?
I really believe if it continues like this, is not the same game as Legion/Bfa and real casuals/solo are not welcomed unless they want to do +20s and mythic raid cause unless you are hardcore you don’t deserve anything good not even leveling.
Strange times…
Not everything has to be hardcore, nor is there any implication that everything should be.
I’m not sure what you think ‘world’ implies. WoW is a game. Not everyone likes to do the same things in WoW. That’s the great thing. There is no right way or wrong way to play it. So if someone is fed up with questing in the open world and have seen it all or if simply never had an interest in it then you can level other ways or do a mix.
Once you reach end game you have a wide selection of activities you can do. Not everyone will want to do them all. Some love PvP, others Raids, some like M plus, some like open world content like WQs and events. Some like to RP, some just want to raid log. Others will endlessly level characters. Some like to collect and will build up vast collections of toys, mounts, transmog, achievements etc.
Personally I am bored of levelling. I have 60 chars plus all the ones I’ve deleted over time. Most of which are level 50-70. I have seen every quest, done every storyline many many times. There is nothing fun about levelling for me. It is just what I have to do to get to what I have fun doing. People are all different.
Legion would have been fine if it didn’t have the grind for AP, BfA continued the make you play metrics. I never want to see a system like that again. You log into the game and before you could do any activity you actually enjoy you had to do a list of chores or your character fell behind in player power. DF is a breath of fresh air in that regard. I log in and enjoy my time in game.
No one has said there should only be M+20s and Mythic raiding, or that no one else is welcome. However equally you’re not going to get the same rewards for doing open world quests as you will do for doing challenging content. That’s only fair. I don’t need the same gear on my alts as my main. They mainly do open world stuff and the odd LFR.

Legion would have been fine if it didn’t have the grind for AP, BfA continued
We are very different and as you are advocating for what you want and like so am I.
I liked those systems btw,I had something to do,now there is only 1 day a week,it s boring.
You are not casual nor solo,you can’t understand.
So back to leveling,I for one liked it,I don’t want to play a instanced game.
We see the players who like levelling sometimes. They’re called alt-o-holics when they don’t use boosts.
They are VERY rare though.
You don’t get to decide what I am or am not. I do play solo. I do casual content. I also raid, I also do M plus. One does not exclude one from the other.
And ofc everyone is just advocating their opinion, that’s how discussions work.
Lol I love that you call it Go-Go that’s so funny. I don’t like Go-Go either I think it’s a curse on humanity.
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