What if Haranirs become allied race

I am nearly certain they will become a allied race.

As someone who does roleplay and invests in the story I would say that blood elves, at the very least how they were introduced in TBC and how their story in TFT ended wasn’t as far of a stretch.

They were brutal man, their blood knight master (belf paladin) questline was to burn a church of the holy light full of paladins in stratholme of all places. Honestly I’m suprised that alliance even wanted them back after that.

Aesthetically I agree that from a first looks basis it looks off, but to me that just makes me appreciate the fact that it works narratively all the more.

In the end tho there’s as many perspectives as there’s people in this discussion, hopefully Blizzard manages to pick the least worst of all our collective ideas.

Yeah that was a bit of a letdown cause I was honestly a little bit hype for it cause it hits a lot of my favourite parts of the story in trolls elves and cosmic forces.

They have an identical rig to NElves, have vast NPC customisation (last time we saw this was for Vulpera), and will be a major part for the next section of the campaign.

They were also advertised on the TWW release trailer as 1 of the 3 major factions we’ll be introduced to (Earthen - which we have as an AL, Arathi - which are minor pointy/round ear customisations that have been leaked, and then Haranir - previously spelt Harronir)

I’d be hugely surprised if we don’t get them as a neutral/Alli race; I’m sure they take a bit longer to polish as they require unique Druid and Shaman totem models, which I’m positive they’ll have access to.

Not really, Vulpera came long into BfA. It was only due to data mining we assumed they would be an allied race at some point.
I hope they don’t become an allied race.

Less ‘races’ more customisations for existing ones.

as a vulpera myself I disagree. Nobody knew about us joining the ranks of Horde till we did.

This brings me to one player/streamer on YT few days ago. She was talking about this, very obsessedly i may add :sweat_smile:. She even showed what toys she was using to make her Draenei Shaman transform into NE :sweat_smile:.

But she bringed very good points, it’s really weird, that Night Elves cannot play Shaman. It makes no sense. They’re one of the most connected races to nature and elements.

is the milk still usable?

Y-yes… Very Fresh!

It could be an end of expansion pre order the next expansion for early access kinda thing. It wouldn’t surprise me

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I rather have Forest Trolls to be honest.

I was just reading some of their lore and i have a feeling we might not get them since they are super private, a cult like.

sadly I can´t link it but its on Warcraft wiki.

They already have that. It’s called elves. More specifically Night Elves. But it’s true most aren’t lore junkies anyway.

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now thinking about my comment i made, this is true.

If they aren’t playable by the end of the expansion, then they’re going to be a featured race for the next one.

Love the one quest in Suramar when all the elves are together and some have place troll masks around the place.

Odds are they will arrive at some point. Extra animations have been datamined that would indicate a new playable race. The same happened with vulpera.

Whilst we might not have seen much of them yet, we’ve still got the black blood story to deal with. They’ll probably feature in a future patch where they’ll be introduced at a race at the end. That’s my theory anyway.

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