What if RWF is completed before EU reset arrives?

Now I went back on my word of not watching the RWF, but only 50% back.

I won’t be watching Echo or Method due to their exploitation to try and get quicker prepared than Liquid and the other US/NA based guilds (shame on the EU guilds having to resort to cheating).

Anyway, I have this sneaky feeling that we’ll see Liquid or another US guild fully clear Nerub-ar Palace on Mythic before the EU guilds are finally able to log in after maintenance (hopefully it won’t be an extended maintenance like the US had).

Now, “IF” this happens, do you think we’ll see Blizzard make a change to the weekly reset/maintenance if the EU is excluded from possible future world firsts?

It’s a niche thing and doesn’t impact 99.9999999999999999% of the playerbase, but it is a moneymaker for Blizzard overall.

What are your thoughts & opinions?

Since servers reset at different times, they should to measure time from raid becoming available till the kill. :man_shrugging:

edit: actually no. There are hotfixes during the race, which means that fix must be applied 9 hours later on EU to mimic time distance, which means that EU player will be aware of that and can to have a nap until hotfix etc.

I think Blizzard will do nothing, they have never, and will never support RWF, otherwise the US wouldn’t have this advantage in the first place.

The officially mandated competitive parts of wow are mythic plus, and PVP, both of which are segregated by region.


They made a post announcement that the race was starting this week on the forums.

They clearly endorse it but wont sponsor it because its free advertisement for 0 cost.

You’re actually 100% accurate with that statement.

Highly unlikely

Idc about RWF really but at the same time I never understand why the mythic raid doesn’t open for all regions at the same time?

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Even if they finish before the reset arrives it doesn’t matter and never has. Have them play in equal gear at the same time on a tournament realm and it might actually mean anything.

Until then, RWF is irrelevant


One starts sooner, the other one start with know strat as it is all streamed so probably an easier time .

Also maybe some fixes during the way that actualy make certain fight easier .

It was never fair, never will be, unless blizz make it so on tournament realm or something.

But what i would like to know is, how far a “regular” person can get . Ofc it takes tons of skill a coordination and what not but do a rwf where people gear their toon like most of us do , do your delves, fill in with ome dung gear and do one run of HC raid , but not funnel , simply a one raid for your whole raid.

Then we will see how those guild will have 3-4 weeks long RWF

No matter how much I love more Liquid as eu player but there is something what Liquid always do… Get hardstuck on last bosses so no matter about eu reset will be equal at end.

True, I remember how Fyrakk went!

I think also Jailer went same they went to sleep Echo killed it and they just went afk 2 days something like that or I have mistaken.

I missed the Shadowlands RWF as I never played Shadowlands when it was released, as I took a huge break from WoW, a few months before the end of BfA and returned for DF release.

There have been numerous occasions where the 8 hour gap has made a difference, Blizzard has made it clear that they either can’t or won’t change it.

Obviously I hope EU wins because I think Echo are a better guild but at the end of the day, if US kill first and EU kill within 8 hours of that, there’s drama, people complain, and a few weeks later, nobody cares.

To rant a little on topic - the race for world first is a joke, they pour thousands of dollars of gold into it, buying all the heroic boes, buying players to do split runs and get paid shedloads by advertisers and sponsers.

The reason that this is always a two horse race is because no other guild (even if they could somehow make a roster that doesn’t immediately get their best players poached) could compete with the resources that these powerhouses have.

The RWF is a joke and so is the split reset time, but it’s probably never going to change.

No one forced Echo to cheat with rep and abuse it is like they think would get without penalty, like never happend before ingame lol

I really dont get it how people want qual global release for 2 different time zones.

I didn’t even realize that world firsts are that political on WoW. Then again, I don’t like watching Twitch or Streams, so it’s not really surprising I’m out of the loop.

I might be misunderstanding but if I’m not, you’re suggesting that Liquid would somehow clear the entire raid on Mythic for the first time in the 12-ish hour gap between NA an EU. If that’s what you’re suggesting, you’re seriously underestimating how insanely undertuned the raid would need to be for that to even be a remote possibility, and that’s assuming Liquid were somehow aware of it.

Emerald Nightmare was the fastest ever world first clear by the Russian guild Exorsus, and even that took 18 hours. They’d somehow have to make a raid even easier than that.

A race where some participants start 12 hours before the competition is laughable anyway. This is why it never means anything to me when Liquid or another NA guild wins.

Blizzard has shown that they can do world-wide releases of content, so there should be no problem opening mythic raids at the same time for everyone, for example on a Friday. NA would still have one extra day for farming stuff, but it would be a little fairer.

Or they just count the time from the respective server up to the successful kill of the end boss. Whoever needs the least amount of time wins.

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Same boat… its a who cares type of thing. lol

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Is it tho? People use this term slot nowadays for things that really aren’t