What is a lot of gold? - warband bank

hello. I read in the US forum that people had complained that the third tab (or was it above?) for the warband is expensive. So I wanted to ask, how much is a lot of gold?

this is how much the tabs supposedly cost:

  • The first tab costs 1,000 gold.
  • The second tab costs 25,000 gold.
  • The third tab costs 100,000 gold.
  • The fourth tab costs 500,000 gold.
  • The fifth tab costs 2,500,000 gold.


(i cant post at the US forum, because i have no character at that region)

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It’s a gold sink, they’re a permanent addition… though I do believe the last tab is waaaay to big a jump from the 4th cost.

As to your question, probably sitting on 2m would qualify as owning a lot of gold. Lots of people can casually accumulate 1m over a period… DF alone you could make 100k per week with 4 characters just doing them gold WQs.


If you wanted to post there you can but it takes a little effort, but not too much. Attach a US starter to your existing bnet. Log on your US starter account and level to 10. Hey presto you can post courtesy of your EU sub.

I will probably never buy the fifth tab. The fourth option is also expensive.

I don’t make gold in game and I can’t play the AH. So along with a huge number of players I’m just gold poor :dracthyr_hehe_animated:


For me everything which is close to or more then token cost.


Its too expensive and I have 10+ million gold

Oh, thank you, I’m glad you helped me. I’ll have to level up a character to level 10 when I have time.


This totally depends on how much you play and what you do while you play.

I think a million is relatively easy to maintain by just playing, questing, doing some world quests, selling junk on the AH, occasionally gathering stuff, etc. - provided you don’t need a ton of gold for buying mounts or pets, or investing heavily into professions and then not using them to make gold.

If you only do end game content and nothing else, you’ll probably have less gold than that, and if you focus on making gold you’ll have substantially more. It’s all relative. And if you really need (actually need, not an OCD-ly “I can unlock 5 tabs, so I can’t stop at 3!”) gold, there’s always the WoW Token.

As for the tabs, I think most people will get the first three tabs and stop there. It’ll already be more space than I need and I mostly want the convenience of having everything in one place.

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The cost of the last 2 tabs are quite high, i will most likely not buy those. I dont farm gold or do wq’s, mostly rely on just buying a token to keep me sustained through an expansion.


I’d be lucky if I ever get to unlock tab 3, I barely have 10k across my chars :sweat_smile:


Problem with those tab costs is that this was one of the “hyped” expansion features and now majority prob won’t even ever get the last 2 tabs.


The problem is when you buy 4 tabs, you spent a good part of that 1 million already :confused:

I have the gold for every tab, but i don’t think for those costs i am opening the 4th and 5th. I probably can manage very well with 3 tabs.

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About £60 worth of BNet balance that last tab…

Get a new Blizzard/Activation game or that last bank tab. It’s your choice.


Gotta promote those WoW Tokens.

Yeah, it’s absurdly expensive for what you get. It’s a pure gold sink and a money grabbing scheme.

Normal bank slots, guild bank slots, even Void Storage, none of it costs more than thousands of gold. So why should this?

It is what it is.


So 2 days into the prepatch, people are already complainig about not having the 2,5 million gold for the final warbank tab?

3 questions

  1. What do you have the other 4 slots filled with that you even need the 5th already? My money is on “nothing”

  2. Why do you personally feel that even lwhat are obviously concieved as long term goals must either be accomplished “NOW” or adjusted to make that achievable for you? Warbands are not ending with TWW release, or Midnight release, or even The last Titan release, if ever…

  3. Are you not aware that gold inflation exists? As others have said, 100k /week is already casually possiblke with 4 chars in DF, and in TWW gold income will once again rise… 3 months of actually playing the game for what is IIRC the second most costly gold-sink ever after the Longboi doesn´t seem unreasonabe by any stretch…

But sure, why not, I always complain about kickstarters not having reached the 2,5 million dollar stretch goals before they even launch, too, it makes me look “smart” :rofl:

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Each tab has 98 slots - so 3 tabs is still enary 300 slots.

The main use case for more than that IMO is the hardcore traders - for whom 3.5M gold is chicken feed.

Pretty sure Blizzard knows who their market it for this!

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The first 3 tabs are incredibly reasonably priced, I’d say I wished 4th cost like 200-300k and the last 500. But as it is its also fine. It’s a grind that you can just work towards. People like goals in MMOs and wow has been lacking these. For what is worth, it could potentially teach people how to make gold. I think it’s good.


I really think it depends on the player and what they do in game… For me 4th tab is okay, but I would really have to consider and feel the need to, if I was going to buy it… 5th for me is too expensive.

But, then we can also ask the question of… Why do we need all 5 slots for the Warband bank? Thats 490 slots…

I assume the Warband bank is beneficial for those, who typically have bank characters that play the AH, farm material etc. and for those people the 2.5m probably is worth it, to save the time of logging in and out…

For me? Well, I don’t even know what I would fill my 3 tabs with? M+ consumables would take maybe 10 slots if I really stacked them and went all in…

So yeah… 3 tabs for 126k is decent. Above that, I really think people want them, just because they do, and not because of necessity


To be fair, just buy only the first tab and use it. Play with a mindset to spent as less on things you can farm/craft yourself. Once 1 tab is not enough, you probably have enough to buy the 2nd tab. And so on. You will see that often you do not need all 5 tabs, unless you play a 50 characters and every character has profession as some make a lot of money early in an expansion that way. Think of the crafting cool downs and such. I play also older content, so I prob get 2 tabs, one for current and one for older. Eventually you will be able to buy all the tabs, as long as you try to only spent gold on things you can not farm.


So, the tabs are warband wide, right?
Shove around a few Gold between chars and I guess most people will be able to afford the third tab, depending on how many alts they actively play and how much gold they generate with them.
Most people in the real world outside of the forums probably stick around below 500k gold account wide, so three tabs probably is the most for most people.
I for example will end up sticking with two tabs as I actually never ever reached 100k gold account wide since Feb 2005 xD (I’m a bad example thought as I don’t do “easy daily/weekly money” content)

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