What is a lot of gold? - warband bank

Even tho I’m sitting on a ton of gold those tabs can stay locked for all I care. I’m like a dragon and I like sitting on my hoard of gold.


Just swipe that credit card and doooone.

I have 6 million currently, so my point of view on how expensive it is will be different than most. I can earn it easily, a million isn’t much to me as its easily replaced. But to most 100k can be a massive amount, and so most people won’t be happy as its huge sum to them.

It’s all subjective and depends on context.

I personally wouldn’t pay 100k for a bank tab. I don’t need the space, so I don’t think it’s worth that price.

But 100k for something I really want, I’d gladly pay. So yeah; it depends.


From the 3rd slot and up it’s way too expensive. They only do this to drive the token sales. Scumbags.


You can first wonder why you need so many slots. Maybe just open 1 and see it is already enough.


Imo the last two tabs are too expensive. I know for a fact I will never get the 2.5m one

I think I will carry on using my own guild bank


… as others have said the last 2 slots are quite expensive and will try one slot at a time to see if I really need to buy the next slot - if I get towards filling a slot will do a housekeeping activity to see if I really need to keep x item - and may be use the traditional bank slots.

To be fair, I have more than enough gold to buy the slots a few times over, however as someone mentioned above I also like to hoard it :grin: :moneybag:

Blizzard cmon?! Yall really dont give a F anymore bout WoW being P2W eh?
Yall are starting to make me regret the decision to buy this expansion…
Take down these prices to NON P2W levels so normal players can unlock them too; If this doesn’t happen before this expansion is over this will officially be my last ever WoW expansion (as someone who has played every xpac since original vanilla but yall have gone too far, straight up).

Also can I turn off seeing toons from servers in the Warband thing? Cuz right now its just a clutter and mess with way too many toons from too many servers that I NO LONGER care bout nor wish to see.
If this is not in the game yet please implement this before release!

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Currently on 37 mill and very few things to buy … There were days i could easily make up to 500k per day so playing for a long time and know the economy can earn you a lot of money .Same with real life.

So 2.5 mill is a lot for someone that play 3-4 hours per week …is even more for someone that just started the game … But for someone that spend some time farming/making money is nothing:D)

I will buy the first four tabs but I doubt I will buy the fifth any soon. I don’t think I’ve ever had over a million gold at any point on my account. Even unlocking 1-4 will leave me broke. I will either wait for the 5th to be cheaper or for the gold to inflate enough to buy it.

If Blizzard wanted it to be a gold sink, they have achieved it. If they wanted it to be accessible, then they didn’t. :slightly_smiling_face:

But to answer the question: to me at least, 1m gold is already a lot. For people who play the AH, the 5th tab will be probably pocket money.

True, it depends on player.
I never use ordinary bank, not even void storage, not even reagent bags or reagent bank slots. Simple bags are enough and I was active crafter in DF on 6 characters.

“Im rich so this isnt a problem” is NOT a solution for most players. Thanks for letting us know ur rich tho you’re so cool.


Laugh in solo.

a lot of gold is anything above 5million


learn to not horde crap, including your bags omg look at that mess… clean it up right now.

Just wondering, as I also have several crafters. How did you like maling over materials every time? Unless you bought your stuff from the AH. For me the big plus of the warband bank is that I can drop stuff in the bank from my gatherer and craft from it from another toon. If I see that some ore gets low, I log my miner, need herbs or leather, log that gatherer. I farm all the mats I need for crafting myself btw.

For now I think I’ll manage with just up to the 100k tab. Until I’ve put all my crafting materials and such into it I don’t really know how much space I really need. 100k I feel like is fine and 500k is still on the limit but 2.5million feels a bit excessive.

ill go for the first 2. too much expensive