What is a PCU?

The original topic is actually “what is a PCU” tho.

[pushes you into the school lockers]


Your trolling aside, I’m referring to my response to Wrall.

I think it’s reasonable to expect that, if you cast lazy aspersions against the sacred text of a religion, practitioners of that religion might choose to reply. All I’ve wanted to stress is that there’s no substantive point about gender in the Bible to be argued on the basis of “God is referred to with male pronouns.”


Isn’t there? I personally find it pretty telling when a religion refers to the creator of life and everything else as a “he”.

I mean, doesn’t the Bible also say God loves everyone equally?

I admit I’m not religious and the only experience I have with religion is having to learn about it in School so I could be wrong and I’m willing to be corrected on that.


Telling of what? All you seem to do is make allusions and innuendos. If you’ve got a point to make, just say it rather than referring to it sideways as ‘telling.’


It heavily insinuates that male is above female and is thus the default, in my opinion.

In some of my relatives on my mother’s side (Barbados based), God (the Christian one) is often referred to as she. Its not unheard of to call God mother/Her.

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Really? That’s so interesting how religion gets influenced by and adapts to the region it is brought to.

In fact, Matthew 23:37-39 we see “Jerusalem, Jerusalem, you who kill the prophets and stone those sent to you, how often I have longed to gather your children together, as a hen gathers her chicks under her wings, and you were not willing."

Which is one of the clearly feminine characteristics of the God, and other descriptions of mother bear and mother eagle in other mentions.


at first i thought gabrindion was a funny guy with some meme posting

now he shared his view about non existant racism towards white people and also absolutely empty and limited view on the Bible and christianity

a shame


At this rate, we will go through more arcs in this thread than your average Shonen anime.

As an atheist, I much prefer a civil discussion of religion over whatever bile was boiling over the weekend. Not that this topic doesn’t risk turning into mess either.


Don’t start.

Seriously that’s not going to be of any help here.

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Personally I’m more Agnostic but I agree either way, would rather have a (civil) discussion over religion than the :poop:fest of the weekend we had.

dont do this guys

Whatever will I do without the approval of the forum’s #1 bile spewer.

alright its time to pack it up because I dont think arguing religion suits you. here we see youre back at square one and making no progress. i get you try to be a funny guy on the forums and make everyone laugh but i think Trevor was right for once;

you really are coming off as an intellectual dwarf this time

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u have a habit of calling that many people

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