What is a PCU?

But statements about God in the masculine don’t say anything substantive about the human masculine or the human feminine.

The only reason we can use creaturely language about God is because of the analogy of being, the participation of created essences in God’s act of existence. But because of God’s infinity, as Lateran IV observes, “between Creator and creature no similitude can be expressed without implying a greater dissimilitude.” (Denzinger-Hünermann 806) To say God is a Father or to refer to him in the masculine communicates something meaningful about God by analogy with human fatherhood, but it cannot say God is a human father, since he is the supreme spirit. And it does not say anything meaningful about human fatherhood or masculinity, since the analogy of being is effectively unidirectional: we have no vision of the Creator’s essence, so we can’t reason from the Creator to the creature.

Masculine language about God has a certain privilege because it is the language used in much of the Bible, including in the prayer Our Lord himself instructed us to use when addressing the Father (Mt. 6:9-13). Since Christians believe the Bible is divinely inspired, God obviously means to communicate something about himself when the Bible refers to him in the masculine. But the Bible also uses feminine language to speak of God: Valteryl has pointed out one reading of Matthew 23, but the Wisdom literature also directly refers to God’s Holy Wisdom, chiefly read as referring to the Second Person of the Trinity, in the feminine. And the traditions of the Church also refer to God using feminine images: for example, the image of the mother pelican for Christ, or patristic readings of God as mother (eg. Clement of Alexandria, Paedagogus, 1.6). In other words, although God has primarily communicated himself to us in masculine language, and that’s why Christians usually refer to him as a ‘he’, there is also an important analogy with the human feminine.

All in all, human masculinity and femininity are rooted in the body. God “made [us] male and female” (Gen. 1:27), complementary to one another, and the greatest of all of his creations is a woman. There’s nothing in masculinity itself, or in its analogy with the divine attributes, to suggest its superiority to femininity.

I prescind of course from the fact that the Second Person of the Trinity became incarnate as a man. Regardless of that, and the analogy between human fatherhood (and motherhood) and the divine attributes, the divine nature is genderless, since God is a spirit.


youre very vague in a lot of your posts so i dont know what youre alluding to. you like to snip out quotes and do cool/funny one liner responses. I appreciate what youre trying to do but youd come off as a lot more confident and likable if you just made clear points and stated your arguments coherently

Its just some friendly advice

I’m - and quite clearly at that - saying that if you want to end an argument, don’t finish it with an insult.

I see where you’re coming from and I disagree. Let’s leave it at that.

Christian posting :heart_eyes:

I am sorely reminded of when I compared Moses to a Titan Keeper…


another one tagged and bagged

While I get that (massive) posts like Wrall’s can at times be quite tiresome to read.

It seems pretty juvenile to first say “gotcha”, then when Wrall explains why your gotcha was wrong because God is basicly both (or above it? Dunno, dumb as rocks myself). to then go “I getcha, I disagree, bye”.

Seems kinda weird tbf since you started this :person_shrugging:

[EDITED BY BLIZZARD: Callouts are not allowed in our forums]

When the irony hits…

Yes because telling people in the PCU to swallow poison makes the poster qualified to call out irony, and make you appear virtuous

Did Gabrindion become the new forumvillain or am I just not in on the joke rn.


He’s always been a cowardly alt poster

Alt edit: an intellectual dwarf

Rather hear it from someone whose viewpoint I actually care about ty

So basically, God is actually non-binary as God does not exist in the traditional binary of our gender constructs. :thinking:

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god exists how you want god to exist. you want a man-god? you got a man-god. you want a lady-god? girlboss it. non-binary? gaslight it. peter griffin? frickin shweet lois

I find them interesting.

This is the time in which I gloat. Warned you: don’t speak about this stuff on the forums. :man_shrugging:

I understand the desire to convey your set of beliefs but they’re better done in a respectful way towards the Other, and without looking condescending towards everyone who doesn’t fit in your imported dichotomy between good and evil.

We were made in god’s image (I think).
So they can look like any and all of us.


if thats so then my interpretation of god is an omnipotent kind benevolent buff tomboy gf

I dunno but he’s been posting weirdly for a while tbh.

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i’ll still take theological disagreements over general bigotry

not a fan of seeing blanket ‘im right ur wrong’ takes over nuanced topics either tbh