What is a PCU?

True enough.

Christ on a stick Galford,

When even I have to pause and agree with some of the pcu folk in this thread you have to know you’re wrong.

Just own upto your bigoted views, stop hiding behind your bs filled leaps of logic.


If you believe you’re an alien and use it as a means of fitting in, then that’s fundamentally flawed

Here, have a written like.

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Keep telling yourself that
 Oh wait, that isn’t reality, you should live in reality.

I mean, it was obvious when he started quoting Shapiro and all the other clichés with it.

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If you believe you’re an alien and use it as a means of fitting in

You’re really unmasking yourself here.

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Have you ever left the basement, like even for five minutes?

guy literally says the person is to blame for the action, not the tool, and the reaction is “so you’re defending the action?”

thats a gigantic reach


Ya’ll are typing way to fast for my liking. Can’t keep up :frowning:

I’m not I’ve explained myself in depth a hundred times over it’s obvious the blatant bias on the forums

nah let him keep digging his hole, he may hit Australia at some point.

Can someone explain the earlier linked

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HjM6nM-Y0Xs ?

I know the guilds but who are the human and gnomes?

Our nation has enough loons, cheers.


What did Australia ever do to deserve that?

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You’d be surprised how many of his kind there are in Australia.

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“Everyone who agrees with me is biased. I’m the only logical person here.” -says worlds most illogical manchild.

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if voice changers are deceptive and immoral just on their own, then by the same logic roleplaying is, too, and professional acting, or writing a story from a characters perspective

Yet I’m the one providing definitions and proper arguments without deviating from what’s been said

It’s all up in the thread read it

Or wearing make up, using fake tan, getting plastic surgery, wearing contact lenses

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