Acting is acting, because you know it’s acting
Having a stuffed nose.
So… The police are evil because they use voice changers on some instances to protect a victim? Damn bastards, they using an evil tool.
In all fairness if I lived in the US I would want to have guns, everyone else does why be on an unlevel playing field? I know everyone having guns isnt the solution buuut, until they are outlawed entirely? why bring fists to a gun fight?
yeah but the person is literally pretending to be someone else, who they aren’t.
when the acting ends, they’ll be back in reality, or whatever it was that you said about voicechangers
im literally going by your logic here
Gods forbid I ever told a white lie in guild chat about what I do for a living/who I live with/what education I have, because ‘DECEPTION’.
So being conservative is now a crime lol
So the problem was the PERSON being a damn creep, not the voice changer…
You dare advocate for a groomer? Evil!
Your only definition and argument has been nothing but alt-right transphobic comments and quotes from Ben Shapiro, literally one of the worlds most morally corrupt evil men.
You are as far attached from reality as you can be.
This whole argument really smacks of cis-male fearing the ‘evil transwomen’ will somehow deceive them into believing they’re “real women”, and the fact that Berach has yet to catch on to the implications of what they write is worrying.
Only someone so detached from reality could make a conclusion like that, but I am not surprised it came from HIM.
i mean, I stated earlier that he was using every transphobic cliché in the book.
oh here we go, time to use political leanings as a shield
whoops, almost forgot the “lmao” from that one, there we go
Not at all, but you are not bringing up conservative arguments, you are bringing up straight up alt-right arguments.
And people like that can go live in a dumpster.
Smells a bit GC.
You did, but then he kept writing D:
You’re absolutely vile.
Honest short answer? Still bad because it just continues to give an already corrupt group(NRA) more power.