What is a PCU?

Am I?

Insinuating that Vixi makes things up.

ok, now that’s messed up.
don’t use things like that against ppl, it’s a really mad thing to do.

regardless of the truth of that, swinging back with that kinda thing out of nowhere and hiding behind “oh is it because im (insert political leaning here)” is low

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You are geniuenly mentally unstable. I would say go get some help, but I’m not sure you deserve it.

(In ten characters)

You’re the one making stuff up mate.

dude stop, that’s really bad.

But literally nobody here does agree with you.

I get that, for me as a protective father/husband Id kinda just role with the rather selfish attitude of “My family means more to me than strangers and political ideas”, its selfish but f it, in a place like the US I wouldnt wanna take the chance of assuming Id never have some lunatic come to my house with a fire arm, I’d wanna be prepared for that possibility, and God forgive me, be in a position to kill them before they kill any of us.

Vixi you blow things out of proportion claiming that coad or whatever had sent death threats, let’s see proof

“It’s deception! It’ll confuse kids!”
Seeing TERFS/GCs saying the same about Drag, then I got sent this:

I’m not the one arguing that transpeople need therapy because some of them might feel uncomfortably with their own voice.

I’m not arguing that am I, perhaps you should read before you write

Bee memes. I’ve been summoned.

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You are.

You are a vile and pathetic excuse for a human being and I feel sorry for whoever crosses your bile-paved path, you absolute disgusting piece of work. We know you don’t have a shred of empathy or sympathy behind that thick skull of yours, but please, for the sake of all of us, utilise some of the tiny amount of sense you have and disengage now.


Anyways skip the comment and perhaps let’s look into your overblown accusations where you the only player has been picked out by coad or whatever and sent threats

I doubt it vixi

Humans can’t date gigantic honey bees…

By this logic, all of social media is evil and shouldn’t be used, Galford why are you here if social media is evil since predators use it?

You know, I was actually there for the one who told Vixi she probably abuses her children because she supports LGBTQ+ so i believe she has recieved Death threats.

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hold up those weren’t death threats but threats to call child protective services.