What is best way to collect golds

i left wow for 3 months and i just back. and want to collect golds for next game time what is fastest and easiest ways to collect gold?

Find a mailbox and /dance. Eventually people from all over the world will flock to you for a chance to get baptised in your sweat or plaster you all over their bedroom walls for a little excitement.

Orrrrrrrrrrr you could try professions/dailes/boe farming/etc.

Your call m8




Cybering in gold shire. Been paid a fortune to pretend i’m a naughty, refugee space goat girl.



Or try boosting people for their +10 key in a group. That fetches around 100k I think. Not sure how long it takes to get people to buy your boost though. And you’d better be good.

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Depends on your server prices. Fishing is not really good anymore on my server for example, fish prices dropped so low that the income of fishing is so little compared to gathering skills

You can keep a character logged out with skinning near hangmans point . If you encounter some multiboxxer maybe once or twice a week there you get an easy 5k leather per hour. Multiboxxers never skin their farm after all.

You can also join a mount farm group in bfa (take up tailoring while you do this + tool of the trade for much more cloth). Alot of trash and boes to vendor and the mounts fetch a nice sum of gold when they do drop

Sell boosts, but be prepared to get reported and muted because you will advertise this. People dont really like boost selling spams

The normal herbing+ mining makes nice gold as well

You can try to play the ah by buying things and reselling them for higher prices

You can flip mats as well. Buy decently priced leather/scales and tidespraylinnen. Turn it into wrists items. Disenchant the blue items and some of the green ones. Then scrap most of it. And use the scrapped trade good sto craft more. with the expulsum you get craft epics wich you disenchant or craft the follower mission items that can give trade goods on completing a mission. then use the mats you have to make some supply of enchants to sell and then sell the rest of the enchanting mats on the ah.

While they dont sell well on my server transmogs and pets from old raids seem to fetch some nice gold on certain servers as well

Spend less, farm and sell more. Best tip you will ever get, I’m telling you.


I can only give the tip of doing the island expedition weekly. For the chance of the 5k gold mission.

Thats a bad tip imo, in the time you have done like 4 heroics to do the weekly you easily could have earned more farming stuff in that time

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you promised you’d keep that secret… JEEZ CHOCOH

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Still got the school girl uniform transmog :wink:


Now I’m interested. Tell me more.

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  • Spend irl money into Shop to get token.
  • Sell token to get ingame gold

Well. I mostly do it for the mounts and transmog. A 5k is just the extra.

Boosting and AH flipping.

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Boosting. Get really good at the game and boost. Nothing comes close to boosting.

I made more than 100 million in Legion via raid and M+ boosting and around 20-30 mill so far in bfa

If there was a definate answer to what the best gold method is, everyone would be doing it.

There are multiple ways to bring in gold, and they are all pretty close in amounts of it. These methods are the most common:

  • Buy low, sell high.
  • Craft items with professions, that you know will sell: Potions, flasks, enchants etc. Currently crafted armor and weapons aren’t worth it.
  • If you know how to do it, boosting services are highly profitable- but it can be difficult to find the right buyer due to high competition.
  • Farm crafting materials (from old expansions): Herbs, ores, leathers or other items.

Made a correction.

hahahaha xD!

No. Gear is nothing for example in M+.
Im not talking about +10s or heroic raids.

Im talking about boosting atleast +15s where you need to know your sh*t.

4 manning dungeons on +15 and higher are more intense, especially on weeks where u have to deal with annoying affixes.

You need to know affixes, routes, abilities from trash and bosses in dungeons, etc.