What is going on with TimeWalking right now?

I just ran about 5 dungeons and people are getting one shot by various abilities, even an imp fireball took me out in 2 shots.

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tested scaling hits again, i assume.


Is there something they don’t fudge up these days? Seriously now?


It seems to me that they just apply random values to things and say ‘well, I hope that works’ I have noticed they buffed Delves once more today. I honestly don’t think they test anything.


TW used to be like that. A d the older ones, TBC, WOTLK etc were always much harder than the rest

Scaling is the root cause of all the issues players experience related to character power in both open world and instances. Scaling is a terribly lazy system that simply should not exist in a game of this kind since it completely destroys the very foundation of the game - character power progression.


The scaling is just borked. The mobs get mowed down in record time, but they also hit like trucks. Its Blizz not knowing how to scale the game properly.


Was to be expected I guess. How many times have they scaled, re-scaled, re-re-scaled, re-re-re-scaled etc etc… They always either go too far or not far enough.

Is BT borked as well?


I don’t do the TW raids, so I wouldn’t know, but I would imagine its in the same situation.

Preach, good sir!

I’ve written about this a couple of times today, and I’m going to write about it again - something is seriously broken with tanking in the Timewalking dungeons, because tanks are getting one-shot and… not exactly out of nowhere. Actually not only tanking, the whole scaling seems to be screwed up.

What’s weird is the fact that the same scaling allows dps players to practically melt the whole group of minions / enemies, but tanks can’t do much to protect themselves because that would require getting close to their enemies, which seems to be deadly.

It seems that as a tank you either need to be overhealed all the time or have a pocket-healer that takes care of you and you only.


Timewalking has been a bit problematic since the pre-patch. They increased item levels but didn’t scale our sync up so we’re essentially in like lvl 15 gear or something against lvl 30s. At the same time despite that black temple felt easy

BT is fine.

Well, actually, the damage is spikey, more than usual, but with a couple healers that spam group heals, it’s fine.

Ran 2 and tanked pull the entire dungeons and mobs die in seconds… gear ilvl 554 is trash aswell but given how easy they seem not sure what else they could do.

Your ilvl doesn’t matter in TW as everyone are scaled to the same ilvl. What can matter is if you have tier bonus, enchants, gems and consumable buffs and if you have items that are overpowered in TW.

As a tip, each boss in BT counts as a completed TW run for the weekly quest. Since most people will want to do BT for the champion drops and the heroic chest, there’s no strong reason to run the TW dungeons. One BT run takes care of it all.


Probably wonky scaling, that’s why I avoid timewalking early in an expansion.

Blizzard can’t balance for crap and I’m not running TW dungeons for a challenge. :dracthyr_shrug:

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I mean the drops are ilvl 554.

Where do you look for a group for that in the group finder? Which tab I mean :stuck_out_tongue:

Look in legacy raids, search black temple.