What is going on with TimeWalking right now?

Found it… spent longer trying to get a group than a dungeon would take so pass for me lol why isn’t it on LFR?

Last Legion TW before TWW come out.
It was harder for tank and healer after classes changed by pre-patch

The scaling is completely unbalanced; the bosses die in just a few hits and don’t do any damage. But a a fish in the water killed me in 3 hits. Hahaha

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What’s the term, “Testing in production”?

Most likely thing to have happened:

  1. They have a “default” template.
  2. They balance numbers with one single multiplicative global modifier so that the numbers line up with that template
  3. They then make 1000 iterations and balances on classes that they are no longer representative or even anywhere near that template.
  4. They release it to live.

It’s great I just got ashes of Alar from the Bt quest cache :star_struck::star_struck::star_struck:


Big gz!
What ilvl loot does that chest contain?

Whatever my ring is, 610

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I ran 5 Time running Dungeons this morning for the weekly and got one shotted in two of them. My ilevel is 590. I know it’s not a high score, bit as a plate wearer it is a bit odd it’s happening that often

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what ilvl do the bosses drop?

They drop 597

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Ye true they buffed tw back in days because people was complaining is faceroll.

Even in normal leveling LFG, the BC dungeons are wierdly tuned. Wolves completely oneshot, Imps in any dungeon nearly does too, some bosses does crazy damage as well, it has been like this since TWW release.

It is even worse in TW, which is always exiting when the tank rushes in to mass pull, expecting it to be like any leveling dungeon :sweat_smile:

I’m more annoyed about steady flight getting disabled after each tw dungeon.

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I know this is a game and not reality and bla bla bla …
But still I can´t ignore thinking about all these scalings going on.

I mean, several years ago we was fighting our enemies in a certain world.
We got experience, we improved, we all came further on our journey and we all got alot stronger. Then it was time to move on, for another adventures …

Then Blizz take us back (like time-walking) or me have to meet same enemies (like we seen in many expansions), but this scaling just make everything we done for … Nothing ? haha :slight_smile:

Scaling should not be a part of this game, if you not chose to go into some old stuff just for fun - then it would be okej, cause you chose to do it.
It is just the same when you lvl:ng up, every zone and every mob has just about the same strenght.

This just make everything kinda wierd and takes away the feeling of improving and getting stronger.
According to me, scaling and use old stuff is a lazy way to re-use stuff instead of work with all parts by it self, one by one.

The raid bosses do - the dungeon bosses only drop 554, once again not on par with hc dungeons.

Can someone from Blizzard explain why anybody should bother with TW dungeons in the first place!?

Just did a TW BT and it dropped a tanking trinket for me (more hp on use) :expressionless:

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Scaling the rootcause of all evil

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Is it just me or is the EXP gain from Timewalking Dungeons now nerfed? Because right now it feels a bit like a slog to use them for leveling.

I did one dungeon as healer and was like… wtf is going on here.
I need to do 4 more for the quest and I am reluctant to get into that bloody mess again.

It’s faster to complete it in TW raid.

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