What is going on with TimeWalking right now?

Which is why people should stop doing the 5 man dungeons and do more TW raids. BT drops are ilvl 597 and you get a second cache with an ilvl 60x item and either a pet or mount drop chance. TW dungeons have been completely useless for a couple of expansions now.


Which should be a mistake. TW used to give HC Gear so the Itemlevel you should get out should be 580

Spent 10mins waiting to get invites lol Iā€™ll pass on that.

Did 5 timewalking dungeons today.
I meanā€¦ Yes some stuff hurt, but everything goes down fast as well.

Mobs went down quick enough for me on my main, Paladin tank.

But some mobs hit quite hard and seem to be overtuned, but I donā€™t mass pull because I know the dungeonsā€¦for instance, the start of Mana Tombs, you have mobs that stun and mobs that reduce healing by 50%.

For the aforementioned, I did have to keep my Word of Glory and Lay on Hands at the ready, just to help the healer.

Blizzard evidently didnā€™t test this iteration of Timewalking at all.

Thereā€™s really no excuse for the scaling being this bad. 5 minutes of testing would have highlighted things were way off. This isnā€™t some nuanced, intricate, niche issue either. Itā€™s just flat out broken.

Iā€™m hopeful this gets addressed quickly because I love Timewalking ordinarily.

However, if this is going to be brushed under the carpet and become the new normal then Iā€™ll avoid it like the plague.